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Nevada; UNLV Students Protest Gov Gibbon's Budget Cuts

by to Higher Education & Teacher's Salary
Following Nevada Governor Jim Gibbon's state of the state address where he proposed cutting higher education throughout Nevada by 50% to account for a budget shortfall, students from UNLV rally in protest over cuts to needed education services.
When Nevada's Republican governor Jim Gibbons slashes funding for higher education and public schoolteacher's salaries, yet allows the wealthiest gold mining corporations to conduct thier business and enrich themselves with Nevada's resources without paying their fair share of taxes, this shows a clear imbalance..

On 1/22, students at Las Vegas UNLV and elsewhere throughout the state will protest the budget cuts effecting higher education and teacher's salaries..

"Speak up and rebel"

January 22, 2009

by Jason Emord

"Protesting is integral to safeguarding the value of our degrees

We slept comfortably in our heads, ignoring the storm that was continually banging against our windows. It took a rock with the number 25 on it to wake us up from our pathetic slumber.

It took the threat of a 25 percent tuition increase to wake us up and force us to realize that our university is in trouble. The rock that shattered our windowpanes of apathy will soon become a living nightmare for the students of Nevada’s higher education system. We are those students.

As Gov. Jim Gibbons addressed the state last week he made it clear that there will be cuts to education, regardless of his professed care for Nevada’s K-12 and higher education systems. UNLV faces a 52 percent cut, while our friends in the north will take a 47 percent cut.

Our school teachers that got us into college will receive a 6 percent salary cut. The K-12 system will take a $62 million dollar hit, constituting 10 percent of the total cuts to the state’s budget. Higher education will take the greatest hit from Gov. Gibbon’s sucker punch with a cut totaling $473 million, 75 percent of the proposed budget cuts.

If no single group will shoulder the burden that is these budget cuts, then why should the students of Nevada take 86 percent of the cuts?

Why should our brothers, our sisters, our future take a hit when the K-12 system is struggling to put teachers in classrooms and keep them there? Why should we, the students of Nevada’s colleges and universities pay more in tuition fees when our instructors, professors and course offerings are vanishing?

If Gov. Gibbons cares about Nevada’s education system, or the students and teachers that make up those systems, then why does he place the yoke on our necks and tell us to pull the state out of this budget crisis?

He doesn’t want to raise taxes, and I commend him on how well he has kept that campaign promise, but cutting the funding to the higher education system will result in drastic tuition increases. Those inevitable tuition hikes will be paid by the students who will continue to hold on to the dream of a college education.

Students will pay more in tuition, and that is the same thing as having us pay additional taxes.

That is only one of the snarling beasts we now face as students in Nevada. The other is the apathy that has plagued our campus for so long. No longer can we ideally sit around ignoring the threat to our school, to our education. Regardless, if you are a freshman or a senior preparing to pay your graduation fee, these cuts will hurt us all.

Our degrees will continue to lose their value as UNLV is forced to make continued cuts to programs. I have already seen good professors handed the pink slip, professors that inspired me and taught me more than what my classes were intended to. I worry about the classes that will come after mine. What will they have at UNLV?

It is those worries that propel me to write this. I hope that for once we can truly be rebels, that we can use our most powerful weapon, our voices, to loudly proclaim to our elected representatives in Carson City that we will not quietly stand by as the institutions that we hold so dear are ravaged.

As rebels and as Nevadans we will come together and tell Gov. Gibbons and the state Legislature that we do not accept these cuts to our future, to our state’s future. Today, students from UNLV, Nevada State College and the College of Southern Nevada will come together as one state student body at 6 p.m. on the academic mall to rally against the proposed budget cuts.

I beg you to come to the rally. I beg you to take a moment to write to your legislature. I beg you to use your voice and let it be known that you support your school, your neighbor’s school and all other schools in Nevada. We are students of Nevada, we are the future of this state, which makes us one of the most powerful forces in the Silver State.

I beg you to use your voice, not only for your own sake, but for Nevada’s."

article found @;

Why won't Gov. gibbons tax gold mining corporations instead??

It is interesting to note that in this same state of the state address, Gov. Gibbons said that he would not tax any corporations, including gold mining, as he was afraid that they would leave the state to avoid paying higher taxes..

As if Newmont, Barrick and other gold mining corporations will have any luck digging for gold underneath a cornfield in Nebraska!? The gold mining corporations will remain in Nevada, taxes or not, and when they are finished extracting their gold the people of Nevada will be left with large holes in the ground and plenty of cyanide residue left over from the leaching processes..

Seems like the budget shortfall isn't as important as lining the pockets of the gold mining corporations, who already benefit from cheaply leased land and lowest taxes for any corporation, yet they rake in billions from Nevada' gold deposits..

Newmont and Western Shoshone;

"The failure to pay royalties is a treaty violation and the Shoshone have been attempting for decades to get the government to live up to its constitutional obligations. In 1979, the government tried to legislate a settlement that would have abrogated the treaty and awarded the Shoshone a one-time payment of $26 million, or roughly 15 cents an acre, in exchange for relinquishing title to their land. The Shoshone refused the settlement, maintaining that the lands were never for sale in the first place. Even so, the government is acting as if it were the landowner. Today, Shoshone ranchers are required to pay federal grazing fees to run cattle on their traditional lands, and the government continues to hand over huge tracts of Shoshone lands to mining companies. Among the beneficiaries are Newmont, Placer Dome, and Barrick. Under the national mining law, which dates from 1872, corporations can purchase so-called public lands from the government for as little as $5 a hectare ($2.50 an acre), without owing a penny in royalties for the minerals they extract."

article found @;

No affordable education, underpaid teachers, superfund mining sites and potential nuclear waste dump in Yucca Mountain is the legacy of Jim Gibbons in Nevada..
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Why doesn't Gibbons tax the mining and gaming industries more heavily rather than higher education? By taxing higher education, he is going to discourage people from attending college and advancing their knowledge and skills for future employment. Because tuition will be higher and there will be fewer resources to help students (ie. no more writing and math tutoring centers at UNR), prospective students will turn to out of state institutions for higher education, which means even less funds for UNR, UNLV, and the local colleges and institutions. Or the alternative could occur, prospective students will decide since they cannot afford to go to college they may as well go to work to try to earn money first. Where will they end up? In the smoke-filled casinos, whose business is tanking in the recession, and to the mines, both of which are hazardous occupations for one's health. If Gibbons had even the slightest bit of sense, he would tax the mining and gaming industries before cutting services that are far more important in society.
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