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Indybay Feature

Earth First! car smash video

by smti
during the international day of climate action Earth First! and friends relieved some of their climate worries by taking part in a climate therapy session where they smashed up an old truck.
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by huh
what a good way to describe this kind of activism. utterly pointless, yet allowing its participants to bask in some warm fuzzy feelings of righteous morality. have none of these people even used a truck to get to a forest defense action? sheesh.

Ecology isn’t simply the logic of a total economy; it’s the new morality of capital.
The new green-asceticism is precisely the self-control that is required of us all in order to negotiate a rescue operation where the system has taken itself hostage.
Those who claim that generalized self-control will spare us from an environmental dictatorship are lying: the one will prepare the way for the other, and we’ll end up with both.
by relax and smile
Thanks folks! This video made me smile. I dont know why this person above me is getting all bothered. Most of these 350 actions, just like other marches, rallies, etc serve simply to inspire us and make us feel a little less alone in our opinions and beliefs. It looks like this did exactly that for those involved. Keep pushing the envelope!
by reality check
How stupid. the fucking smashers forgot to wear their fucking safety glasses; i hope no one was injured, especially people walking or driving by the fucking Ashby BART station. They could have converted the fucking truck to run on fucking batteries. And how did they fucking haul away the metal and glass debris? Did they pack it up and take the parts home on BART or remove it in a diesel fucking powered tow truck? This was beyond pointless; it was fucking counterproductive, fucking stupid, fucking dangerous, and fucking fucked up. Has Earth First been taken over by fucking clowns?
by yo mama
First off: Earth First!, safety second, right? People had the option to wear goggles if they wanted and no one got hurt and we swept all the debris into the bed. Second: the truck was useless with a seized motor, and had many many other problems.... and it went to a recycling yard. Plus fluids were drained beforehand. Third: damn yer wrong on so many accounts.... we towed it by bicycle (5 exactly), all the way to West Oakland (yeah baby). Fourth: plus its so damn obvious what is really going on with your post, yer just jealous you missed out.... climate therapy was never so fun -ask all the strangers who participated. Lastley: when did indybay get read by so many "fucking" morons.
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