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Indybay Feature

How to Protest - or Celebrate - the Prop 8 Decision

by Paul Hogarth via Beyond Chron
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 : Today at 10:00 a.m., the California Supreme Court will issue its long-awaited ruling on Proposition 8 – where we will learn if the state Constitution allows just a bare majority of voters to take a basic right away from a minority group. I will provide my legal analysis of the decision when it becomes available, so stay tuned for an update later in the day.
However, based on how the Justices handled the oral arguments in March, marriage equality advocates expect to lose. The case for repealing Prop 8 is both legally and morally sound, but judges don’t always make the right decision. Advocates will gather at Civic Center Plaza to get the news, and a few plan to engage in non-violent civil disobedience if Prop 8 is upheld. A peaceful march will take place at 5:00 p.m. from City Hall to Yerba Buena Gardens, and – win or lose – marriage equality supporters from across the state will converge in Fresno this weekend to “meet in the middle,” strategize and expand the movement. If today’s Court ruling makes a ballot proposition to repeal Prop 8 necessary, we will have to engage all Californians.

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