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Tesla "Not Rushing Into Anything" as They Decide on Venue for Electric Car Plant

by R. Robertson
Tesla Motors' VP of Communications Ricardo Reyes assured activists from the California Coalition for Workers Memorial Day that Tesla "wants to make an informed decision as we grow the company" and will not rush to a decision on a location for an auto assembly plant. The activists are questioning the use of Department of Energy Funds for Tesla to build a green assembly plant on a toxic site in Downey, California. They visited Tesla's headquarters in San Carlos, California today.

photo courtesy Kazumi Torii: Downey injured IATSE Local 44 movie worker Steve Basile in Tesla Motors' world headquarters conference room in San Carlos, California
Injured worker Steve Basile says he likes what Tesla does. "Making electric cars, that will help the environment. You are doing the right thing," he told Tesla's VP of Communications Ricardo Reyes today. Steve was accompanied by members of the California Coalition for Workers Memorial Day when he visited Tesla Motors headquarters this afternoon. Together they delivered a message to the electric car manufactuer: Don't build in Downey, California.

Dozens of film production workers have reported illnesses they believe they contracted at Downey Studios, which occupies the site of a former NASA plant near Los Angeles that produced spacecraft for the Apollo moon missions. Attempts to cleanup toxic residue left by years of research on nuclear power and rocket propulsion may have failed; prop makers and other film production workers say they developed severe respiratory and other problems while working there. Some, like Steve Basile, developed life threatening illnesses.

Steve Zeltzer of the California Coalition for Workers Memorial Day said that Tesla previously announced plans to possibly build an auto assembly plant at the Downey toxic dump site despite knowing that injured workers continue to get ill and sick from the contamination on the site. He joined former Downey worker Steve Basile and several other members of the injured workers coalition in expressing concern that Tesla, which is non-union, may yet be planning to build an “green” electric car assembly plant at the toxic site with a US government DOE energy efficiency loan of $465 million. The Department of Energy announced last June that Tesla will get the loan to build a manufacturing plant for the new ultra-fast Model S sedan and a second battery plant. The federal fund is designed to help the U.S. be competitive in battery technology so as not to lose that business to China, Korea, and Japan.

Sandi Trend, speaking at a press conference in San Carlos after the group's visit explained why she is a member of the Workers Memorial Day Coaltion saying, "The corruption has to stop, from the bad employer who has no conscience to an unjust workers compensation system."
Steve Basile suffers from a myriad of symptoms he and his family say are related to his exposure working at the Downey site as a prop maker for Downey Studios. Many of his co-workers were similarly affected. He says that with not much time to live, he speaks out for other workers who will come after him, and asked Tesla to not risk exposing their employees to the same fate he has suffered.
§Members of the Coalition share experiences
by R. Robertson
At left, Sandi Trend, mother of an injured worker. Center, Dina Padilla, worker rights activist.
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by Dina J.Padilla (dinajpadilla [at]
This is possibly the worst situation that can happen with any company that claims to be GREEN to build a plant in Downey Ca., where hundreds of people have become sick, some have already died and also where workers have committed suicide.

Steve Basili is currently undergoing medical treatment for some of his Downey Syndrome illnesses but certainly not all. He and many others as reported in the L.A.Times on 8-1-2008 as having been exposed to mold. But, Thanks to ACOEM, MOLD is not considered to cause any illness, so these workers like many across the country cannot get treatment for being exposed to mold. ACOEM guidelines were part of SB899 ENACTED by California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and also in tandem with the AMA.
This is not only outrageous but also a preposterous and inhumane life threatening situation for all workers who have been exposed to molds and other deadly toxins and contaminates.

As Steve Basili stated, that this is "insane" and it has to stop.

No worker should have to work in a work environment that exposes them to life threatening illnesses and at the very least, these workers should get the proper medical care for all of their work related injuries.

I have to ask the leadership of this State of California and this United States country, Do you care about the American workers?

For at least 2 decades, workers and advocates have contacted both state and federal public officials and agencies, boards and commissions alike, to give workers a positive remedy for workplace safety and health issues but also address the fraud and corruption that occur in the Worker's Compensation system of California and also for the self-insured and other employers who have been allowed to create illnesses for employees.

To date, we have not been contacted to give testimony, to not only address these issues but we have not been given the proper time in public held hearings to completely bring the many workplace safety and health issues to light.

