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EPA shoves its foot in its mouth releasing a "Draft" letter that fails to address ISSUES.

by Francisco Da Costa
The Environmental Protection (EPA) agency was formed to protect the people of this Nation. But, judging from its inept, ignorant, and very arrogant ways - it has defied logic, shun compassion and treat the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point with utter disregard. Some days ago the EPA released a Draft document five years after large scale grading was done on Parcel A at Hunters Point. In explaining why the EPA conducted repeat tests and why asked pertinent questions - those of us that Represented the Bayview Hunters Point - were not satisfied at all.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was formed to Protect the people of this Nation. Judging was the many thousands of major cases all over this Nation - today, the EPA is looked upon by the people at large, in this great Nation, as a body that is inept, ignorant, and very arrogant.

The EPA does not help a bit when the EPA goes to the Media, with talking points from the City and County of San Francisco - Michael Cohen from the Mayor's Office of Economic Development - to say that after five years of polluting, adversely impacting a large area in and around Parcel A - at Hunters Point Shipyard - everything is fine.

The author of the article must first comprehend fully that toxic dust in itself can cause havoc to all life. More because the toxic dust at Parcel A at Hunters Point - disturbed by a Rogue Developer, Lennar is laden with radiological elements, beside high levels of lead, mercury, and so on.

In San Francisco we have the Precautionary Principle that has not been read by the EPA and for sure by the author of this drab article in the SF Chronicle - posted below.

The Serpentine Rock is unique and found only at Hunters Point, Potrero Hill, and a vein at the Presidio of San Francisco. This dense ultra-morphic Serpentine Rock when crushed releases Asbestos Fibers or Structures that are very harmful. Anyone exposed suffers after some years - a very painful death. Woe to anyone that suffers from asbestosis.

The author of the SF Chronicle Article with a misleading title - fails to mention that I and others participated in the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) and as part of that agreement - we all negotiated with the City and County of San Francisco, the SF Health Department, the SF Redevelopment Agency, the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to a the Shipyard, advocates from the community - Article 31 of the City and County of San Francisco - linked to Dust Mitigation and the abate of other adverse activities.

Lennar defied the community and in the year 2004 from May to August did not have Dust Mitigation Measures in place. On top of that the Dust and Asbestos Monitoring Equipment could not record any data as they were not loaded with batteries. This open defiance, numerous meetings before the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), writing to IndyMedia and other Regulatory Agencies - led the Bay Area Air Quality Management District to fine LENNAR - $515,000 for the over 380 Notice of Violations (NOVs) at that time.

The author does not mention the over 600 NOVs to date. I receive the daily reports of Rollo and Threadwell and know what I am talking about. High readings affect all of San Francisco and many innocent people are being harmed - depending on the high winds and where the Asbestos Stuctures land. As we speak a MUNI bus parks itself inside the Shipyard by the Main Gate, and then takes the Asbestos Structures and other toxic dust - all over the City of San Francisco and unsuspecting San Francisco riders from all over - riding MUNI Pok Bus 19 the one that goes to the Navy Shipyard.

Lennar should have been fined $38 million for the 380 NOVs - $10,000 per Violation as per law.
But, Lennar was given the easy way out - just like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is allowing Lennar and this racist City and County of San Francisco - to get away with murder - while our children and elders are slowly being poisoned, suffering and dying.

The EPA is situated at Hawthorne Street by Howard Street in downtown San Francisco and could have aided the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point but failed miserably.

It took us the advocates over three years to get a contingent of EPA so called drab experts to come to Hunters Point Shipyard to see things for themselves. But, to no avail. One EPA used to attend the Restoration Advisory Board meetings - but has been of NO help.

It does not help that we have Lisa Jackson, the Director of EPA who is now working with these so called experts to circumvent data and release a fake "draft" document that I have read. That was first exposed or revealed to some advocates - in my presence and that of a few others - but, I saw from the start it was meant to hoodwink - an serious investigation.

This happen once before in the year 2000. There was a raging fire at Hunters Point on Parcel E. The fire, was an underground fire replete with the worst toxic much of it radiological in nature and aided by Methane Gas that is found in abundance all over the Hunters Point Shipyard.

The EPA did nothing much, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District did nothing much, the SF Health Department did nothing much. The SF Fire Department could not touch this raging fire - even as it does not today - because of the contents - it being radiological in nature.

You cannot pour water on this type of fire. Many San Franciscans in their ignorance - know very little of what is going on at the Hunters Point Shipyard.

Now, after five years suddenly the EPA decided to test randomly some cartridges linked to the Asbestos testing done by another entity - and have come to some conclusion that is at best a "guesstimate" - in other ways - garbage.

The previous testing of Asbestos Structures, following a certain model that is dubious to say the least - an exercise in futility. You could have the cartridges but what type of monitoring equipment was used. You cannot use indoor equipment for out door purposes.

Secondly the EPA thought they could bluff - those in the know using a model that is not so accurate when use secondarily - meaning it helps the first time around. Asbestos structures and very fine and the best way is to filter the structures with the right equipment and this was never done. We are equipment hidden under bushes, in places that prohibited the nozzle from taking in air easily and so on.

I inspected most of the equipment and revealed my observation to the Bay Area Air Quality Management and one Jack Broadbent from the BAAQMD. I further testified and will again before the BAAQMD - Board of Directors. This a shame that the EPA is resorting to propaganda and using devious, evil, outreach ploys - that are replete of DISINFORMATION.

The EPA has not said a word about the current Draft, Environmental Impact Report released by the SF Planning Department and SF Redevelopment Agency and for all practical purposes paid for by Lennar a Rouge Developer.

Jared Blumenfeld is due to this month to head the Environmental Protection Agency and he should not start in this position with such crap. I know him pretty well and when the time comes will reveal to him the ploys of Mayor Gavin Newsom, Michael Cohen and Tiffany Bohee.

The California, Occupational, Safety, Health Agency has fined Lennar but the EPA is not fully aware of this fact. In fact the other Regulatory Agencies are not aware of this fact - and they should contact Cathy Corga and the California, OSHA to first review this fact and fine and then adjudicate on the matter of bombarding our children, elders and others with toxic dust and asbestos fibers.

About three weeks ago we had a reading of 400,700 thousand structures per cubic meter. Not one single word from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District on this fact and very, very, very high reading. And what do you expect from the drab EPA on this matter - nothing what so ever.

The EPA and Region IX will react when it comes to El Dorado and those mostly White constituents, some little White town in Arizona, but not when it comes with people of color. The EPA is derived from the National Defense Radiological Laboratory at Hunters Point Shipyard and was formed in the early 1970s. Ever since its fake formation - it has failed to PROTECT the constituents of this Nation and San Francisco. It has mostly failed our First People - allowing them to live in homes - laden with uranium.

Do you think Region IX truly understands what a Superfund Site is? If they did they would not sign the Record Of Decision linked to Parcel A. How can you sign on one Parcel that is surrounded by other Parcels that are very toxic and more radiological in nature. For God' sake Depleted Uranium was first tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Shame on Lisa Jackson and the current Environmental Protect Agency.

And if President Barrack Obama sides with Lisa Jackson and her good for nothing agency - this Nation is going down the drain and into a never ending CESSPOOL that in this case was created by the United States Navy.

The U.S. Navy polluted the Shipyard and they must clean it - I will be sending this article to Mr. Douglas Gilkey from the Navy and our so called Representatives in Congress and the Senate for quick review and prompt action.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy

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