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Noticias Independientes Bajo Ataque/ Independent News in Spanish Under Attack

by danielsan
Alerta: Fernando Velasquez del Informativo Pacifica de KPFK habla sobre la cancelacion potencial de esta recurso comunitario muy importante, y los poderes que esta en oposicion a la transmision en aire de las voces de hispanohablantes.
Alert: Fernando Velasquez of KPFK's Informativo Pacifica talks about the potential cancellation of this important community resource and the powers that oppose broadcasting independent spanish speaking voices on the air.
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La audio es bilingue, 35:21, formato MP3, y 'estereo'
Audio is bilingual, 35:21, mp3 format, stereo

Fernando habla de la historia del conflicot en la red Pacifica y especificamente en KPFK, tocando en la organizacion de bloques de programacion en espanol, el poder de programistas con mucho tiempo con la estacion, las demandas de ganancias, y el intercambio de programas en espanol con noticias britanicas o transmisiones de shows que repiten, todo en el contexto de los conflictos para determinar el futuro de la red nacional Pacifica y las noticias independientes en espanol.

Fernando talks about the history of the conflict at Pacifica and KPFK in particular, including early attempts to organize around Spanish language programming blocks, controversies including the power of long-time programmers to determine schedules, fundraising demands, and the replacement of spanish language programming with BBC news or rebroadcasts of other programs, all in the context of the ongoing power struggles over the direction of Pacifica Stations nationwide and and future of independent Spanish language news.
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by those who listen
This programer who is attempting to get support for retaining FOREVER his favorite spot on KPFK radio is now , of course, going to make a big story to make his big ego feel confirmed. He will not explain how he obtained the positions or was removed from KPFK radio station premises at times or how he interfered with previous News Directors of KPFK's official work either.

He had latino influencers who held tight to their Program Directorship for too long a time in which this programmer colluded to get more preferable time, treatment and allowences on the station. As if his work were superior to others - tho the funding income results did not prove it to be so.

Complaints from those who are asked to move over or shift to a different time slot are most often offended and act out by maligininig anyone they personally perceive as limiting them or taking away their assumed power.

This programmer has had conflicted interpersonal relationships with very many other staff at the station, which was NOT why his program was moved to a different time. But the characters involved help create the story that is not heard on the program, where the "news" can be delivered and the back scene is hidden.

For the improvement of the KPFK Pacifica station where Informative Pacifica origincated for a long time and where the facilites are used to create the programs, to make a change is 'about time' and a way to attempt to increase listenership and stay afloat.

Any negative accusations should be heard and noted as who is speaking and why. It is a personal issue for sure. But the program was not cancelled. Just moved.
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