San Francisco
San Francisco
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Indybay Feature

5,000 march in San Francisco on 7th anniversary of U.S. invasion of Iraq

by Chris Banks, Youth & Student ANSWER Coalition
More than 5,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of downtown San Francisco calling for an immediate end to the occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.
An antiwar demonstration took place on Saturday, March 20 marking the seventh anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. More than 5,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of downtown San Francisco calling for an immediate end to the occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.

In the Bay Area, the day of action was organized by the March 20 Coalition and initiated by the ANSWER Coalition–Act Now to Stop War and End Racism.

A high point of the day was the march passing by the boycotted Hilton Hilton Hotel in solidarity with UNITE-HERE Local 2 hotel workers who are fighting for a new contract and to preserve their health care benefits. Thousands of marchers joined in chanting “Boycott Hilton!” Opening and closing rallies were held at Civic Center Plaza, and the march was joined by strong contingents from the Transport Workers Union 250A (MUNI operators), Local 2 and other unions, faith-based organizations, students and teachers, and Latin America and Palestine solidarity activists.

by Chris Banks, Youth & Student ANSWER Coalition
by Chris Banks, Youth & Student ANSWER Coalition
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