We have tired to impress upon them, the leadership, that this is not about just one person or one issue. Talking privately to the leadership has not produced one remedy and has profoundly hindered the necessary solutions that workers desperately need and this also strongly and clearly implicates a cover up of what is going on in the workplace, in our communities and which have directly or indirectly, negatively impacted the families of these workers. Because of the leadership's lack of listening to or addressing the concerns of the injured workers and their advocates, the workplace enviornment has become as dangerous as any workplace can possibly be.

TO the California and Federal public officials, agencies, boards and commissions who are directly involved in the safe and health workplace committees, we not only ask but WE DEMAND THAT WE BE HEARD about the contaminates that are being exposed to workers and our communities alike but also that you clean this up now!. That while you sit and do nothing, you all have to accept personal responsibility for workers who are not only sick, dying or dead but you are also leaving the same legacy for workers who will continue to follow in the same footsteps to a never ending medical nightmare.

by edcomments See this link for more details
by downey res
interesting that after thousands of people have worked at this plant , including many people that have nothing to do with unions and filmmaking, there are only claims filed by this union. why is that? why isn't it everyone that has worked on this site?
by Correlation does not imply causation
Correlation does not imply causation
by Frances Griffin
The health department of San Mateo County clearly considers mold to be a health hazard. Some forms are more dangerous than others. Some can outright kill.

As for having to prove causation. That's what they said about cigarettes, too. I'll bet they said the same about a lot of contaminants now known to cause or exacerbate disease.

The precautionary principle says that if you suspect a hazard, you avoid it until you are sure it is safe. The burden of proof is on the person who says it is safe.
by ST

With respect to your comment, "interesting that after thousands of people have worked at this plant , including many people that have nothing to do with unions and filmmaking, there are only claims filed by this union. why is that? why isn't it everyone that has worked on this site?", I wish to say that it is impossible for me to believe there has only been injury/illness/death from ONE UNION; as you are implying.

Gail Shepard is NOT in the union that you have referred to. She worked at Kaiser Medical Clinic that is on the same property as the Downey Studios where Steve Basile became (and still is) so ill. Gail Shepard is extremely sick and lost her daughter recently because of toxins that are on the Downey property [not PLANT as you said]. Perhaps you might want to view the webite: for validation. You can also go to for further information about the Downey toxic site.

In the above weblink, It is interesting that there are pictures from the 1950's of a sodium nuclear reactor that was tested on the [DOWNEY, CA] site where the Kaiser Medical Center [WHERE GAIL SHEPHARD WORKED], Kaiser Hospistal and the studio now are . The above weblink also refers to, "Hundreds of workers have been sickened" which, with all due respect; does not support your comment of, "interesting that after thousands of people have worked at this plant , including many people that have nothing to do with unions and filmmaking, there are only claims filed by this union. why is that? why isn't it everyone that has worked on this site?"

Also, I would like to list the following contaminates that have been found on the Downey Property, courtesy of

QUOTE: Here is a list of Reported Contaminants at Kaiser Downey and Downey Studios provided by The U.S. Department of Labor You can also view this same list at: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Show DOE facilities" In the next window select - Toxic substances verified as having been onsite and used at DOE site "Downey Facility" at some time. Note: The original DOL Chemical list was 260. The two top Chemicals were moved down to the "O's", and 1 chemical was removed altogether. This is the missing chemical: Ethoxylated tallowamines;Glyphosate (Isopropyl amine salt of N-phosphonomethyl glycine) US Patent 5543383 - Herbicidal compositions comprising solutions of slyphosate and polyurea and/or/polyurethane. US Patent Issued on August 6, 1996 - Estimated Patent Expiration Date: December 30, 2014 - Considering that the property was concreted over they sure had a lot of herbicides there.

HERE is the original 260 list saved in pdf form.
259 listed at this time. * Grapic Menu - =Herbicides, =Pesticides,Rodenticide, =Radioactive

* 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane
* 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane
* 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
* 1,1,1-Trifluoro-2,2-dichloroethane
* 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoro-1-chloroethane
* 1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane
* 1,12-Benzoperylene
* 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
* 1,3-Butadiene
* 1,3-Dichloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane
* 1,4-Dichlorobenzene | p-Dichlorobenzene
* 1-Bromopropane
* 1-Butene oxide
* 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane
* 2,2-Dimethylbutane
* 2,4-D butoxyethyl ester - This is an herbicide - also an an ingredient in Agent Orange which may have nothing to do with the property

