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PHILIPPINES: Ka Wilson of KMU passes away

by Ang Bayan
KILUSANG Mayo Uno (KMU), May First Movement Trade Union Center, secretary general Ka Wilson Fronda Baldo-naza, 55, passed away on July 1. He had been bedridden for several weeks after suffering a stroke on June 5.

KMU, Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan), Anakpawis, Bayan Muna, Gabriela, Migrante and other progressive organizations paid tribute to him on July 3. The KMU hailed Ka Wilson as a hard-working union leader and an excellent teacher to his fellow workers and citizens.

Ka Wilson was a member of the Samahan ng Demokratikong Kabataan (SDK) and was an organizer in his hometown of Victoria, Tarlac before martial law was declared in 1972. He led the Mabuhay Textile Mills union in 1985 and became secretary general of BAYAN in Valenzuela from 1987-1990. In 2000, he chaired the Alliance of Nationalist and Genuine Labor Organizations (ANGLO) and in 2007 was elected as KMU secretary general.;lang=eng;article=20

KMU is a labor center promoting genuine, militant and patriotic trade unionism. It is genuine because it recognizes the struggle between labor and capital and upholds the legitimate interest of the working class; militant because it relies on the workers collective struggle in defending trade union and democratic rights; and patriotic because it seeks to end imperialist domination and control over the Philippines.

Ang Bayan (The People) is the official news organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines issued by the CPP Central Committee. The Communist Party of the Philippine is determined to implement its general programme for a people's democratic revolution.

by Ang Bayan
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