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Indybay Feature

BAVC Giveaway of SF Public Access TV Property Underway?

by Camera One
On Monday, Dec. 21st, 2009, two San Francisco public access television producers were observed removing public property from 1720 Market Street. Among the items they were seen removing from the station were furniture and studio props. Were these items part of a giveaway of public property from BAVC, the new public access tv operator? You
be the Judge and Jury.
"Injured on the Job" public access producer Sam Gold seen loading up his
van with public property at the studios of public access television at 1720
Market Street. When asked where he was taking the public property, Gold
refused to give an address.
"Union Buzz" public access producer Carl Bryant helping
fellow producer Sam Gold loading a van with public property from the studios of public access television at
1720 Market Street.
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Looks like a violation of the California Penal Code, Section 487 (Grand Theft). Felony. Prosecution is in order for this apparent crime.

A shameless theft of public resources at a time when the City and the
State are hurting for revenues.

And, BAVC wants more public funding for access television, with
incriminating photos like these?

They must be dreaming.

Someone needs to take the rap for this one.

by a public access producer
Get real, those items will be stored and or used by public access producers.
FYI: Anyone opposed to BAVC's plan will further erode Public access TV in San Francisco.
And if we didn't have BAVC then public access would be gone because the other yokes who applied were not qualified.
Maybe Sam Gold and his buddy, Carl Bryant, are carting off all that public property to their private studio, South of Market.

Has a Sweetheart Deal been struck b/w Sam Gold and BAVC?

Somebody needs to investigate.

by a public access producer
No investigation is needed. But what is needed is a lawyer or judge to order the public access haters to chill.
There are obviously people posting here, like "a public access producer", who don't believe in the First Amendment,
let alone the U.S. Constitution. These people don't deserve America.

No lawyer or judge is going to lift one finger to "chill" Free Speech, as posted here on Indybay or anywhere else.
It is a Constitutionally-protected activity. The case will be summarily dismissed before it reaches the court docket.

So, if you can't handle the criticism of BAVC and their privatization schemes for SF public access television ,
as expressed here, then maybe you BAVC bootlickers need to find another blog to vent on or another
country live in.

Preferably, both.
by a public access producer
The following forms of speech are NOT protected, Obscenity,Fighting words,Defamation (includes libel, slander),Child pornography, Perjury, Blackmail, Incitement to imminent lawless action,True threats, Solicitations to commit crimes. If your speech falls into those categories it is not protected.
Do your self a favor Constitutionalist, and also assume Ken Ikeda is NOT a public figure.
by a public access producer
Officially it has been confirmed that the Department of Technology in San Francisco says that BAVC can do what they want with that property. Please call Ron Vincent to confirm; Telephone: (415) 581-4000

by The Community
The City requires compensation for any public property that is transferred to a third party and a
record of the transfer must be immediately available upon request from any member of the public.

Giveaways of public property are prohibited.

Sorry, BAVC. You lose.

Stop Giving Away Our Station and Our Belongings (Public Property).

Go back to Portrero Hill and leave Community Access TV to the Community!

by Ellison Horne, SF Commons CAB
In light of all the concerns over the closing of the former Access SF Community Media Center on Market Street to re-establish services at the BAVC Mariposa Street facility, this issue of some of the furniture being transferred to another organization or individual, has little merit. All the proper documentation is in place. Having spoken with executives of both SF Commons/BAVC and the Department of Technology, I’m satisfied the process is being conducted in a reasonable fashion.
by The Community
The empty ramblings of Ellison Horne, front man for his masters at BAVC, should carry no credibility with anyone.

Mr. Horne tows the BAVC party line while acting as a gate-keeper for the company.

This person does NOT represent the best interests of the Producers, Viewers, and the General Public.

Advice: Stay away from Ellison Horne.

(SEE PHOTO above of BAVC Gate-Keeper ELLISON HORNE speaking at Dec. 1st Producers' Protest of Station Closure.)

by Get On With Your Life Buddy
It would appear that the person who took these pictures has some sort of grudge against these guys. I applaud their getting involved and offering storage for these items. No one wants to see 1720 Market Street disappear but BAVC now runs the public access show and must do it with a fraction of the SFCTC budget. As I understand it, BAVC still owns the items and these upstanding individuals offered to store this stuff for free.

If they wanted to steal things from 1720, there are much more valuable items than office chairs. Get On With Your Life Pal, we don't need any more nut jobs like you who post for self-aggrandizement.
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