* 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - This is an herbicide - also an ingredient in Agent Orange which may have nothing to do with the property
* 2-Butanone
* 2-Butoxyethanol | GLYCOL ETHERS
* 2-Ethoxyethanol | GLYCOL ETHERS
* 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate | GLYCOL ETHERS
* 2-Methoxy-3,6-dichlorobenzoic acid - This is an herbicide - also an ingredient in Agent Orange which may have nothing to do with the property
* 2-Methylpentane
* 2-Nitropropane
* 3,3-Dichloro-1,1,1,2,2-pentafluoropropane
* 3,5-Dinitro-N4,N4-dipropylsulfanilamide - This is an herbicide
* 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea | Diuron - This is an herbicide - Used in Viet Nam 1962-1964

* 3-Methylpentane - This is basically Methane
* 5-Bromo-3-sec-butyl-6-methyluracil | Bromacil - This is an herbicide that was used in Viet Nam 1962-1964 which may have nothing to do with the property.

* Acenaphthene - used in preparation of dyes, pesticides and pharmaceuticals
* Acenaphthylene
* Acetaldehyde
* Acetic acid
* Acetone
* Acetonitrile | NITRILES
* Acetylene
* Acrolein
* alpha-Diphenylenemethane
* Aluminum
* Aluminum phosphide - AlP is used as a rodenticide, insecticide and fumigant for stored cereal grains. It is used to kill small verminous mammals such as moles, rabbits, and rodents.
* Americium
* Ammonia
* Ammonium chloride | Ammonium chloride fume
* Ammonium hydroxide
* Ammonium phosphate, dibasic
* Ammonium phosphate, monobasic
* Amyl acetate | n-Amyl acetate
* Antimony
* Antimony hydride | Stibine
* Argon
* Arsenic | Arsenic and compounds
* Asbestos
* Asphalt | Asphalt fumes
* Barium | Barium and soluble compounds
* Benzene
* Benzo(a)anthracene
* Benzo(a)pyrene | POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS | Coal tar pitch volatiles
* Benzo(b)fluoranthene
* Benzo(k)fluoranthene
* Beryllium | Beryllium and compounds
* Boric acid
* Borosilicate | Fibrous glass
* Bromadiolone - Used to kill rodents
* Butane | n-Butane
* Butane, 2,3-dimethyl-
* Cadmium | Cadmium and compounds
* Calcium silicate
* Carbon | Soots
* Carbon dioxide
* Carbon monoxide
* Carbon steel
* Cement | Portland cement
* Cesium | Cesium, radioactive
* Chlorodifluoromethane
* Chlorodiphenyl | Chlorodiphenyl (42% chlorine)
* Chloroform
* Chloropentafluoroethane
* Chlorothalonil | NITRILES - a broad spectrum, non-systemic fungicide
* Chlorsulfuron - An Herbicide - this is one of the components of Agent White a sibling of Agent Orange and is more potent than Agent Orange - this does necessarily mean that it has anything to do with the property.

* Chromium | Chromium and compounds
* Chrysene | POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS | Coal tar pitch volatiles
* Cobalt | Cobalt-60
* Copper
* Creosote | Coal tar creosote
* Cyclohexane
* Cyclohexanethiol | THIOLS
* Cyclohexanone
* Dibenz(a,h)anthracene
* Dichlorodifluoromethane
* Dichloromethane | Methylene chloride
* Dichlorotetrafluoroethane
* Diethanolamine
* Diethylene glycol | GLYCOL ETHERS
* Dikegulac sodium - A Pesticide
* Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether | Dipropylene glycol methyl ether | GLYCOL ETHERS
* Diquat dibromide - A Pesticide/Herbicide - One of the Rainbow Agents used in Vietnam.

