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Indybay Feature

National Anarchists at Walk against Rape

by M.
Bay Area National Anarchists at Walk against Rape.
while covering WAR, i sew a couple of kids from the Bay Area National Anarchists. they seemed to come from a "tea party" demonstration. The NA are known for their racist and violent rhetoric against immigrants. i was expecting to find a gang of violent thugs, all i sew were some misguided teens.
by M.
by M.
by M.
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by Suspicious
They are very clean cut. They look some what like some cops. I wonder if the cops are getting some BANNA attire and are coming dressed up like them, to start a stir and get people riled up. Some kind of COINTELPRO tatic.

I could be wrong, these might be real BANA people. Regardless whoever they are, they are trouble and people shouldn't tolerate them being there and make them feel UNWELCOME!
by awake
WTF is a "national anarchist"
by anti-racist
The national anarchists are white supremacists (or "separatists" as they call it) using the word "anarchism" in the way that nazis use "socialism": a hook to draw in curious or ignorant folks looking for a change, but who are not committed to ending racism, sexism, capitalism, or homophobia. If you see them, point them out and drive them away from any public gathering. Ignoring them and letting them "do their thing" is unacceptable.
by informing you
The National Anarchist mvmnt. is basically a white power fascist movement, but they identify themselves as anarchists. They intertwine anarchist symbols and white power mvmnt. symbols. They wear the facist symbol around town, and amongst the anarchist scene, and they try to spout their racist views as anarchist. There has been a problem of them coming to infiltrate marches, like they did here. For them to come to a walk against rape event is pretty extreme; no pun intended. They often will try to infiltrate blac bloc marches, but I never heard of them infiltrating a walk against rape event. If that is them at all and really police agent provocateaurs,like suspicous was saying. But, the national anarchist movement are basically nazis who are trying to say they are anarchist as well.

by anarchist
an ongoing performance piece whose primary purpose is to convince the public, especially the activists, that anarchists condone racism. And as long as we let them do it, we ARE condoning racism. When someone preaches racism in our name, and we do nothing to stop them, most people who see it happen will perceive it as a tacit endorsement, because that's what it is. All righteous people hate anyone who condones racism.

These guys need to be stopped. Now. History teaches us that the only way to deal with these kind of organizations that ever works, is a combination of physical violence, lots of it, and the credible threat of more.

BANA will stop going around making righteous people hate anarchists when, and only when, enough of their bones have been broken.

It would be tactically imprudent for this to happen in front of witnesses who not part of BANA itself.

by jj
at this point i think it's best to ignor them. most people havnt heard of them.
if they get a bunch of publicity, it will just lead to other idiots joining them.

right now it's like a dozen high school kids.
by cp
The take care to show a friendly demeanor and somewhat populist activities to take part in. I don't really understand this local group that well to comment. I really don't want to slur anyone who may have picked the wrong name for their group and their focus is really different

this article uses the same phrase "autonome nationalisten", national anarchists, to label a tendency of german national socialist in the last couple of years. Their political leadership has lead a public relations campaign where they have adopted somewhat popular themes such as anti-globalization in economics, anti-corporatization of childhood and daily life, strongly adopted the palestinian cause (this becomes uncomfortable quickly). They have dropped the cruder past political focuses such as 'auslander aus' (foreigners out) with violent attacks on immigrants.
They have also changed their appearance. Some still use skinhead styles, but many wear black hoodies or girls have somewhat punk fashion, and there are a few listenable music groups. They also have taken to flying black flags and banners- so it gets confusing when they fight with antifa-autonomen or anarchists at their rallies and someone were to look for the black as a signal of who is who.
''They were very aggressive,'' says unionist Holger Kindler, who was among the witnesses. ''It was a Nazi crew that was very political not just subcultural. They weren't satisfied with walking through Dresden.''

"Autonome nationalisten"

The neo-Nazi attack in February was not the work of the typical beer-swilling skinheads but of a group known as ''autonome nationalisten'' or free nationalists - a radical, political segment of the far right that is growing in number and, experts fear, poised to create a new wave of violence.

