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State Senator Mark Leno on California Health Reform in 2009

by Art Persyko
California State Senator Mark Leno will talk about the prospect for California health care reform in 2009 at the Annual Potluck Healthcare meeting of the SF grassroots single payer advocacy group, "Single Payer Now", on Sunday, 12/14/08, 3 pm, at St. Mary's Cathedral.

December 5, 2008

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Contact: Don Bechler, 415-695-7891, dbechler [at];

California State Senator Mark Leno, chosen to lead the state's legislative health reform effort, will speak about the 2009 campaign for universal, single-payer healthcare at a public forum and potluck
At 3 pm on Sunday, December 14, Leno will be the featured speaker at a free public forum about next year's prospects for publicly funded healthcare reform in California. The event will take place at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco. He will be addressing members of San Francisco's single payer advocacy group, "Single Payer Now" at it's Annual Potluck Healthcare meeting.

Leno is the newly elected State Senator from District 3, representing San Francisco, Marin and Sonoma Counties. When he takes office in the next legislative session in January 2009, he will be the new principal author of SB 840, the California Universal Healthcare Act. That bill would establish a "single payer" health system: a statewide, publicly funded health care program, available to all, in place of the current system of for-profit individual insurance.

Leno will take over as chairman of the Senate Health Committee from State Senator Sheila Kuehl, who has been termed out. Under Kuehl’s leadership, SB 840 passed in both the California Assembly and Senate in 2008. Forty-nine of the 120 legislators in Sacramento co-authored the bill, but Governor Schwarzenegger ultimately vetoed it.

Date, time, and location: Sunday, December 14, 3-5 pm, St.Mary's Cathedral, 1111 Gough Street (at Geary), San Francisco
Potluck item RSVP to: or 415-695-7891
Sponsored by Single Payer Now (SPN) and the California Universal Health Care Education Project

SPN is a grassroots organization of volunteers working since 1994 to support universal single-payer healthcare in California and the United States. By eliminating the private health insurance industry, single-payer health reform in our state and/or nation would give everyone access to comprehensive health care and save billions of dollars. For more information, call 415-695-7891, email dbechler [at], or visit

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