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Indybay Feature

Break Up Your Affair with Big Banks like B of A

by Eunice Wentworth
Say goodbye, adios, and sayonara to Big Banks! This week the Raging Grannies of the San Francisco Bay area are spreading the word that big banks are bad for America, and bad for your life. The Grannies passed out fliers at an SF peninsula ATM, sang some anti-big-bank songs and had some interesting conversations.
Grannies know that young people, especially, are big users of credit. The Grannies encourage responsible consumer spending and getting away from building credit card debt. They also have some thoughts about big banks and how they gouge the public. But what to do?

Around Valentine's Day they discovered that a group called A New Way Forward (ANWF) was sponsoring a campaign to encourage folks to "break up that love affair with your big bank". That got the Grannies thinking. Hmmm....

So the Raging Grannies went to a Bank of America ATM and sang some songs on the street nearby. Sure enough, several ATM users agreed to have their photos taken as the Grannies passed out fliers and offered suggestions, including...

If you feel you really need credit at this time in your life, get a credit union credit card and make sure it’s not issued by a big bank card. The people at ANWF suggest that as this movement grows, your credit union will hopefully divest from their big bank business too.

While some of the Grannies are looking at breaking up their own love affairs with big banks (rowwrrr), others have already made the switch! The Grannies' fliers including the names of some local credit unions and other ideas for how to part ways with the biggest banks. The Raging Grannies are spreading the word this week: Use local banks or go with a credit union. And say goodbye to the likes of Bank of America!
§You know you are in the Bay Area when...
by Eunice Wentworth
...sportswear says SF!
§Ready to push a button on that ATM machine...
by Eunice Wentworth
§Granny B says "read my flier"
by Eunice Wentworth
§Msg on the front says:
by Eunice Wentworth
Just say NO to B of A! (recommendations for just how to do that on the back of the page)
§A photo? Sure, happy to oblige!
by Eunice Wentworth
Who wouldn't take advice from their granny?
§A convert
by Eunice Wentworth
"A" is gonna join in the cause!
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This was such great work -- these pictures show that any amount of reaching out matters and can be really effective. here's to the grannies for turning the abstract into the real! who is going to join them?
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