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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Anarchy and Compassion - Free Skool Class

Sunday, December 13, 2009
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Type:
John Malkin
Location Details:
SubRosa Cafe - 703 Pacific Avenue - Santa Cruz

Anarchy, Compassion and Spirituality - A discussion of how the anarchist qualities of freedom, cooperation and self-reliance can be supported through practices like nonviolence, compassion and meditation. John is a local social justice activist, musician and journalist and host of a weekly radio show on Free Radio Santa Cruz.
Added to the calendar on Thu, Nov 19, 2009 11:08AM

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by anarchists
This is absolutely stupid. Anarchism is not a system of values. Anarchism is not a system of morality. Anarchism is a tool to be used to further our goal. And our goal is to build working class power, toward the destruction of this world.

Self reliance? Non-violence? Anarchism is not about living in the woods off of mushrooms and screaming "peaceful protest!" nor standing idly by while our enemies continue to devastate our communities and our world. Anarchists fight the fuck back. And that does not mean signing petitions. It does not mean having consensus discussion meetings about our feelings. It means destroying the world. It means burning everything. It means breaking with the relationships imposed on us and destroying the imposers. It does not, not, not, mean non-violence.

Anarchism is not liberal, nor democratic. Stop using our word. Fuck off.
by anonymous
It seems there are some people who want to keep exclusive use of a word, a word that in fact only means "no government".

Does anarchy mean non-violence or burning buildings? No, anarchy means that people is against compulsory government. There hasn't always been a government and won't exist in the distant future. It canbe as pacific as a gradual shift of ideas, or as radical as destroying the world, but in between there are many hues of the same thing: no need for government.

So, dear "true" anarchist friends, if you want to blow people and buildings you are very free to proceed as you see fit. Most people in this world agree with one thing: Government isn't necessary nor helpful for humanity, and so whatever route we take on to reach that goal is an anarchist one.

Maybe you just want to blow things and kill people? if so, that's just who you are, the rest of us want a chance at a happy life, the rest of us believe that mankind's true potential can only be unlocked when free from the straps of compulsory mandate, the rest of us se as much harm in monopoly of the use of legal force as in burning bridges and parliaments.

My "true" anarchist friend. What do you gain by killing people? what does one man, woman or child mean? if the system is our true enemy then no amount of dead bodies will kill the idea, on the contrary: It will make people fearful and eager to accept a tyrant to protect them from the madmen who want to see the world burn. No, my friend, if anything you are playing into the spider's silk, kill or be killed isn't a choice but for the lowliest animals. We think, we talk and we convince the only ones who can destroy the system: the people. And I assure you, killing your only hope of success is something only a man or woman who no longer has the strength and will to fight does, someone who has lost all faith in mankind and thus, him or herself.

And so, it is not you but anyone who is willing to try and change this world without destroying it the true anarchists. And you, my friend, are just a lonely, sad person who can't make anything good out of him or herself but to destroy everything and you with it, you aren't living and dying like a martir, you're dying like a bitter, self-loathing, miserable try of human being; you're bying like a rabid dog, trying to take down as many with you as possible. If you are that miserable then so be it, we have people to help, people to wake up, and real changes in the world to make and it's gonna be hard enough with your fires blindly destroying whatever frivolous whim you satisfy.

For a better world, for the good of all, we will do our best with the most we have. Because we are not bitter destroyers, we are caring reformers. There's no reason to throw it all away, it takes time and effort to remove just the ill parts without harming the good. But it seems you only want to slay the whole if it has sometihng bad. Next time you get a cold, kill yourself, and the illness with you. Next time I get one, I'll drink the right medicine to cure it and go on, because that's the difference between "you" and "us", between "true" anarchists and people actually trying to do something good for everyone.

by troll killah
this first comment is beyond ridiculous.
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