The message from people fighting Nazism - and backed up by a growing stack of statistics - is that far right attitudes are strengthening in Germany, with unpredictable and potentially explosive consequences.

In 2008, the authorities recorded a 30 per cent rise in crimes committed by far right groups. In March, a government-commissioned study revealed that a staggering one in 20 boys aged 15 belonged to a far right organisation - a higher proportion than are involved in mainstream politics.

The worry is that with Germany heading into its worst recession since the second world war, the far right will exploit frustration and anger just as Adolf Hitler used the Great Depression to catapult himself into power.

''Right wing parties will use the financial crisis for propaganda, channelling fury about social and economic injustice into racist and nationalistic attitudes,'' says Alexander Haeusler, who studies the far right at Duesseldorf Technical College.

''They are already printing topical pamphlets about the financial crisis.''

Here are some photos of the Dresden demonstration that illustrate the recent appearance of antifa vs. nazi groups. People with red and black, american/british/israeli flags are antifa. Nazis are wearing black, and sometimes have anticapitalist and german flags. Less neat distinction of uniforms between sides.

mostly the right wing side here (scroll halfway down page into comments for photos)

(mostly counterdemonstrators here)

by me
How strange. I saw these guys walking down 4th street yesterday. They had some signs about less gov. and more freedom. I assumed they were young republicans out for a teabagging.
by anarchist
>if they get a bunch of publicity, it will just lead to other idiots joining them.

That depends on the kind of publicity they get. As soon as real anarchists give these guys the reputation of being people who get the crap beat out of them every time they show their faces in public, people will become reluctant to join. After all, who wants to get the crap beat put of them?

What will definitely lead to other idiots joining them is if they get away with promoting racism in public. When closet racists see that this is considered acceptable behavior, they'll join in a minute.

What's more important than the publicity they get, is the publicity anarchists get. Every time BANA displays racism in public, while claiming to be anarchists, people who witness it are forced to correctly assume that anarchists are soft on racism.

>right now it's like a dozen high school kids.

And at one point, the entire Nazi party could sit in one booth in a beer hall. They kept their dues in a cigar box. Their arms amounted to a couple of pistols. People ignored them because, well, they were seven guys in a beer hall, talking politics over a couple of lagers, and obviously no threat to anyone. After all, what harm could seven guys do? But one thing led to another, and eventually, somewhere between thirty and fifty million people wound up dead. This is history we can learn from or we can repeat.

Could BANA one day cause that much harm? Probably not on their own, but don't want to find out.

Also, remember, they are the tip of a large and nasty iceberg. It's a semi-underground federation of the Aryan Nations, the National Alliance, Christian Identity, Nazis, the various Klans, the various skinhead formations, et al.

There are tens of thousands of these guys. They have a well armed, well financed, well trained and highly motivated militia. it has blood on its hands from numerous acts of terrorism, ranging from individual assassinations like Alan Berg and Dr. Barnett Slepian, to multiple murders like Greensboro Massacre and the the Oklahoma City Bombing. They have blown up women's clinics, burned churches and murdered numerous People of Color chosen pretty at random, solely because of their ethnicity. Members of this racist/fascist terrorist underground have been caught with weapons of mass destruction, including ricin, anthrax and plague. And that's just the ones who got caught. How many acquired WMDs and did not get caught?

These are dangerous people. This is a dangerous movement. They have friends in high places. They have a plan. To ignore them is potentially suicidal.

After 9/11. Americans forgot all about them and focused on Islamic terrorists. This was the kind of mistake that will come back to haunt us one day. The Nazi/Klan/Identity alliance has taken advantage of our inattention to stockpile weapons and ammunition, and to recruit and train new members. Public groups like BANA, the Hammerskins, WAR, etc. are recruiting tools. To ignore them not only makes real anarchists look bad, it strengthens the racist/fascist underground. If we ignore them long enough, sooner or later, they will come back and kill us, and not just us, either. If you doubt this, read history. Then read the Turner Diaries. Then read Mein Kampf. Educate yourself.

