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Indybay Feature

UCSC Coalition Rallies Against Budget Cuts, Fee Hikes and Layoffs

by ~Bradley (bradley [at]
On May 28th, students, staff, workers, and faculty rallied at the base of the UC Santa Cruz campus to protest the UC administration’s decision to cut Community Studies department staff, Latin American Latina/o Studies professors, and director positions at the American Indian Resource Center and the Women’s Center. The rally was organized by the New UC, a coalition that seeks to save quality of education in the UC from regressive, belt-tightening attacks, to ensure universal access to education, and to promote freedom of thought in the university.

Since May 26th, members of the Student of Color Collective (SOCC) have been on a hunger strike at the base of campus to protest budget cuts to underserved communities. In addition to the hunger strike and rally at the base of campus, resisidents of UCSC's Family Student Housing (FSH) held a demonstration with tents to protest inadequate living conditions and a rent hike.
While these cuts are seen as part of a larger budget crisis in California, organizers with the New UC say that the execution of budget reductions at UCSC and across the UC system are unjust, undemocratic, and discriminatory. In solidarity and support of the hunger strikers and their demands, the New UC is calling for those concerned by recent budget cuts to protest, declaring “No Cuts, No Hikes, No Layoffs.”

For more information, including lists of demands, see:

UCSC Students Hunger Strike

UCSC coalition says No Cuts, No Hikes, No Layoffs

And from 2006, check out:

The Need for Ethnic Studies

UCSC Charged With Disadvantaging Students, Faculty and Workers of Color
§Respect The Space
by ~Bradley
§Sleeping and Meeting Under an Oak Tree
by ~Bradley
§Hunger Strike
by ~Bradley
§UCSC Police Chief Mickey Aluffi and Student Affairs Staff
by ~Bradley
UC Santa Cruz Police Chief Mickey Aluffi burns petroleum while talking to Alma Sifuentes (yellow cap) and Margaret Ortega from Student Affairs.
§Coalition of University Employees
by ~Bradley
Members of the Coalition of University Employees (CUE) share their experiences with students.
§Cut from the Top
by ~Bradley
§The New Family Student Housing
by ~Bradley
§Fair Housing!
by ~Bradley
§Cut Blumenthal
by ~Bradley
§Humyn Generator
by ~Bradley
This humyn powered bicycle generator, which also has a solar panel, was brought to the rally by Takashi of People Power and provided amplified sound for the rally.
§Cut Nukes Not Education
by ~Bradley
The University of California: America's Most Ecocidal "Green" University
§Budget Cuts R Slashing Diversity
by ~Bradley
Martin, a graduate student, father, and resident of Family Student Housing, spoke about the inadequate and unsafe living conditions at FSH.
§White Sage (Salvia apiana)
by ~Bradley
Daniel “Nane” Alejándrez, co-founder of Barrios Unidos, smudges students with white sage.

Smudging is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences. The smudging ceremony involves the burning of special, sacred plants and herbal resins, then, either passing an object through the resulting smoke, or fanning the smoke around a person or place. The spirit of the plant then purifies whatever is being smudged.
§Coalition to Save Community Studies
by ~Bradley
The Coalition to Save Community Studies is a student-led group that includes students of all majors, faculty, alumni, and all others who are concerned with the academic integrity of the Community Studies department. Formed in April 2009 in light of UC wide budget cuts, the coalition brings together different constituencies to educate the public and advocate for the preservation of the department and major. The coalition seeks transparency and engagement in the budget decision making process through diplomacy and outreach to other affected students.
§UCSC Hypocrisy
by ~Bradley
This persyn read propaganda by UCSC to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the institution's words compared to its actions.
§Susanne Jonas and Sister Paula Livers-Powell
by ~Bradley
Susanne Jonas, a pink-slipped lecturer in the Latin American and Latina/o Studies (LALS) department and world-renowned expert on the Guatemalan Peace Accords speaks with Sister Paula Livers-Powell, Founding Dean & Director of the African American Resource Center.
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Anna Ochoa
Sat, Jun 6, 2009 7:59PM
Fri, May 29, 2009 7:21PM
outside observer
Fri, May 29, 2009 5:51PM
spread the word!
Fri, May 29, 2009 2:36PM
Fri, May 29, 2009 1:51PM
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