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Indybay Feature

27 Days of Change: Practice Period for Agents of Social Change

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Type:
2584 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Berkeley, CA
Location Details:
Center for Transformative Change 2584 Martin Luther King Jr Way Berkeley, CA 94704

27 Days of Change: Practice Period for Agents of Social Change

December 2 to 28 | Opening Ceremony December 2, 6:30 PM

PRACTICAL personal peace & social justice for Agents of Social Change

Commit to a 6-point personal change program for 27 Days to learn
HOW to BE THE CHANGE you wish to see in the world.

Includes fearless Meditation & Yoga, cleanses, retreat, community support and more.

Engaging ones inner life is an act of social change and resistance.

Join us to:

Seed more solutions rather than aggression
Deepen connection rather than separation
Cultivate sustainability rather than burnout

When work for a more just, equitable and sustainable
society is championed by individuals and organizations
that cultivate compassion and presence as much as they do
strategies and campaigns, potential for real transformation,
both personal and social, -- Transformative Change -- Begins...
-- angel Kyodo williams, Guiding Teacher, Center for Transformative Change

Developing presencethe continuous, moment-to-moment
practice of being in relationship with every aspect of our
lives, helps us unite our good intentions to BE the change
we wish to see, by adding the practical aspect of helping
folks to figure out HOW.

During the 27 Days of Change, you commit to intensifying contemplative
practice and attention on three levels, which when brought together,
form a holistic relationship to our life and creates the conditions for

1. inner: personal development focus, sitting/body practices
2. interpersonal: relationships & community participation
3. global/social: examination of our personal impact on the world we live in

27 Days of
Change Event Schedule:

- Opening Ceremony
Tuesday, December 2nd, 6:30pm
(Bring your completed Intention Agreement.)

- fearless Meditation I: practice of the body
FREE for Agents of Social Change

Wednesday, December 3rd, 7-9:30pm
More info below.

- Dharma Talk with angel Kyodo williams
Guiding Teacher of Center for Transformative Change
Thursday, December 4th, 7:20pm

- urbanRETREAT Intensive: Wake Up for Change
FRI - SUN December 5 - 7
RSVP Required. More info below.

fearless Yoga
3 Sundays Beginning December 7th, 10:00am

- 27 Days of
Change Cleanse Week
Tuesday, December 9 - 15
More info below.

- Participant Check-in
Sunday, December 7th, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Sunday, December 21st, 11:30am - 12:30pm

- Closing Ceremony
Sunday, December 28th, 9:00am

Seal your Commitment: 6-Point Intention Agreement

To seal your commitment, fill out a 6-Point Intention Agreement
that allows you to consider areas of your life to deepen.

The Intention Agreement calls for:
Daily Practice:
Increase in sitting meditation, both at home and at the Center (if local)

Personal Challenge:
something in your life you wish to address

Behavior Shift:
releasing an unwanted, unproductive behavior

Community Engagement:
participation in supporting a social change project

Footprint Reduction:
commitment to bring attention to & reduce ecological footprint

To view 6-Point Personal Change Program Intention Agreement:

To Participate in 27 Days of Change:

You can participate informally, choosing Personal Practice
or formally, as a Participant.

With formal participation, your Practice Period Intention
Agreement is witnessed and signed by the Guiding Teacher.
Your intentions can be reviewed with a mentor student,
there are increased opportunities for interviews, and you
receive individual support from the Teacher.

Practice Period Participants also commit to keeping a daily
practice journal and to two Practice Period Group meetings.
Participants should expect to engage the full Practice Period,
making only essential adjustments as absolutely necessary for
one's life.

More Information:

Call toll free: 866 PEACE 2008 | 866 732 2320

To RSVP or if you have questions contact chandra
at chandra[at]urbanpeace[dot]com

urbanRETREAT Intensive: Wake Up for
FRI - SUN December 5 - 7

Begins Friday, Dec. 5 at 7:00 PM

This weekend retreat focuses on applying inner awareness to
broad-based social change. Take time to strengthen the
foundation of your work in the world; deepen your intentions
for sustainable, centered social change. Be more than the CHANGE,

Space is limited. RSVP REQUIRED

No one turned away for lack of funds.
Partial work exchange available.
Donation: $125-$85. Members: $65
Dana (generous giving) for teaching welcome.
All are welcome.


fearless Meditation I: practice of the body
Part 1 of a 3 Part Series

Wednesday, December 3rd, 7-9:30pm

Admission: $30-20. Members: $15.
FREE for Agents of Social Change and those who have taken the course in the past.

fearless Meditation I: practice of the body is an in-depth
introduction to nonsectarian, universal meditation taught
in a social justice context.

Engaging one's inner life is an act of social change and resistance.



27 Days of
Change Cleanse Week
Tuesday, December 9 - Monday, December15

Cleansing is a great way to begin setting new
intentions, bringing together body, mind, and
spirit. During the Practice Period, take the
opportunity to cleanse and receive support from
the container of the Practice Period and the community.

In the past, participants have done the Master
Cleanse, Intestinal Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Liver
Cleanse for anywhere from 3 days to 10 days or
more. You can do any cleanse you wish.

Added to the calendar on Tue, Nov 18, 2008 8:51PM
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$130.00 donated
in the past month

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