Only ignorance of the historical process of which BANA is a part could possibly make you think we can afford to ignore them. Groups like BANA do not arise in a vacuum. They are part of a historical process. We can either learn from that process, or we can repeat the mistakes of the past.
by deanosor (deanosor [at]
Were these BANA types handing out literature? It looks in the picture like they might have been. If so, did anybody get a copy of it? Were they trying to talk to anti-rape activists or just be a presence? Did they have any success in there conversations? Did anybody intervene to say that these weren't really anarchists?

The fact that there are "national anarchists" shows the success of the anarchist movement. All sorts of folks (even FASCISTS) are attempting to glom onto our ideas. The reason that National Socialism chose socialism was similar. Before Hitler consolidated his movement, there were all kinds of people with odd racist views running around Germany who had feet in different progressive movements as well. Look up a group of people called the Wandervogel. They were rainbow family types and most of them joined the Nazis. The Republican Party with the Tea Parties and Ron Paul's movement are trying a similar strategy, i.e getting (especially but not exclusively middle class white) people who have certain generalized notions and instincts relating to freedom and bring them into authoritarian politics. Discussion should begin as to how anarchists (real ones) should relate to these people with certain freedom oriented instincts, while actually combatting their proto fascist tendencies including racism and negatiivity toward immigrants and homosexuals.

Of course, they would try to glom onto an anti-rape movement, which does a helluva lot of good work against a real problem in our society, but which also may have elements of pro-cop/anti-crime tendencies which sometime morph into racism. Look, for exmaple, at the hysteria and speculation around Lovelle Mixon.

And yes, BANA should be driven off the streets by whatever means you (we) can use when they appear or can be found. And no i don't think they're cops, or paid government operatives.

by jjjjjjjjj
Are these people only white nationalists? I went to their website and they are definitely nationalist/tribalist/separatist. Those things don't necessarily mean white supremacist, though, as people who identify as other races can also be against their race breeding with others. Either way it is racist and fucked up, but I'm wondering if these people are only white nationalist or if they're also other "races."

I have never seen them around but it looks like they have been right under my nose.
by on BANA
Members of BANA candidly discuss "National Anarchism" on white supremacist forum stromfront:
by M.
I did not see them speak to anyone, they just handed out this leaflet and another one which i did not get a chance to take. The leaflet hides the NA real agenda, and instead gives a very general and abstract information. I assume that was because many in WAR were people of color and immigrants.

(click on the image to get a batter view of it)
by (a) familiar stranger
the people on that stormfront site are spectacularly dumb. the stupidity is pretty intense over there. I loled pretty hard.

y'all know me, some of us have we've talked about dealing with these chumps a couple times. Well, I am itchin' to roll on these fools. we're gonna run into 'em sooner or later. Let's keep these pictures handy.
by .
holy cow. Yes - look at the trail of statements by that guy/gal Kyren (probably a guy) on Stormfront. They really leave no doubt as to their position. He's blaming things on jews, openly advocating racism, talking about ways of coopting movements.
Do a google or youtube search for "new right" and "tribal anarchism". The youtube videos on the "new right" movement in Europe are specifically pertinent to BANA. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a new form of neo-fascist ideology wrapped (rather successfully) in rhetoric from our ranks (such as post-left anarchism/anti-civ/individualist anarchism).
by a-feminist
"That depends on the kind of publicity they get. As soon as real anarchists give these guys the reputation of being people who get the crap beat out of them every time they show their faces in public, people will become reluctant to join. After all, who wants to get the crap beat put of them?"

Which is exactly why we need to be better at publicity than they are.
soo will make sure we give them a nice little greeting
by .
I think this site corresponds to that guy's Corrupt sweater with the eagle logo
by ...
From the BANA site: "While this health advisory is in effect we advise you to avoid areas where carriers of this virus could frequent, including Mexican restaurants, businesses that employ illegal workers, heavily Hispanic areas, and public transportation routes where the virus can easily be spread."
by endnote
They have never advocated violence towards us right? or am I missing something? why is everyone so determined to kick there ass, I don't see anything about hating anybody on there site?? They seem like an idiotic group that's for sure, nationalism and Anarchy don't mix. but they were walking against nooo! I believe everyone has a right to believe what they want to do no matter what, violence won't stop these morons.

