San Francisco
San Francisco
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Indybay Feature

City of San Francisco is too top heavy-year after year Budget Cuts favor gimmicks.

by Francisco Da Costa
Year after year the City and County of San Francisco chooses to take the same route. The City cuts funds to those that most need them. Then begins the dog and pony show - where folks come to City Hall and beg for crumbs. In the mean time - thousands that make over $100,000 mostly in Management Positions - rake in the money and spit on this City. Most of these folks live outside the City - and really do not live a damn about the constituents of San Francisco.
Year after year the City and County of San Francisco will cut funds to the needy and make room for the dog and pony show.

Mostly, advocates that have no clue of how corrupt this City and County of San Francisco is - will come to City Hall begging for break crumbs.

Not one word will be stated about the Pacific Heights Mafia that controls this City and County of San Francisco.

We have over 28,000 City Employees in this City and County of San Francisco.

The latest count of our population purports to be around 900,000. The population of this City increases to a million and more then a million when we have big events.

All in all this City and County hires and pays Management too much money.

That includes our Fire and Police personnel. Many of them are worth their service but too many - just take the money - treat our citizens from San Francisco like dirt. The reason being many of these folks are rednecks - live outside the City. Work in this City just for the money.

The same is with the Water Department and some other Departments - where rednecks have made their nest. Why do we pay these folks over $125,000 plus benefits - when we can reduce salaries across the board - by ten percent and save millions of dollars.

In one clean sweep - none of the budget cuts will affect Certified Nurses, Translators, other vital positions paying around $80,000.

Then we have Mayor Gavin Newsom - tapping into the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) where its Director, Nathaniel Ford - makes over $350,000 plus perks. Pays the Presidio Trust $5,000 a month rent to live in the Presidio of San Francisco.

Ford - now is in control of the Taxi Commission and Regulating the Taxis of San Francisco. Never mind he has failed miserably with MUNI. Dirty, stinky, buses that are NOT cleaned for weeks - and a Health and Safety problem.

Michael Burns created the throne and now this Black Man sits on it - and grins all the time.

The MTA has now chosen to consolidate the 19 or so City Garages and have them operated by the Mafia - one or two companies.

Small operators cannot compete with the Mafia - because the Liability Stakes have been upped and every type of hurdle in brought in the way of small business.

In these budget cuts - many non-profits that do good work - have their funds cut. You cannot do this without sound input. These non-profits play a critical role - but the Mayor has no clue. Having always licked the boots of the Gettys.

In the meantime the Mayor Office of Economic Development and Workforce has grown to over 40 inept employees.

Not all but most. Give me a break how does this happen. Some years ago there was just one person. Then came Jesse Blout and he made an Empire for himself before jumping ship and now working for Goldman Sacks.

Michael Cohen should focus on what he knows best.

Stop this nonsense with City Build and Rhonda Simmons that wasted over $7 million last year. Stop propping up this Myers maid that talks the talk but cannot walk the walk. The Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce must be slashed to fifty percent. Yes 50% percent.

This office spends too much propping up Lennar and other dubious projects. In these very hard Economic Times - the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce - will fail.

Let us talk about the mostly inept, ignorant, and very arrogant SF Board of Supervisors.

Here are some names Sophina Maxwell, Bevan Dufty, Michela Alioto-Pier and Jake McGoldrick.

At one time these SF Board of Supervisors made about $38,000 - not too long ago. Now they take home over $120,000 plus benefits - they make say $116,000 - but, then I will say what about the money you take under the table. I know for a fact that Sophina Maxwell takes a lot of money under the table.

Now, count then number of holidays these folks take - they take every opportunity to add a day or two after a Major Holiday. Treat San Franciscans with disdain.

These jerks can talk all they want. But, come Public Comment the fashion now - is to give the Public two or one minute - to express themselves. This says a lot about these scum bags.

Year after year the so called Legislative Branch waits for the last moment to screw the Executive Branch - when it comes to the Budget.

The minute the Mayor came to the chambers this year - everyone was on their best behavior - and not one of them had the guts to take on the Mayor. Talk is cheap - even Aaron was so cordial - one would think he was the Mayor's significant other or what ever.

