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Indybay Feature

Brand new condominiums sitting idle at Executive Park while 20 thousand more are planned.

by Francisco Da Costa
Hundreds of brand new condominiums sit vacant at Executive Park where UC San Francisco and other high ranking Corporation make their abode. Tucked in some false serenity and close to the State Park - not far away the Hunters Point Shipyard - spews its toxicity daily in large amounts. Brand new condominiums once for SALE - are now for rent and no one wants to rent them. But, of course San Francisco Planning would not know that. Nor would the SF Board of Supervisors and our stupid Mayor - Gavin Newsom.
University of California San Francisco have their offices spread all over San Francisco - but, some of their key operations are tucked among some false serenity at Executive Park - where next door the Ashton Complex with its brand new condominiums overlooking the Bay - are waiting to be sold - but there are NO buyers in this poor economy.

The buyers are not just there - and so now some of them are being rented - but, that too is not working. The signs of the times. I met some renters that came to inspect the units and felt they did not like what they saw and that is mostly what they said.Of course money was a problem and public transportation too.

Near by the Hunters Point Shipyard continue to spew toxicity into the air - besides the many radiological elements, methane gas, asbestos friables and the worst type of particulates from the many vehicles plying on Highway 101 and near by streets. Depleted Uranium was first tested at Hunters Point that most ignorant folks do not want to fathom as a fact - and less learn about.

It is here that LENNAR a Rogue Developer wants to focus its attention and build over 10,500 homes. Lennar as most of us know is a Rogue Developer that openly promised Vallejo and Mare Island in the Bay Area - to build 10,000 homes and after 10 years - had nothing to show.

Lennar declared bankruptcy and Vallejo followed suit. Today, Vallejo is a mess and so will be San Francisco.

The City and County of San Francisco is failing - we keeping throwing our good money away and taxing small business. Trying to reap off innocent tax payers - by squeezing every single drop - taxing this, that, and everything.

Thousands of straight families with children - have left San Francisco. They do not like what they see and we cannot blame them.

Over 100,000 dogs make their abode in San Francisco and we could easily estimate 400,000 feral cats - their owner mostly single folks that love their animals and love what San Francisco offers them on a platter. Dogs have more rights in San Francisco then do poor folks - or should I say poor human beings.

The City under Mayor Gavin Newsom is adamant about sponsoring Rogue Developers like the John Stewart Company and Lennar. Mayor Gavin Newsom is a moron and any one with some sense will tell you that.

What Gavin does best is his hair and spewing diatribe. His Gubernatorial Campaign says it all. Some of us followed him to San Diego and to Santa Barbara. Closer home to Oakland and Napa - and where ever we went - we heard LIES and more LIES. He wants to be something - but the idiot will not get anywhere.

It was the same two days ago at Hunters View. Gavin made so many promises and even while he was bragging people were protesting. Many told me - this man is a LIAR. Right now people that are hoping to move into new homes - are leaving in filthy condition with plumbing not working, Asbestos emitting from their old buildings affecting mostly Seniors and children that have been moved into apartments - that have NOT been abated that were previously left vacant for years.

There is no one Tenant Association worthy its salt at Hunters View.

The only one that is there - had its election rigged. The Mayor knows that, the SF Housing Authority knows that, Doug Shoemaker knows that - and now Fred Blackwell knows that. But, these guys will hear the TRUTH and then turn around and pretend that TRUTH - is not an important factor in Accountability and Transparency.

You cannot treat human beings like dirt now in the present - and promise them that in the future they will be treated decently. It simply does not work like that. Most of the tenants living at Hunters View have serious problems with their units - and not all live dirty but have to live with plumbing and other elements that are old and need replacement. The SF Housing Authority knows this - but looks the other way.

After making the present tenants suffer - including the many Polynesians - HOPE SF promises them HOPE in the future - when right now they are living in conditions that are despicable.

Why it is necessary to build thousands of homes on land that can be left as Open Space. Let us focus on cleaning the land. Abating it by removing toxic soil. We had a State Park some 43 acres - but LENNAR and Mayor Gavin Newsom chose to steal this land - some 23 acres. Most folks do not know this - and do not care.

Public Trust Land belongs to the people for recreation. Public Trust Land was never set aside for Development but the ignorant Bayview constituents - those not educate on issues and ignorant to the core - did not put up a Big Fight. Some went to Sacramento but did not speak up. Always, waiting on the side lines - always sitting on the fence to see with side of the ground is green.