* Distillates, petroleum, solvent-refined light paraffinic
* Epichlorohydrin
* Ethyl acrylate
* Ethyl alcohol
* Ethyl benzene
* Ethyl lactate
* Ethylene dichloride
* Ethylene oxide
* Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt
* Fenvalerate- an insecticide - a Pyrethoid - 1980
* Ferrous sulfate | Iron salts, soluble
* Fluazifop-butyl - an Herbicide
* Fluoranthene
* Formaldehyde
* Gasoline
* Glycerin | Glycerin mist
* Glyphosate - an Herbicide - Monsanto's Roundup
* Hantavirus | Viruses or other filterable infectious agents
* Helium
* Heptane | n-Heptane
* Histoplasma capsulatum - Darlings disease - a fungus from bird/bat droppings
* Hydramethylnon - Cockroach and ant poison
* Hydrazine
* Hydrochloric acid | Hydrogen chloride
* Hydrogen
* Hydrogen peroxide
* Hydrotreated light distillate - Kerosene and related products
* Hydroxyacetic acid | Glycolic acid - used to make paint shiny and in skin care products
* Imidacloprid - neurotoxin insecticide - Made by Bayer - Patent applied for in the 1980's
* Imiprothrin; Cypermethrin - neurotoxin insecticide- found in Raid and Ant Chalk
* Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene
* Iprodione - A Fungicide - Trade names for commercial products containing iprodione include Chipco 26019, DOP 500F, Kidan, LFA 2043, NRC 910, Rovral, and Verisan.
* Iron
* Iron III oxide | Iron oxide
* Isoamyl alcohol
* Isobutane
* Isobutyl alcohol
* Isoparaffinic petroleum distillate
* Isopropyl alcohol
* Isopropyl ether
* Lactic acid
* Lead
* Lead II sulfate - Used in batteries
* Lead IV oxide - Used in batteries
* Limonene - This is an insecticide that is made from the oils of citrus rind.
* Liquefied petroleum gas | Petroleum gas (liquefied)
* Magnesium sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate - A primary ingredient in Formula 409 All Purpose Cleaner

* Malathion - An organophosphate insecticide

* Manganese
* Mecoprop - A broad-leaf herbicide
* Mercury | Mercury, elemental
* Mesityl oxide - A Solvent
* Metaldehyde - A Pesticide - Snail and Slug Killer
* Methyl acetate - A Solvent
* Methyl acetylene - Used in Welding
* Methyl alcohol
* Methyl methacrylate - Used to make plastic
* Methyl tert-butyl ether - A Gasoline Additive
* Methyl-2-cyanoacrylate | Methyl 2-cyanoacrylate - An Adhesive
* Methylal - A Solvent
* Mineral oil | Oil mist, mineral
* Molybdenum | Molybdenum and compounds
* Monoethanolamine - Used as feedstock in the production of detergents, emulsifiers, polishes, pharmaceuticals, corrosion inhibitors, etc.
* Morestan - A fungicide manufactured by Bayer Crop Science
* N,N-Dimethylformamide | Dimethylformamide - A Solvent
* N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine

* n-Butanol | n-Butyl alcohol - A Solvent
* n-Butyl acetate - A Solvent
* n-Hexane - Used in consumer products, building materials or furnishings that contribute to indoor air pollution.
* N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide - A synergist enhancing the potency of pyrethroid ingredients - a component of a pesticide.
* Naphtha | Naphtha (coal tar) - A Solvent and used in the manufacture of high octane gasoline
* Naphtha, petroleum, hydrotreated heavy | Naphtha (coal tar)
* Naphthalene - Mothballs, solvent, plasticizer
* Nickel | Nickel and compounds
* Nickel III oxide | Nickel and compounds
* Nickel IV oxide | Nickel and compounds
* Nitric acid
* Nitric oxide
* Nitrogen dioxide
* Nitrous oxide
* O,O-Diethyl-O-(2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-pyrimidinyl) phosphorothioate | Diazinon - A persistent Herbicide

* O,O-Diethyl-O-(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinyl)-phosphorothioate | Chlorpyrifos - An insecticide - Trade names include Dursban and Lorsban
* Oxadiazon
* Oxygen
* Ozone
* Paint thinner
* Petroleum distillates
* Petroleum mid-distillate
* Phenanthrene | Coal tar pitch volatiles
* Phenol
* Phosgene
* Phosphoric acid
* Piperonyl butoxide
* Plutonium
* Polonium
* Polytetrafluoroethylene | Polytetrafluoroethylene (pyrolyzed)
* Polyvinyl chloride
* Potassium chloride
* Potassium dodecylbenzenesulfonate
* Potassium hydroxide
* Propane
* Propane, 2-ethoxy-2-methyl-
* Propionaldehyde
* Propylene dichloride
* Propylene glycol
* Pyrene | Coal tar pitch volatiles
* Pyrethrins | Pyrethrum - An insecticide.
* Rock wool
* Rosin | Colophony
* sec-Butyl alcohol
* Silicon dioxide, amorphous | Silica, amorphous
* Silicon dioxide, crystalline | Silica, crystalline
* Silver | Silver, metal and soluble compounds
* Silver solder
* Sodium bisulfate
* Sodium borate decahydrate | Borates, decahydrate
* Sodium hydroxide
* Sodium hypochlorite
* Sodium metasilicate
* Sodium phosphate | Sodium phosphate, tribasic | Trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate
* Sodium silicate
* Sodium tetraborate pentahydrate | Borates, pentahydrate
* Stainless steel
* Stoddard solvent
* Strontium | Strontium-90
* Styrene
* Sulfur
* Sulfur dioxide
* Sulfuric acid
* tert-Butyl alcohol
* Tetrachloroethylene
* Tetrahydrofuran
* Tetramethrin - a potent synthetic insecticide in the pyrethroid family.
* Thorium - an alternative nuclear fuel to uranium
* Tin | Tin and i.infoanic compounds
* Titanium
* Titanium dioxide
* Toluene
* Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate
* trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene | 1,2-Dichloroethylene, all isomers - solvents;octane boosters
* Triadimefon - A Foliar fungicide spray made by Bayer Crop Science
* Trichloroethylene
* Trichlorofluoromethane | Fluorotrichloromethane
* Trichlorotrifluoroethane | 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane
* Tricresyl phosphate
* Triethylenetetramine | Triethylene tetramine
* Trifluralin - a commonly used pre-emergence herbicide.
* Trimellitic anhydride - Amoco Chemicals Corporation, the sole domestic producer - it is used for coatings such as a plastic or urethane