Just ignore them.
by M.
They were not marching against rape, they got there accidentally from a demonstration against tax. They left after putting out some leaflets. Did you not read their comments on stormfront?
by .
yes- it is really hard to judge how threatening they are. That 'Corrupt' website above looks so liberal and nonthreatening to the point of suspicion. If you scroll through looking for comments on race and ethnicity, they seem to be defensively trying to obscure it. Think about it this way - if your goals are merely to be antiglobalization, pro-environment and so forth - why not just stick with normal antiglobalization groups. Why join the national anarchists.
If you combine that with their clear dialoguing with the Stormfront people (where they make it clear that they care a lot about race, and not just ethnicity), and some other sites where the national anarchists call themselves 'New Right", radical traditionalist, , it sounds like they are trying to downplay this stuff while they gain in numbers.
The problem comes later. You know how communism would work if everyone could just get along, give up their land and factories, and whistle while they work. The violence only comes when, inevitably, people disagree and have to be suppressed by a state. What are these guys thinking when they actually want to politically proscribe ethnic/racially determined communities. They may say that they don't consider any ethnicity superior, but just that they should be able to remain separate. But how is that going to work when we all currently share the same space.. in most countries in north and south america. It would lead to people needing to split up the space for different groups, and expelling people who don't voluntarily want to move.
If they made any sense, they wouldn't even bring up race and ethnicity, and instead would call for local democratic control of each city or region. Then people could culturally go to places that start to diverge, such as the south, Texas culture, mennonite country etc.
Stormfront is so ridiculous in referring to white culture anyway. Maybe they had some bad experience in public school, but if they were able to kick out all nonwhites, they might be shocked to learn that many whites are liberal and share none of the stormfront values. After the racial segregation, they'd have to engage in a second war to exterminate whites who don't share their culture. (pretty fascist)
by a
i have interacted with these peopel before i knew who they were.

after being suspicious of them i looked up the email addresses that were given to me, one of them led me to this myspace with this blog that clearly states this persons purpose

The Illusion.
An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.

We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.

We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.

We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute.

We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.

We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.

We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.

The poisons will be absorbed trough their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.

From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.

The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.

We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.

Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.

When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help.

We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.

When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.

When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.

We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.

They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.

We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they many never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all.

Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use fear as our weapon.

We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides.

We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan.

They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.

Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way.

We will make them kill each other when it suits us."

so i hope that puts this debate to rest

they are white supremacists

here is the myspace
by A not NA!
The guy above posting couldn't be more wrong. Me and my friend caught a ride to your meeting with a anarchist and a anarcho-capitalist. We didn't find out till later they were NA. We met online and believe me we don't talk anymore. So I'd appreciate if you did more research before posting my myspace online claiming I'm a NA scumbag.
by a
i know you may not feel the need to explain but this blog is pretty fucking explicit, and if you dont feel that way its a real big coincidence you just stumbled into a car with some national anarchists

by A not NA
and that blog post is about "our" government not some wp bullsh*t
by A not NA
I don;t have a car only a bike, they had a car I found them on myspace they had room for one, so I joined. I met them at a local park they were having a bbq, there was a lot of them but only 3 came for some reason with me to your meeting. They seemed fine but then after talking to them for awhile I realized they were tribal anarchists or NA by the literature they gave me. like I said I don't talk to them, f*ck I don't even know if they gave me there real names.
by ...
Was one of them named Andrew and lives in the Haight?
by an anarchist librarian
Use the names they gave you to find out where they live etc. Put those names into, and fidn out more about anyone than anyone should really know. But if it's there let's use it against the enemies of the people.. It works well on fascists, cops, and bosses.
by @ndy

A few comments.

