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Indybay Feature

Fight the Right! Save Reproductive Rights - Jan. 24, 2008 SF Pro-Choice rally and march

by Rubble
Hear an edited version from Pirate Cat Radio's "Notes From The Underground" hosted by DJ Che-X on January 12, 2009. Che-X interviews Anita O'Shea and DJ Rubble from the Bay Area Coalition For Our Reproductive Rights (BACORR) on the upcoming January 24 counterprotest to the anti-abortion Walk For Life. Notes From The Underground can be heard Mondays from 4-6PM on 87.9FM in San Francisco and (24:39)
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The activists discuss the need to meet and oppose the religious right at every turn, especially on a women's right to choose. Anita outlines a full reproductive rights agenda, along with a multi-issues approach including queer and immigrant rights, all which these "Walk For Life"activists oppose, per Proposition 8 and Minutemen activity around the Southern borders and beyond. The "Walk" will bus in thousands of people from all over the place, along with local anti-choice people who may feel emboldened to join in the numbers.

As usual, confusing, illogical, and often factually inaccurate arguments are being presented to supporters who apparently don't know better, including that they are the real civil rights heroes of today; that they are working within the teachings and spirit of Martin Luther King; and that abortion equals genocide in African American communities. Their agenda to completely overtun Roe vs Wade and outlaw abortion nationally, by changing the totally corporate Democratic Party's stance on abortion is very achievable, more than some people not focusing intensively on the issues may realize.

The organizing is difficult, as the radical left abortion activists' direct action tactics are not supported by mainstream abortion providers or their supporters, so are organizing hard at the grassroots level with access to many fewer people and resources, working to get as many people out to the Embarcadero next Saturday as possible. See the demands below. Please attend both the planning meeting this Wednesday and the event next Saturday, bring your friends and loved ones!!!



Saturday, January 24th, 2009


Music Concourse, at the end of the Embarcadero, at Market Street in San Francisco

Free Abortion on Demand, No Forced Sterilization!

Defend Immigrant Rights, Stop the Minutemen!

Civil Rights for Queers, Rescind Prop 8!

Join the Bay Area Coalition for Our Reproductive Rights (BACORR) to counter the right wing “Walk for Life”.

Next organizing meeting!

Wednesday, January 21st, 7pm @ 1260 Mission St. between 8th and 9th (1 block from the Civic Center BART station; MUNI # 14).

There will be regular Wednesday meetings in December and January to organize a vibrant counter protest to right wing bigotry- build the West Coast movement for reproductive justice!

For more information, please call 415-864-1278 or email bacorrinfo [at]

Fight back with BACORR!

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