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Physicians' Report on the State of America's Health

by Rubble
7 medical doctors and one medical student who attended the annual meeting of Physicians for a National Health Program on October 25, and the American Public Health Convention from October 26-29 reported on the latest health policy trends for universal healthcare. The November 8 forum was held at the Mission Cultural Center in San Francisco, sponsored by Single Payer Now and the California Universal Health Care Education Project.
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Barak Obama announced in 2003 that he was for comprehensive, single payer healthcare to replace the current insurance company-driven model. However, from the time he began his run for president to now, he has reported favoring unspecified reforms to the current model, which his spokespeople report could insure more people at lower cost. Currently, the U.S. is far and away the number one nation in healthcare spending per capital at an unprecidented 20% of GNP, while ranked 36th in overall quality by the World Health Organizations. Single Payer activists, myself included, don't think this type of reform can possibly work to make healthcare accessible and affordable. I've heard reports that about half the bankrupcies and mortgage foreclosures nationwide have come after large medical bills, despite the majority of these people having healthcare policies.

So the push for Single Payer needs to start hard and fast now without any "grace periods" to cheerlead Obama or wait for him to do on his own what is right. State-level reform could eventually ease annual budget problems by lowering overall costs and improving access. State Senator Mark Leno will re-introduce SB840 - twice vetoed by Governor Schwartzenegar - this Winter. The federal bill is HR676, I believe put forward by Representative Dennis Kucinich within the past year. A recent survey reports about 60% of physicians and 70% of the general public curently supporting this type of national reform, figures which continue to rise.

In the first MP3, Dr. Richard Quint, a staunch supporter, comments on the political steps being taken by physicians to put forward these bills. then, Dr. Hank Abrons, a retired internal medicine physican details the political support around the bills. (10:47)
§Physicians Report on the State of America's Health
by Rubble
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Pediatrician Dr. Li-hsia Wong speaks on current neglect of primary care physicians, who are paid much less than specialists thus in short supply, resulting in patient difficulties obtaining coordinated care. Dr. Ursula Rolfe speaks about the Massachusetts health insurance plan. While announced as "universal" and legally requiring everyone to obtain often unaffordable policies, it is unaffordable and inaccessible for many. The result is a small decrease in uninsured patients, along with a steep increase in underinsured patients. About 60,000 people have been exempted since no affordable policy exists (at 10% or less of income). Despite this, Hillary Clinton and Arnold Schwartzeneger have pushed their own versions of the same as "reform". (12:43)
§Physicians Report on the State of America's Health
by Rubble
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Kyoto Mirikani (sp?), a 2nd year Stanford medical student, speaks on medical students' efforts to educate themselves on the medical delivery system and organize politically for Single Payer. Dr. John Shearer, retired after 43 years in family practice, speaks on the Canadian single Payer system, including efforts to address some of it shortcomings. He reports a campain of misinformation on this system currently, mostly by two organizations not representative of the majority of physicians. (13:40)
§Physicians Report on the State of America's Health
by Rubble
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Dr. Claudia Chaufan, teacher of Comparative Health Care Policy, speaks at length on the health care system in Taiwan. That country has transformed its system towards affordability and accessibility, and is a model drawing a lot of international attention. Dr. Bill Terenth (sp?), a practicing physician, speaks on the political movement, building a movement after the election. (22:33)
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