'National anarchism' is a development on the far right. Its chief protagonist in the English-speaking world is Troy Southgate (UK). On Southgate, see:

Co-opting the Counter Culture: Troy Southgate and the National Revolutionary Faction
Graham D. Macklin
Patterns of Prejudice
Vol.39, No.3, September 2005

Two more recent articles which address 'national anarchism' are:

Rebranding Fascism: National-Anarchists
Spencer Sunshine
Public Eye
Vol.23, No.4, Winter 2008

-- and --

National Anarchism’: California Racists Claim They’re Anarchists
Casey Sanchez
Intelligence Report
Summer 2009

In brief, 'national anarchism' has evolved as a response by elements of the far right to the apparent popularity of anarchism among yoof -- especially in terms of opposition to 'globalisation' -- and signifies an attempt by white racists and fascists to appropriate elements of anarchist ideology, organisational modes and symbology in order to advance their own cause. In this context, it should be remembered that fascism has always been a syncretic ideology and movement. That is, fascists are happy to attempt to incorporate seemingly contradictory impulses within the one ideology/movement -- such as anarchism and nationalism -- if this is thought to bring about political advantage.

To the best of my knowledge, the most successful example of this form of cultural appropriation may be found within the German far right. On this subject, see:

When Nazis go Pop... New strategies of the extreme right in Germany
November 12, 2004

The vast majority of 'national anarchists' come from the far right. Coming from Australia, I am most familiar with the Australian case. Here, their chief ideologue is Welf Herfurth, a German-born Australian resident, former member of the NPD, and a range of other far right political formations. He is a Holocaust denialist, and a close comrade of Frederick Toben, a revisionist historian. Herfurth has stated that his chief ideological inspiration is Troy Southgate and, like Southgate, he has established a front group, known as the 'New Right'. Some indication of the nature of the 'New Right' (UK) may be found by examining the list of speakers it has invited to address its meetings:

Last year, Herfurth, together with a local (Australian) bonehead named Douglas Schott (who is a member of the neo-Nazi RAC band 'Blood Red Eagle'), attempted to form the Australian franchise of US-based bonehead organisation 'Volksfront'; both Herfurth and Schott have previously been organisers for 'Blood & Honour'.

A few final points:

The man in the hat has been identified as 'Andrew Yeoman', the leader of BANANAs in the Bay Area -- he was interviewed by Sanchez for the SPLC article;
BANANAs and other 'national anarchist' groupuscules will attempt to attach themselves to anything, and anyone, they believe might prove useful -- the point is not to protest 'rape' (or anything else) but to be public, and visible;
Their preference is to attach themselves to 'progressive' causes;
If you give them an inch, they will take a mile;
The number of adherents 'national anarchism' can call upon is tiny -- in Australia, they number no more than a few dozen;
Clearly indicating to 'national anarchists' that they are not welcome at public events is, in my opinion, a worthwhile tactic -- how this can or should be communicated to them is of course up to those concerned. In Australia, a quiet word has sufficed;
'National anarchists' are deeply implicated in other fascist, racist, and white supremacist projects -- these involvements are (naturally) denied, but a little digging will soon confirm this;
I think that their political potential is very limited -- that said, such attempts to dress fascism in anarchist drag are provocative (to put it mildly), and to the extent that anarchists, in particular, allow fascists to do so, they will thoroughly deserve it when members of the general public come to identify anarchism with racism. Or to put it another way;
Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.


@ndy (Melbourne, Australia).

