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Indybay Feature

SF Democrats Promote Deafening Noise in Chinatown

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Leave to the election frauding reactionary San Francisco Democratic Party to connect a bicycle festival to promoting the horrifying noise better known as the Garbage American Culture at Portsmouth Square at Kearny and Washington, San Francisco, at noon, on Sunday, Sept 14, 2008, driving out the poor Chinese seniors trying to escape their slum hotels, the only housing this backward country offers much of the workingclass.
Leave to the election frauding reactionary San Francisco Democratic Party to connect a bicycle festival to promoting the horrifying noise better known as the Garbage American Culture at Portsmouth Square at Kearny and Washington, San Francisco, at noon, on Sunday, Sept 14, 2008, driving out the poor Chinese seniors trying to escape their slum hotels, the only housing this backward country offers much of the workingclass.

In case anyone was unaware, tourists come here to experience Chinese culture, food, music and art of al kinds in Chinatown, not to hear what the whole world, including this country, has shoved down our throats, or more accurately, our ears, the Garbage American Culture at full blast, so loud that we could hardly hear ourselves talk at Portsmouth Square and for one block from it. Portsmouth Square is patronized by both Chinese seniors, playing chess and checkers, doing Tai Chi, an excellent form of exercise, and enjoying the sun and fresh air, escaping their tiny hotel rooms, and Chinese children at the playground that is part of the Square. The people directing the traffic on Kearny, paid by San Francisco taxpayers, had some badge on them connecting them to some kind of bicycle festival. The very worthwhile activity of bicycling has nothing to do with the Garbage American Culture and no one who cared about their hearing, which was everyone except the band, would get near Portsmouth Square, much less go into it. This apparently is what Democratic election frauding mayor Gavin Newsom and his Democratic Party machine thinks has something to do with promoting exercise when in fact it simply promotes deafness and anger as it raises the blood pressure of all people who care about culture and oppose the obvious racism in promoting this terrible noise in the Chinese community.

This was, however, a good reminder to never vote for any Democrat or Republican; to vote for Cindy Sheehan for Congress instead of Newsom's aunt, millionaire Democrat Pelosi, and to vote for Cynthia McKinney and all other Green & socialist Peace & Freedom candidates running for office on your ballot. We get to vote by mail or at City Hall starting October 6, 2008. You can still register to vote at City Hall, in the basement, Van Ness side, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more, see
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