The Executive Branch uses all kinds of ploys to place folks that lick the Mayor boot - transferring money and occupying Full Time Employment (FTEs) - to the MTA, the SFPUC, the SF Redevelopment Agency and other dubious Departments.

Amit Ghosh for example now has been placed at the MTA and makes over $250,000. No questions asked.

The Fire Department has long had a cozy relation and has fleeced our SF City and County of San Francisco. These guys mostly live outside the City - and if you pay them a visit at the station - most of time they are having a good time.

Not all of our Fire Personnel are lazy - but what I am trying to say - if they feel they are not satisfied with the cuts. Let them go elsewhere. Right now perhaps they must study what happened in Vallejo, California. The same with our SF Police Department.

Crime is going up and the SF Police Department will be bold to spend too much money on Over Time (OT) and then get whatever they want - when ever they want. This nonsense must stop.

Then we spent over $500,000 on studies - how best to improve a Police Department that is for all purposes dysfunctional. No improvement can be brought out in any Department that has an over 60% dissatisfaction factor. This can only be found out by those that can get the best and sincere answers - I can.

The SFPD taps so much into our resources and fails to provide Safety. So far over 110 killings an shoots have been tallied. The SFPD will say 100.

So, why do we not outsource their jobs - we have tried all other means. Out sourcing within the City can employ San Franciscans - that will do a better job. For one thing they will be attached to this City and what is stands for - because the live in this City.

Then the Mayor tries screw up with the Department of Children, Youth and Families.

This Mayor really does not give a hoot about our Children.

On one hand we have fought hard for Health Services for our Children - especially poor children - and now with one clean sweep the Mayor - is screwing up the operations.

Cutting out vital services provided by Social Workers, Certified Nurses ( sans Registered Nurses), others too vital to the benefit and welfare of our poor children and their families.

The Mayor also is dreaming of destroying the Department of Children, Youth and Families. Once Caligula makes his mind up to set the City on Fire - he will do what it takes to match it off. Pathetic Loser.

We do not have one single San Francisco Supervisor that can really stand up to the Executive Branch - not the Mayor per se but the Executive Branch.

When Willie L.Brown Jr. changed the City Charter - the Chief Administrator's Office was brought under the Executive Branch. In one clean sweep - Mayor Brown tilted the balance in favor of the Executive Branch.

Our SF BOS do not pay attention to the ploys exercised - most of them are busy with trivial and mundane stuff. Not once as a body has the SF BOS defended our Children when poor children of color especially were suffering.

We know what they did with Lenanr. Most of the corrupt SF BOS sided with Lennar.

Now, is pay back time.

Because you fools did not back up the children - you will not be blessed.

Blood in on your hands. Within six months you idots that backed Lennar - will suffer so much that all your senses will be wide open.

Jake and Aaron may think they will escape no way - the blood of the children that you failed to address - will follow you too - and then you will remember - my words. You two will not have peace of mind. That is all I will say.

How come you folks do not know how to treat the people of San Francisco? We have a $6.5 Billion dollar budget. Yes $6.5 Billion dollar budget. And, yet you folks deem it necessary to penalize the poor.

At the same time you proclaim to pass on Bonds to finance the SF General Hospital, the corrupt SF Public Utilities Commission, other nefarious projects - using the tax payers money without proper and detail Accountability and Transparency.

The Mayor is creating CZARS so that the Pacific Height Mafia can control this City.

If the City chooses this way of doing business - the City will suffer the wrath of the poor. This City will fall on its face.

So far, we have had no natural calamity - but one will strike this City in less then a year. Some eyes will be open - but it will be too late.

Be very careful how you use your power - let it not go to your head.

We have some SF Board of Supervisors that are a disgrace to the human race. They have NOT served the constituents of San Francisco but the devil himself.

Do not play with the poor and think for a moment you all will go Scott Free - that is NOT how is works. The Mayor understands well - how he can be shafted - he is very familiar with that term.

The SF Board of Supervisor - must remember you serve the people - and not the other way around.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy





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