To: The UCSC Community
From: Some UCSC Faculty (signatures below)
We write to object to CPEVC Kliger’s report issued on Thursday March 4 at 9:50 am regarding the demonstration.
It is true that the demonstration successfully stopped “business as usual” on the UCSC campus. While this may have represented an inconvenience for some, it perhaps bears repeating that no significant social change occurs without some inconvenience.
Many faculty participated in the campus closure, some for the entire day, starting early in the morning. A number of us who were present at the two main entrances and at key intersections throughout the day can say with confidence that metal pipes, clubs, and knives were nowhere to be seen.
Further, the many health care workers who arrived at the two entrances were allowed to enter campus with almost no delay. Indeed, the student organizers had created an orderly and respectful protocol for speaking with people in cars who were attempting to enter the campus. Testament to their understanding of the complexities of choosing to close campus, the strike organizers had made arrangements with Family Student Housing for easy and safe access and egress. Additionally, we did not witness anyone being prevented (by protesters) from leaving the campus.
The students organizing the campus closure also made arrangements for incident monitoring and witnessing. Several received training from the National Lawyer’s Guild; there were also NLG legal observers whose role it was to remain neutral and to document. We hope these observers will attest to the specifics of reported incidents.
Some of us witnessed drivers aggressively trying to break through lines of protesters, a dangerous reaction to peaceful protest that the administration has referred to as “road rage.”
To our knowledge, administrators from Student Affairs were nowhere to be found. Campus administrative leadership was also notably absent.
The event was an impressive example of the ability of our students to educate themselves and others about the state of the California budget and the increasing privatization and corporatization of the UC and public education in California generally. Further, the event demonstrated students’ capacity to build coalitions among various university groups and with other sectors of public education and organized labor, which were represented in the rallies on campus and in downtown Santa Cruz on Thursday.
We think that the administrative leadership of UCSC should recognize the students’ commitment to defend public education in calling attention to the ongoing crisis with a day of public action.
Jordi Aladro Professor, Literature
Mark Anderson Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Anjali Arondekar Associate Professor, Feminist Studies
Noriko Aso Assistant Professor, History
Gopal Balakrishnan Associate Professor, History of Consciousness
Karen Bassi Professor, Literature and Classics
Hunter Bivens Assistant Professor, Literature
Margaret Brose Professor Emerita, Literature
Giulia Centineo Lecturer, Languages
Alan Christy Associate Professor, History
Vilashini Cooppan Associate Professor, Literature
Cindy Cruz Assistant Professor, Education
Nathaniel Deutsch Professor, History and Literature
Timothy P. Duane Associate Professor, Environmental Studies
Dana Frank Professor, History
Carla Freccero Professor, Literature
Rosa-Linda Fregoso Professor, Latin American and Latino Studies
Ron Glass Associate Professor, Education
Deborah Gould Assistant Professor, Sociology
Chris Hables Gray Lecturer, Crown College
Herman Gray Professor, Sociology
Miriam Greenberg Assistant Professor, Sociology
Jody Greene Associate Professor, Literature
Kirsten Silva Gruesz Professor, Literature
Gildas Hamel SOE Lecturer, History
Donna Haraway Distinguished Professor, History of Consciousness
Christine Hong Assistant Professor, Literature
Emily Honig Professor, History
Sharon Kinoshita Professor, Literature
Norma Klahn Professor, Literature
Regina Langhout Assistant Professor, Psychology
H. Marshall Leicester Professor, Literature
Leslie Lopez Lecturer, Latin American and Latino Studies, Writing
Helene Moglen Professor Emerita, Literature
Juan Poblete Associate Professor, Literature & Provost, Kresge College
Eric Porter Professor, American Studies
Catherine Ramírez Associate Professor, American Studies
Renya Ramirez Associate Professor, American Studies
Craig Reinarman Professor, Sociology
Don Rothman Emeritus SOE Senior Lecturer, Writing
Danilyn Rutherford Associate Professor, Anthropology
Felicity Schaeffer-Grabiel Assistant Professor, Feminist Studies
Zack Schlesinger Professor, Physics
Vanita Seth Associate Professor, Politics
Deanna Shemek Professor, Literature & Provost, Cowell College
Dana Takagi Professor, Sociology
Richard Terdiman Professor, Literature
Megan Thomas Assistant Professor, Politics
Rob Wilson Professor, Literature
Karen Tei Yamashita Professor, Literature
The undersigned, though not present when these events took place, would like to add their names in support of this letter:
Christopher Connery Professor, Literature
Shelly Errington Professor, Anthropology
Barbara Epstein Professor, History of Consciousness
Susan Gillman Professor, Literature
Gail Hershatter Distinguished Professor, History
Robert Meister Professor of Social and Political Thought
March 4, 2010
To: UCSC Community
Fr: Campus Provost David Kliger
Re: Update on Campus Protest
Earlier this morning, protest activity at both campus entrances rendered our main campus inaccessible to vehicle traffic. Reports of protesters carrying clubs and knives, smashing a car windshield with a metal pipe, denying a resident of faculty/student housing the right to exit the campus, and keeping a campus health care worker from getting to work, escalated this morning’s protest into behavior that is disruptive, intimidating and destructive.
Behavior that degrades into violence, personal intimidation, and disrespect for the rights of others is reprehensible, and does nothing to aid efforts to restore funding to the university.
These actions should cease. University police, Student Affairs staff, and others are doing their best to manage this situation. In the meantime, we commend members of our community for their patience.
Please continue to check the campus website for updates.
Message from the Chancellor
As the campus returns to full operations, I want to acknowledge the toll yesterday’s protests took on the campus community and renew our commitment to the students we are here to serve.
Thousands of UCSC students, faculty, and staff were impacted by yesterday’s demonstrations, which were part of a national Day of Action in Support of Public Education. It was a difficult day for many, and I thank you for your patience and understanding.
Many people went to extraordinary efforts yesterday to fulfill myriad aspects of the university’s three-part mission of teaching, research, and public service. Under trying circumstances, faculty and staff made numerous adjustments, and I appreciate their professionalism and flexibility. Ultimately, students bore the real brunt of yesterday’s events, as they were inconvenienced and many were unable to attend their classes.
There’s no question that the state’s reinvestment in public education is critical. I urge you to join me in advocating on behalf of UC Santa Cruz as we refocus our attention on continuing the upward trajectory of this great institution.