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Nilin weekley demo against the wall- 10/2

by MC
from Anarchists Against the Wall Media:
"the weekly protest against the wall in Ni'lin was the first one held during the olive harvest season. This is also the first harvest season since the completion of the wall on Ni'lin land, and the village is waiting to see whether the occupation forces will filfil their stated commitment to allow the villagers access to their land over the wall.
Families who still have remaining olive trees that haven't been stolen by the wall have begun the work of picking the olives (this year is the bad year for the olive crop). Ni'lin families with olive trees beyond the wall haven't been allowed to cross over to harvest them yet, as the army has requested a list of names from the minicipality.

The protesters marched towards the route of the concrete wall placed alongside the fence, carrying pictures of the 6 Ni'lin youths who are currently detained by the Israeli army. some of the protesters pelted soldiers with stones, while others called on them to refuse to participate in the theft of palestinian land. Soliders fired tear gas at protesters, in some cases directly, and used for the first time in some months aluminium canisters, that are much more dangerous if fired directly at people. Additionally, they sprayed the stinking green substance at the most daring of protestes who got within the range of the jets of fluid. afer a couple of hours soldiers crossed the wall, and the protesters backed off. no serious injuries were recorded, aside from some gas inallation."

another report by Israel Putermam can be watch here:
by MC
by MC
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by MC
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a protester returns some gas grenades to the occupying soldiers. in the background a member of the village of Nilin can be heard "violence brings violence, peace bring peace" and "soldier refuse to serve" (in the military). behind the soldiers the olive trees and land belonging to people in Nilin can be seen.
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