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San Mateo Community College Educationals For March 4-District-Wide Teach-In: Feb 3rd and 4

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San Mateo Community College Educational Meetings For March 4 will be held Feb 3rd and the 4th.
San Mateo Community College Educational For March 4-District-Wide Teach-In: Feb 3rd and 4th

SMCCD is Standing Up to the Cuts!

District-Wide Teach-In: Feb 3rd and 4th

Across the district – Skyline, Canada and CSM – Faculty and students will be educating ourselves about the impact of the state budget cuts on public education and on our communities. We are asking teachers to spend some time on these days to teach about the budget cuts and support students in attending the following events:

Schedule of Skyline Events

Feb 3rd
· 9am-10am & 10am-11am - Public Class (Old Cafeteria/Building 2, 2nd Floor) - Economics of the Budget Cuts and California Budget Crisis by Professor Masao Suzuki.

· 11am-12pm Panel (Cafeteria/Building 6) - How The Cuts Affect Us All. Featuring Maria Escobar (EOPS), Linda Van Sciver (DSPS), Pat Deamer (ASTEP), Moe Baydoun (Facilities/AFSCME), Laurie Hughes (Oceana High School)

· 12:10-1pm Presentation (Theatre) –Civil Rights and the Budget Cuts with Professor George Wright discussing the connection between the civil rights movement, public education, and student activism.

· 1-2pm Student Workshop (Theatre) - Student Organizing Workshop

· 2-4pm Movie Showing (Theater), Walkout! – Based on the true story of the 1968 East LA High School walkouts in response to inequality in education.

Feb 4th
· 9:25am-11am Movie Showing (Old Cafeteria/Building 2), Walkout! – (see description 2-4 pm Wednesday).

Email: skylineagainstcuts [at]

Follow-up Meeting: Thursday February 11th at 2:30pm

Skyline College, Room TBA

Join the growing alliance of Students, Faculty and Staff opposing the cuts.

Help us build for the …

March 4th Statewide Day of Action!

A Note to Instructors:
On February 3 and 4, all three colleges in the SMCCD will hold a teach-in. The purpose of the teach-in is to inform students of the budget cuts affecting their education. Instructors may choose to participate by: 1) teaching materials related to the budget in their class; 2) bringing students to classes whose instructors will be presenting special lectures; 3) encouraging students to attend one of the several presentations; or 4) informing the class briefly as to the issues at stake. This “fact sheet” is designed to give you a quick list of talking points.
State Budget Cuts

$60 billion has been cut from the state's budget in the last two years. This includes $840 million cut from the community colleges even though our enrollment has gone up by 5%.(9.5% at SMCCD) due to students not being able to enroll into CSU & UC classes.

In the San Mateo Community College district, $5.4 million was cut from the budget in 2009. Projected cuts for the years 2010-2011 stand at an additional $15-20 million.

How This Is Affecting Us

Student fees have increased by 30% from $20 to $26 per unit. The Legislative Analyst Office is recommending a 100% increase for the coming year.

Summer school classes will be reduced by as much as 50% even though last summer, demand for enrollment grew by 14% and the wait list grew by 70%.

Library, counseling services and technical and clerical support hours have been reduced.

Further reduction of class sections is planned. In fall 2009, despite the reduction of many class sections, enrollment grew by 12% and the waitlist grew by 54% (4,000 on the waitlist).

District-wide lay offs. In 2009/10, 66 positions have been removed out of a permanent work force of 903 full-time employees and a similar number of positions are projected to be removed by 2010/11.

Cuts to EOP and DSPS. Programs which assist our economically deprived and most needy students, have already been slashed by the State by an average of more than 50% .The Colleges have lost $5 million in categorical funds in 2009/10 alone.

Programs considered for elimination last semester included the Child Development Center, Health Science Programs and Nutrition. Though the programs are intact for now, their future may be uncertain in the face of further budget cuts.

More Cuts Proposed in Sacramento

$10 M in proposed cuts to categorical programs such as EOPS and DSPS.

$10M in proposed cuts for Part-Time instructor compensation.

Proposed suspension of funds for new competitive Cal Grant Awards.

Prepared by the Concerned Faculty of Skyline College

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