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CA DMV pushes for biometric vote coming soon

by Take Action NOW
The CA DMV is attempting to bring biometric information to California driver's licenses through an obscure, rushed exception to the ordinary budget process.
The California DMV is attempting to bring biometric information to California driver's licenses through an obscure, rushed exception to the ordinary budget process. Though the impact on California citizens' privacy would be tremendous, the DMV can bypass the public and begin implementation of its biometrics plan unless the budget committee actively rejects the request by February 11, 2009. Contact the Senate President Pro Tem and encourage the legislature to reject the DMV's attempt to implement its new biometrics proposal without genuine public scrutiny.

Last month the California DMV -- without notifying the public -- sent a letter to the state Joint Legislative Budget Committee requesting that biometric information be recorded for California driver's licenses and ID cards. Unless the committee actively rejects the DMV's request by February 11, the DMV will be free to begin implementing the biometric technology. Moreover, in the midst of a severe state budget crisis, the DMV wants an extra $63 million over 5 years to implement the system.

Implementing biometric technology would impact the privacy of millions of Californians. This proposal requires real legislative, public, and expert review, and should not escape public questioning because of an obscure, rushed exception to the ordinary budget process. Defend your privacy by contacting the Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg and encouraging the legislature to reject the DMV's attempt to implement its new biometrics proposal without genuine public scrutiny.
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