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Nilin weekly demo against the wall, three arrests, some wounded from tear gas inhalation

by MC
Nilin weekly demo against the wall, three arrests, some wounded from tear gas inhalation.
On Friday September 25, the weekly demo against the annexation of land in Nilin took place. Participants walked to the wall and confronted occupation soldiers, demanding them to leave their village land. The Israeli military replied with the shooting of tear and shook gas and moved into the area arresting three people.
In the past, five participants in the weekly demonstration were murdered in Nilin by the Israeli army. Another person, Tristan Anderson was critically wounded. At one point, the battalion commander of the Nilin area was filmed ordering a subordinate soldier to shot handcuffed and blindfolded Palestinian. At first he was charged with "severe moral failure", was to be reassigned to another post and face the relatively minor charge of "unworthy conduct". After human right organizations appeal this decision at the Israeli Supreme
Court, the charge was changed to "creating an atmosphere in which a soldier took it upon himself to shoot a handcuffed Palestinian". This although the soldier testified numerous times that he followed the commander orders.
by MC
a kid fighting to breath after being near one of the gas grenades. i was debating whether to post this picture, but since its your tax money and government that pays for all of it, you might as well see the result.
by MC
on the other side of the wall, with the soldiers, a media team is filming us.
§right back at you
by MC
gas grenades that did not detonate are thrown back at the soldiers, who escape down the hill and behind the wall.
by MC
§stealing the land
by MC
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a member of the village of Nilin yells to the soldiers:
"are you going to tell your family and kids that you are fighting poor peasants who are trying to get their land back? you are not allowed to pollute the air (with tear gas). go back to your family, refuse to serve the army if you are a real man. this land belongs to peasants. why are you stealing our land?"
by MC
another person is wounded
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