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Video-The Victory Of The FMPR Puerto Rican Teachers, The SEIU And Business Unionism

by Labor Video Project
The Puerto Rican Teachers FMPR have successfully fought off a raid by the SEIU International. Over $20 million was spent to by SEIU President Andy Stern and Dennis Hickey Rivera to replace the FMPR with a company union run by principles and managers who want to privatize the schools. This video is an interview with Puerto Rican labor film maker Pedro Angel Rivera. It also includes a new video produced by the union called "Lessons In Dignity, Respect & Solidarity".
Video-The Victory Of The FMPR Puerto Rican Teachers, The SEIU And Business Unionism

Labor On The Job, a show produced by the Labor Video Project focuses on the recent victory of the FMPR which represents the Puerto Rican teachers. Despite a $20 union busting raid by SEIU leaders Dennis Hickey Rivera and SEIU President Andy Stern, the teachers of Puerto Rico have stopped the effort to replace them with a management controlled union representing school bosses and principles. This union was funded and backed by the SEIU which supports privatization of the schools.
The program interviews labor historian and videographer Pedro Angel Rivera and shows a recent tape produced by the union "Lessons In Dignity, Respect & Solidarity". The program also looks at the history of the Puerto Rican working class and the role of US unions including Samuel Gompers in the early development of the Puerto Rican labor movement.

Labor Video Project produces Labor on the Job which is programmed in San Francisco, Philadelphia and St. Louis. It also produces labor video documentaries.
Labor Video Project
P.O. Box 720027
San Francisco, CA 94172
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