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Indybay Feature

Children in San Francisco must NOT suffer by reorganizing the DCYF in San Francisco.

by Francisco Da Costa
The Department of Children, Youth and Families headed right now by Margaret Brodkin has fined tuned many programs especially for very young children and youth and is in excellent shape. Kudos, to this Department and the many tireless workers who make good things happen. I fully comprehend about the present budget cuts - but lets us NOT fix something that is not broken. It would be a loss to threaten or pretend to fire or even fire Margaret Brodkin.
We are now learning that our City and County of San Francisco has a population close to 900,000 - and this seems to be right - judging from the services that the City and County of San Francisco - provides to so many.

This new count should bring in more money from the State and the Federal government. Hopefully, we can use some of that money to serve the needs of our poor children and children all over San Francisco.

Our City is a compassionate City - and named after Saint Francis of Assisi who was kind to all living beings. San Francisco for years has had the distinction - providing services to the poor and most of all to poor children and their families.

There was a time when poor children - had the best of Recreational Facilities.

Many had the best coaches in track and field. I often sit down with those now in their late forties and fifties and they tell me - how they competed and the coaches that took care of them and what is most important loved them - like their children.

The nutritional food that was provided to these children and many a time the equipment needed to become first class players in tennis, track, football, basket ball - you name it.

Most of us - who are decent - have a moral compass - and love children.

We know that we must provide the children and youth with Safe Havens - and what is more care for them. The more quality time and sound education we impart to our children - the better this Nation will be.

As the Director of Environmental Justice Advocacy - I facilitate and monitor many children and youth programs - all over San Francisco. I do some International work in Kenya and Darfur. And I do this at my own expense.

I work with those groups in San Francisco - that receive little or no funding from the City and County of San Francisco. And the paradox is that we do more with less.

A case in point is All Islanders Gathering As one. With little or no funding this group of Polynesians do good work at several of our Unified School District Schools, in Public Housing, and still have time to serve the Public at large.

The group deals with teaching dance and music. Anger management and doing critical out reach in areas that most would not dare to go - the Public Housing that will listen and cooperate only with those - that they respect.

The City and County of San Francisco has long neglected Public Housing and is now poised to remove poor people and enforce - gentrification. I see it and know it - and so I must deal with it.
Often times the victims are children - and all this in San Francisco. Shame on this City.

More then twenty five percent of our children live in the Southeast Sector - that is Bayview Hunters Point, Visitation Valley, Portola District, and the Excelsior.

We have children that go to bed hungry and we call our Nation the richest in the world.

Some of the most filthy rich live in San Francisco and are not cognizant of this pertinent fact.
Many of them spent a thousand dollar a day eating, making merry and give a damn about what is going on around them. Many of them are involved with drugs and other expensive extra curricula activities.

Yet, at times they will pretend they are doing right when all the time they are doing wrong - wasting money and not caring for the less unfortunate. How can we feel right when we know - thousands of children are going to bed hungry - and still more did other help - like clothing?
Many poor families cannot afford the high Pacific Gas and Electric - bills - these bills just keep going - higher and higher.

Many children get sick and no one really cares to look at the issues facing our young children in a holistic manner.

Many of our children that are poor have no father in the house. Single mothers have to raise - three, four - sometime six or seven children.

While Society is not responsible for the action of some of these constituents that bring so many children into the world without support - we as a Society cannot penalize innocent children - and so we do what it takes to make this world a better - place.

The Department of Children, Youth and their Families has done well - in first accessing the issues and then figuring out a Blue Print that works.

As I said I monitor and facilitate and I do my own investigative reporting - on issue. If I do not have confirmation, documents, proof - I will not address the issue. If I name you - I have a wrap sheet on you - close to CLET if you get my drift..

Young children and youth report to me and they do not mince words when they see that something is right. And they do the same when they see something that is wrong.

At DCYF some key positions are vacant. One is that is in charge of the Budget, Projects and Grants. This person jumped ship and has gone to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

There are two other key positions at DCYF that will be open - both very experienced people - and when they are gone - there will be a huge void.

It would be foolish to bring in some one like Dwayne Jones who has no children and what is more has never dealt with children, youth, and many poor families - and ask him to help San Francisco.

In an earlier article many were shocked to learn from me and my article about what some folks were trying to do with Margaret Brodkin.

Margaret Brodkin will stick to her guns - because her motherly instincts and her long experience - allows her to sense and what is best for our children.

You cannot get that service from Dwayne Jones. A simple google search will reveal to the reader the nuisance this man has caused - where ever he goes.

So, we have a $6.5 Billion dollar budget. We have some 28,000 City Workers. About one City worker for every 30 constituents living in San Francisco. And we have some certainty that our City population is about 900,000 - for now.

Close to thirty percent are children and youth - City wide in San Francisco - and some one must be responsible for these children. The various foundations are afraid to take a stand and fight for Margaret Brodin - because many of them get some funding.

We have evil people that will not only target Margaret Brodkin but those she funds - if they speak out and defend her. But, some one must tell the truth - and when one tells the truth - it hurts - but once it hurts and if you feel that it is the truth - the right action must be taken.

In this case our children need sound leadership and we need this - at this time more then at any other time to care for our children and youth and their families.

We have done well with teaching young children, youth and families about education. We have tried our best to teach them to eat right. What is most important proved so many poor children with breakfast and lunch.

We go further and teach our children and youth to exercise and through the Wellness Centers - further provide our youth with the best we can offer with our limited resources.

Our Mayor Gavin Newsom is very sensitive to children - but, the cronies surrounding him - care not so much for our children but more for the other political ploys that always takes the Mayor away from what is good to that which is mundane and souless. Time will tell.

Our children and youth are hurting.

I see the tear of blood and must take a stand.

These are tough economic times. Once we went to the Food Banks and tried to help folks - when serious emergencies arose. There is little at the Food Banks. This year during Thanksgiving for the first time - I can ever remember - we had difficulty - giving food to the poor.

San Francisco is blessed that we have a mixed economy and our Convention Centers and Hospitality Services are doing well. We have not seen what other Cities are seeing - in terms of thousands laid off and hunger and desperation - and this may be because we take care for our children. God blesses us.

We have taken a bold step to give our children - basic health care.

This program is the best I have ever seen and appreciate a lot. One must witness the tears of joy in the eyes of the mothers - when their child or children are taken care off - and much stress is removed from the heart of the mother and the family. Kudos to our City that knows how.

I will monitor the Department of Children, Youth and their Families. Right now what I see is good - and I would appreciate if those that know little - take the steps and keep the leader at the Department of Children, Youth and their Families - intact.

As I said earlier this is the wrong time to change programs drastically with new direction that will take a couple of years to learn - more have Accountability and Transparency.

I hope better sense prevails and that our SF Board of Supervisors, the Executive Branch, and the Chief Executive Officer - I know all of them and trust they will for the sake of our children - see the light and refrain from any foolish actions.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy



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