The old Schlage Company is a Browns Field - it has the worst toxic elements one could possibly imagine. The watershed in the area surrounding the former factory that made locks - is contaminated. Right now much of the soil is contaminated - some say the toxic soil is removed - in reality it has been buried.

The Department of Toxic and Substances Control has my report on the site going to way back to 1998 and then again in the year 2000. This Department has a history of looking at things - and not following the rules. The did that at the old Pacific Gas and Electric Plant - where homes are planned just like the Schlage Property now bought by the SF Redevelopment Agency - where over 1200 units are planned.

Within hundred feet you have the rail line and all that noise and traffic.

Not far away is the Hunters Point Shipyard with all its toxicity.

Less then an eight of a mile the Brisbane Petroleum Tank and the millions of vehicles from Highway 101 and Old Bay Shore.

The particulates will not be kind to those that make their abode in this area - and the foolish ones that choose to live in the so called brand new homes. Do we have Quality of Life standards in District 10 under Sophie Maxwell and the evil designs she pushes?

What has she done for the poor? What has she done for those losing their homes to fore-closure? What has she done lately for anyone?

The Supervisor of the District Sophie Maxwell is on the take and has been on the take. From the beginning of her term - she has lined her pockets - made deals, pretending that she is working for the people. Her actions are being investigated and when the gavel is hit and the adjudication pronounced - it will be loud and clear.

The most Black consultants that have blood on their hands and making hay while the sun shines - will be adjudicated. I could name them, like I name the Black, Sell Out Pastors - aka Poverty Pimping Pastors (PPP) - that have been a scourge to the constituents and a shame to decency in the Bayview and beyond.

Over 20,000 units in the short run and over 30,000 in the long run - Lennar promises to build 10,500. At the Schlage property SFRA wants to build another 1200 units. More at Sunnydale and still more at Hunters Point and at Potrero Hill. Then more at the old PGE site and still more at India Basin where some Rogue Elements - have been given grants and are positioning themselves to make money.

It is all about money and GREED.

There are a few that are sounding the CLARION CALL but to listen to this plea - one has to be righteous.

Other groups like ACORN have come and gone. And new ones with pure leftist designs are taking roots - mostly exploiting the poor and pretending to do good.

When it comes to the poor - it is always about money and making deals with the DEVIL. I see it all the time.

There are others that focus - some call them semi-para-military whatever that means. These forces do not have the Bird's Eye View - no holistic picture - they focus on one of two elements - beat the horse to death, revive it - then beat it to death again - some how revive it for the umpteen time - and then expect you to be part of the charade. This nonsense will not survive the test of time and more decency.

The HOPE SF is planned to systematically remove all poor people and those that are of color. The Pacific Height Mafia, Developers with hidden agenda, have all carved out their share of the land and will soon embark on their projects.

One has just to read the preliminary HOPE SF report - it gives people from the affected area NO SAY at the table. Speaks of generalities. Blacks in the Bayview Hunters Point have permitted with their loud mouths to invite corrupt folks into their living rooms - and rearrange the furniture without their permission. Other groups have suffered because the Black leaders have failed miserably.

You can explain it to them - but, mostly they know it all - they are the ones that have decimated the area and the little good that remained the community. It is not uncommon to see the LIVING DEAD - hundreds of folks - hooked on drugs and wandering and hoping against hope - that something will fall from heaven and land close to them - to survive.

In the mean time in broad daylight - shooting and killings take place. Now, in recent months - innocent victims have been mugged, choked to near death, beaten and one 83 year old man Chinese man - died from his wounds and trauma.

Mayor Gavin Newsom takes no responsibility for such crimes - and says that crime is down in San Francisco. May be so. Wait till Summer announces itself - and you see the number of shootings and killings - galore.

Summer classes have been cut. The San Francisco Economy is the pits - the Stimulus Money is being spent to build prefabricated buildings to be placed on Parcel A - that is toxic and surrounded by the worst toxins.

Our SF Board of Supervisors approved placing the prefabricated building at a cost of $2.3 million - of Stimulus Money - a waste of money and all tax payers money. It is such actions that reveal the poor judgment of the SF Board of Supervisor under David Chiu and his side kick Sophie Maxwell who introduces the worst Resolutions and Ideas to be implemented in the Bayview Hunters Point.

The Progressives have fallen in the CESSPOOL and are drowning. Good riddance of bad rubbish:

Here are some photographs of Executive Park where hundreds of brand new units are vacant:

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy

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