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Indybay Feature

SF Planning Department has no clue about the Muwekma Ohlone and Patrimonial Jurisdiction.

by Francisco Da Costa
The San Francisco Planning Department are in denial that the First People of San Francisco really do exists. When, the Tribal Chair of the Muwekma Ohlone, Rosemary Cambra appeared before the SF Planning Department and Espanola Jackson requested that she address the SF Planning Department. Chair, Ron Miguel was polite enough to accommodate the Muwekma Tribal Chief. Her short address was to the point - the Muwekma Ohlone are here and the City and County of San Francisco must address pertinent issues relevant to the Draft, EIR and the Muwekma Ohlone presence today and participation in all matter pertinent - now and in the future.
GREED knows no bounds and those that want to exploit every single inch in San Francisco to build homes and facilities - think nothing of Open Space and healing.

The Concrete Jungle they have created where once lay - pristine rivers, lakes, hills, wet-lands and animals, birds, fish, and other living beings - all healthy and what is more bountiful has been compromised. The look at what surrounds them and in their ignorance want to pollute more.

The Ohlone have lived in what we call the Bay Area for over 10,000. We have carbon dated artifacts that reveal this fact. Further the Shellmounds stand today - intact in some places - and point to a people happy and prosperous - until the strangers came with their diseases and evilness.

The "stranger" that looks for any and every opportunity to steal, rape, and make money at any cost. Remember is was legal to kill a Native American up until 1924 and for a measly five dollars fetch money for a scalp. That was not too far long ago - but, today many forget these barbaric deeds and atrocities that cry to heaven for justice.

Edicts were sent by California Governors to kill Native Americans and steal their land. These facts are recorded of those that committed these EVIL deeds and their off-spring want to hear little of these facts - today. Today, the least the San Francisco Planning Department, the SF Board of Supervisor, the Mayor, Gavin Newsom can do is outreach to the Muwekma Ohlone and afford them to tell them the truth - about a history that is replete with atrocities of the worst order.

Imagine being a stranger in your own land. Now, imagine those that stole the land - insulting you to your face while trying to diplomatic. An EIR is there to address adverse impacts but of paramount importance is who owns the land on whose terms and what do some strangers think of Patrimonial Jurisdiction?

The recently Draft, EIR that was released fails to acknowledge the Muwekma Ohlone who were Federally Recognized until 1927. At that time they were illegally removed by one L.A. Dorrington - a Bureau of Indian Affairs Agent. This case is at the Supreme Court and should be adjudicated as and when the Department of Interior - stops stalling and answers the questions - posed by the Supreme Court Judge.

One can read the brief to this case at:

Here is San Francisco John Rahaim the Director of SF Planning, the Zoning Administrator, Lawrence Badiner, the majority of the SF Planning Commissioners are nonchalant and care less about the issues of the First People.

One Commissioner is particular could not care less - SF Planning Commissioner Michael J. Antonini.

Another Commissioner purports that all of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is solid ground. Little does he know that nine-five percent of Hunters Point Shipyard is land-fill. Still less about Shellmounds the Sacred Burial Grounds of the Ohlone.

Once at Hunters Point Shipyard stood two hills. These hills contained Sacred Remains of the Ohlone. The United States Navy demolished the hills and spread the remains of the Ohlone all over the Shipyard. The same was done at Candlestick Stadium. When part of the Bayview Hill was demolished - remains and the earth from the side of the hill - were spread all over Candlestick Stadium.

The area around Executive Park, Candlestick Cove, Hunters Point, the end of the street on Thomas not far from Alice Griffith Public Housing, other sites in the vicinity - have been marked and designated as Shellmound Sites. But, the inept, ignorant, arrogant San Francisco Planning has decided to - look the other way and for this they will suffer the consequences.

It is pathetic when any entity refuses to acknowledge the First People and gives excuses that the First People did not attend some meetings when they and other known entities were not informed.

As I have said - a thousand times - " no good will ever come at Hunters Point Shipyard".

No one can desecrate the remains of the First People and for a moment think everything is going to be fine. The jerks that did it will suffer and have been suffering. The SF Planing Department, the SF Redevelopment Agency and its fake consultants - better pay attention.

There was silence when the Tribal Chair of the Muwekma Ohlone was addressing the San Francisco Planning Commission. The silence was mostly because the fools did not expect the Tribal Chair to exist, less address time and focus in a few minutes on issues that the SF Planning Department - has failed to address.

Present at this meeting were Chair, Ron Miguel, Commissioners Christine Olague, Gwyneth Borden, Kathrin Moore, Hisashi Sugaya. Missing in Action - Commissioner William L. Lee. The SF Planning took place on January 7, 2010 at 1:30 pm in Room 400 at City Hall.

The Muwekma Ohlone Federal Recognition was established and then an illegal action caused them to be removed in 1927. In this case - the SF Planning Department must extend the comment period to accommodate the Muwekma Ohlone because the SF Planning Department did not follow due process. If they do not - they will suffer the consequences.

In the Draft, Environmental Impact Report Appendix C1 mentions a little and most of it are just guide-lines. The issue of Indian Trust Assets (ITAs) is of importance and pertains to the Muwekma Ohlone but the SF Planning Department - in their ignorance have failed to do due diligence.

The above facts must be reviewed and the Draft, EIR must go back to the drawing board.

In Chapter III-J other drab, general statements, mostly vague to not do justice to the Cultural Facts linked to the history of the First People and the Muwekma Ohlone in particular. Detail information lie in our Universities and particularly - University of Berkeley, California.

The Ohlone lived in the Bay Area for over 10,000 years. Carbon dating of artifacts have verified this fact. 10,000 human remains, all Ohlone, are found in the vaults at U.C. Berkeley. The sheer amount of human remain - signifies that there was a thriving community. That is until the greedy, vicious, immoral stranger set foot and started dictating terms.

In 1991 the Muwekma Ohlone exercised their Right of Fist Refusal on Hunters Point Naval Shipayrd and other Department of Defense military bases. This as part of Base Closures. No other tribes or entities did that - so it surprising that the SF Planning Department did not focus on this fact.

The United States Navy better incorporate the First People and the Muwekma Ohlone as part of their Environmental Impact Study. Shedding better light and shaming the SF Planning Department and the SF Redevelopment Agency for their shoddy work.

As facts stand today Parcels B, C, D, E, F, G, UC 1 and the other parcels being carved out all come under the jurisdiction of the United States Navy that took the entire area under Eminent Domain and for the World Effort.

There are many private parcels and other land designated as Public Trust Land. The details of these parcel have not been noted by the SF Planning Department but they have chosen to jump on the band wagon - and initiate a Draft-EIR on jurisdiction that does not come under their administration - where they have no real authority.

The same at Alice Griffith Public Housing the land is Federal Land that cannot be sold but leased. In this case the jurisdiction is that of the Housing and Urban Development. The 23 acres of State Land acquired under Senate Bill 792 has yet to be negotiated. As on now the land is still State Land - the transfer of land - pending.

In the above areas are Shellmounds that the SF Planning has failed to pin point precisely preferring to copy quotes from some documents and referencing to others in a general manner. This smacks of poor judgments and proves once again that as far as the Cultural Section of the fake, Draft, EIR linked to Hunters Point Shipyard and Candlestick Point is concerned - it is totally inadequate. It should go back to the drawing board.

Francisco Da Costa
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