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America Killed Michael Jackson: Special Broadcast at 1pm Pacific Time

by Uhuru News
Michael Jackson was an incredibly talented African man whose life, like many African people, was cut entirely too short. His talent grew out of the African community, and his torment came from an ideological assault waged against the African community by America that tells African people every day that one’s success is dependent on how white-like he or she is.

Michael Jackson, who influenced nearly all performers who came after him, died on Thursday, June 25, 2009, and even after his death the imperialist media attacks him and his family as it does the African community in general.

Join Uhuru Radio on Monday, June 29 at 4:00 pm U.S. ET for a special program remembering Michael Jackson and examining the life and struggles of this incredibly talented African man! This special program will be hosted by longtime radio host and African music historian Norman Otis Richmond. Call in and make your comments and questions about musical giant Michael Jackson!

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America Killed Michael Jackson
Uhuru Radio remembers MJ with special broadcast
Monday, June 29, 4:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time


Michael Jackson was an incredibly talented African man whose life, like many African people, was cut entirely too short. His talent grew out of the African community, and his torment came from an ideological assault waged against the African community by America that tells African people every day that one’s success is dependant on how white-like he or she is.

Michael Jackson, who influenced nearly all performers who came after him, died on Thursday, June 25, 2009, and even after his death the imperialist media attacks him and his family as it does the African community in general.

Join Uhuru Radio on Monday, June 29 at 4:00 pm U.S. ET for a special program remembering Michael Jackson and examining the life and struggles of this incredibly talented African man! This special program will be hosted by longtime radio host and African music historian Norman Otis Richmond. Call in and make your comments and questions about musical giant Michael Jackson!

Chairman OmaliBecome a subscriber to Uhuru Radio, and get access to downloads of the archived speeches of African People’s Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela.

For a minimum contribution of $10 (US) per month you can download these dynamic presentations and burn them to disc or sign-up for the podcast and load them onto your mp3 player.

There are now over 100 speeches by the Chairman available for download. Go to the show page for Omali Yeshitela Speaks to read descriptions of the available presentations.

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by reality check
"...and his torment came from an ideological assault waged against the African community by America that tells African people every day that one’s success is dependant on how white-like he or she is..."

It was his own father who tormented him and made young Michael hate his Blackness. It was his brothers who exposed him to sexuality when he was way too young and turned him into a mixed up man-child grabbing his genitals and thrusting them in front of thousands of young girls. Jackson was over-rated as a singer and appealed mostly to teenyboppers. He wanted to be Diana Ross or Judy Garland - a tragic show biz story begun when he was exploited by his own father.
by beat it
black people have been damaged from the beginning,how did you think someones father or any black person couldn't be damaged from the very beginnings of the slave system? time to wake up for all peoples''black and white'' like mj more ''blame this or that country or race'' there is an environmental and spirutual crisis that needs examining,no one exemp,even ''spiritual people!
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