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Peace & Freedom Presidential Candidates Part 2

by sgl (great.speeches [at]
From Aug. 1st, in Sacramento, CA, hear the Peace and Freedom Party State Convention debate among the four Presidential candidates Click here to download or listen to mp3 Total Duration 1:46:39
Cynthia McKinney is the 2008 presidential candidate for the Green Party and served 12 years in the U.S. Congress as a Democratic Representative from Georgia.

Gloria La Riva is the 2008 presidential candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and the 1994 and 1998 PF Party candidate for governor of California.

Brian Moore has been selected as the Socialist Party USA presidential nominee for 2008. He is a former Peace Corps volunteer, anti-war and labor rights organizer.

Ralph Nader is the 1996 and 2000 Green Party presidential nominee. The consumer rights icon ran an independent presidential campaign in 2004, and became the Peace & Freedom Presidential candidate on Aug. 3, 2008.
Duration 80 min.

From September 13, 2005, State Senator Sheila Kuehl discusses the health care crisis in California and presents a blueprint for reform. Duration 16 min.

Charles Goyette Interviews Pat Buchanan on May 31st, 2008. Pat talks about his new book "Churchill, Hitler, and The Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World". Duration 9 min.

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