* Trimethylbenzene | Trimethyl benzene isomers - A Sterilizer and Octane Booser

* Tungsten | Tungsten and compounds
* Turpentine
* Uranium | Uranium and compounds
* Uranium peroxide | Uranium and compounds
* Uranyl nitrate | Uranium and compounds
* Uranyl sulfate | Uranium and compounds
* Urea
* Vanadium
* Wood dust | Wood dust, all soft and hard woods
* Xylene | Xylene isomers
* Zinc
* Zinc chloride | Zinc chloride fume
* Zinc phosphide - Rodent Killer

Perhaps "Downey Res", you should rethink what you said.

The websites I have listed in this comment to you are very minimal compared to the VAST amount of literature; in written articles in print AND the internet, as well as BLOGS concerning the property at the aforementioned being contaminated. What are the UNKNOWN contaminate?

by Skye Ashly
If you are a resident or critic of what has been said in this article about what can happen to your 'health' after spending time on this Downey property take the time to read all the lengths given on COMMENTS. Would you like to take your kids and grandkids to this property and camp for a month? Genesis!!
by Nolan Lattyak
Tesla Motors deserves the benefit of the doubt in a case such as this. Firstly, they are bringing jobs to California, secondly, the cars which they manufacture are a viable alternative to petrol powered vehicles. The birth of an industry such as this could mean an absolutely huge economic boon to California as demand grows.

That's not to overlook worker health and safety or the potential for toxic brownfields under the citing location for the plant. My message is simply that a less antagonistic approach might be better suited.

Nolan Lattyak
by rocksmith
It is interesting that there are pictures from the 1950's of a sodium nuclear reactor that was tested on the [DOWNEY, CA] site where the Kaiser Medical Center [WHERE GAIL SHEPHARD WORKED], Kaiser Hospistal and the studio now are testking SY0-201. The above weblink also refers to, "Hundreds of workers have been sickened" which, with all due respect;
by smith rock
well its an excellent post from you and i am new here ... its fun to read all these post and reply you are doing an excellent job here .testking vcp 410 :) keep it up guys :)
by george smith
No worker should have to work in a work environment that exposes them to life threatening illnesses and at the very least, testking vcp 410 these workers should get the proper medical care for all of their work related injuries.
by waqar
Steve Zeltzer of the California Coalition for Workers Memorial Day said that Tesla previously announced plans to possibly build an auto assembly plant at the Downey toxic dump site despite knowing that injured workers continue to get ill and sick from the contamination on the site. He joined former Downey worker Steve Basile and several other members of the injured workers coalition in expressing concern that Tesla, which is non-union, may yet be planning to build an “green” electric car assembly plant at the toxic site with a US government DOE energy efficiency loan of $465 million. The Department of Energy announced last June that Tesla will get the loan to build a manufacturing plant for the new ultra-fast Model S sedan and a second battery plant. The federal fund is designed to help the U.S. be competitive in battery technology so as not to lose that business to China, Korea, and Japan.Sandi Trend, speaking at a press conference in San Carlos after the group's visit explained why she is a member of the Workers Memorial Day Coaltion saying, "The corruption has to stop, from the bad employer who has no conscience to an unjust workers compensation system." _________________________________________________________ 70-649 testking , testking 70-642 , 70-643
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