PS. Remember that, as 'national anarchism' is an even more obscure doctrine than 'anarchism' itself, there are many opportunities for 'national anarchists' to insinuate themselves into other niches. For example, a local student publication presented the opinions of Scott Harrison (an Australian-based 'national anarchist') as though these were the views of a bona fide 'anarchist' -- even though Scott is i) a white supremacist and ii) finds the idea of the Holocaust -- quite literally -- laughable. See:
It would seem most of you are basing ur comments on ur misguided perceptions on what is a national anarchist... that is probably because u dont know what an anarchist is .. or u dont know what a nationalist should be.. or how the two combine.. b4 any1 makes a comment i would politely request that u read.. uneducated guesses and opinions spurred by emotion though humorous at times are highly unnecessary..
I will attempt in brief to explain to you what we (i say we cause i to am a national anarchist.. nothing to do with bana) believe in.
We dont believe in multiculturalism in the sense that it should be imposed on nationally robust countries.. countries where the majority of the population are natives thus they have their own culture customs usually religion etc etc should not be forced to dilute their native robustness with foreign elements.. History has proved that it never turns out well.. it is only normal that friction will occur and racism will sprout from such an attempt for the plain reason that is destroys universal balance.. Since you are americans im sure you know what you did to the natives of your land.. You are not living with them side by side.. You are no cohabitants in your land. Your ancestors basically exterminated them.. For where there is already a robust national element another cannot dominate (as you did.. not that i agree with that) without removing the original.. Latin America , Australia and even further in to the past .. England with the Saxons Normans and Celts are all examples of that.. Racism is a despicable outcome of such action.. it is the reaction and is to be expected as physics has proven over and over again.. Technically you americans cannot be racist as you are too young a nation and too multi-culturally constructed in order for you to be considered the neo-natives yet.. there is more of a chance that DNA tests would show your real ancestry which could be from any place on this planet (except for the US as only the poor native americans have this privilege for now.. maybe in 1000years that might change). Most Europeans , Asians , Africans etc when their DNA is tested it shows usually their country of origin which tends to be usually their country of residence.. Thus they are natives to that land... No one says that immigrants should not have rights or that anyone has the right to attack them just to tame the hounds of their own insecurities.. What we do believe in is that this trend of moving about this planet attempting to morph cultures and shape them about and then wondering why this leads to clashes is ludicrous to say the least.. that is mostly the case with countries that have natives.. like aforementioned USA CANADA AUSTRALIA are definitely not in that list.. if USA was colonized by one type of people for example Italians then though they would not be natives to that land (yet ..) and assuming they are culturally and ethnically robust enough they would be considered neo-natives and after a period of time they would in fact become natives to that land.. assuming there is not a torrent of new neo-natives or immigrants from other countries not ethnically and culturally similar to them making this Hypothetical america home as well.. It is as much logic as it is science..
Now as far as capitalism , corporatism , NWO etc etc our positions are probably closest to people like Alex Jones and others who do not want to give their freedom at any cost..
The anarchy denotation is a very complex one.. Anarchy would come (for those of you who dont know anarchy is not equivalent to chaos.. it merely means no higher order) in a perfect society.. In a society where people dont need police and the fear of imprisonment to scare them from abusing other peoples rights , stealing , killing etc.. It would be an innate notion.. Alas no one can say that is free from all his/her demons.. No one can call themselves perfect or can assume they are in perfect control of themselves... but that doesnt mean we cant strive for that goal.. Democracy is but the 1st step towards anarchy.. once we learn how to truly rule our selves and are completely in charge of our own destiny then we can move to a higher step of possibly our own evolution..
the struggle for "perfection" or enlightenment as our buddhist, ancient Greek philosophers along with others, teachers, friends, brothers begins with the one before it can reach all.. you must start with yourselves.. once you can move on it goes to your family from there to your friends, neighbours , then the citizens of your town ur city ur county your state your country and only then can this notion break away from your borders and touch others should they be ready for it and willing.. Only when the whole planet has reached the same level can the term nationalist be removed and then Globalist can take its place..

I am aware that for some what is written here might be difficult to understand/digest .. Some will naturally want to oppose that they might not have come up by themselves.. I understand you and hold no ill will against you.. After all like voltaire said" I might not agree with what you say but i will give even my life for your right to say it" ..
I'd be more then happy to have a constructive dialog on this matter.. and i truly hope that i have at least drawn a line between us true NA and those who would like to use our identity and beliefs to further their own cause in what ever way they deem fit for them..

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