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Indybay Feature

Last Four Oak Grove Tree Sitters Forced Down

by tristan
Today the University forced the last four tree sitters to come down. One 21-month chapter of struggle ends - Let A Thousand Oak Groves Bloom.
At 8:00 am the university attacked the Oak Grove for the last time. The rest of the trees in the grove that the university planned to cut had been cut on friday (9/5/08). Saturday and Sunday they ground up all of the trees to wood chips. Only the redwood tree with four tree sitters remained. Today (9/8/08) workers slowly built a scaffolding all the way up the Redwood tree. Hundreds of supporters, curious students and media members gathered for hours. many were outraged to see the beautiful grove destroyed and their friends endangered. Police arrested five people during the day. Finally the scaffolding reached up to the tree sitter's platform. Arborists then used chainsaws to cut branches and part of the platform. The tree sitters faced inevitable arrest but the university faced a tremendous challenge to get them in a dangerous way with hundreds of people looking on. So at this point the sides negotiated. The university agreed to allow tree supporters to have input on a lands commission and have a say in future projects. The tree sitters came down. No one died. they were arrested. The tree was cut into four sections and carried off by the crane. So ends a 21-month chapter of struggle. It meant so much to so many of us. I still remember lichens, footholds, views - all gone now.

People came by asking what we will do now. There are many things to do. Injustice and destruction is everywhere so it makes it easy. Join us or do it yourself. See you in the trees somewhere.
by tristan
People gather at 8:00 am to support the tree sit.
by tristan
Workers build a scaffolding up the redwood tree.
by tristan
One man is arrested for arguing with a TV cameraman.
by tristan
The scaffolding grows by the hour.
by tristan
Supporters keep up the vigil.
by tristan
A tree sitter climbs a ways down the tree and tries to take part off a cherry picker that was being used to shield workers below.
by tristan
UC Police Chief Vitoria Harrison and Detective Wade McAdams are brought up in a basket by a crane to order the tree sitters down.
by tristan
The stump of Grandmother Tree stands right behind a dack hoe.
by tristan
Abruptly police charge into the street after one supporter.
by tristan
Police tackle and arrest this young man. They also threw many others to the ground in this incident. I was thrown into a cop moments after taking this photo.
by tristan
Supporters gather as close as possible to the redwood tree sit.
by tristan
Hundreds of people gather on the other side of the street.
by tristan
Another arrest is made, for no reason.
by tristan
One guy blocks the Brand scaffolding company truck. Give them a call and tell them how much you like trees: 559-444-1970.
by tristan
A wonderful banner appears to honor Native-Americans and trees.
by tristan
Huck plays the mandolin as the scaffolding reaches the platform.
by tristan
A former tree sitter is arrested after being thrown in the dirt.
by tristan
The scaffolding begins to surround the tree. I had to leave for work at this point but not too much later the tree sitters came down.
by tristan
Left foreground is the stump of the redwood tree wit the trunk sections behind.
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by hayduke
Brand Scaffolding services is located at 4755 e commerce ave in fresno. For those of us in Fresno we should give them a visit. A daytime visit is fine. A night time visit might prove more fruitfull.

here's a yahoo map link to their location:;_ylc=X3oDMTExNmIycG51BF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEc2VjA2ZwLWJ1dHRvbgRzbGsDbGluaw--#mvt=m&lat=36.710744&lon=-119.740249&zoom=15&q1=4755%20e%20commerce%20ave%2C%20fresno%20ca&gid1=21275877
by sequia semp
sad that so called progress has wiped out this grove, but it is fantastic to see the resistance. inspirational. there are a few nah sayers out there commenting on mainstream articles about this. to them, get off your duff and do something. the folks struggling to protect this grove might not be perfect, but they're righteous. more people putting themselves on the line defending the planet is a fantastic thing! nice to see this struggle over the past 21 months. it kindles the heart to see this awesome fight and people struggling and carrying on the resistance. yea, the trees are gone, but they lasted 21 months longer than they would have. it's been on tv and it keeps the issues relating to space preservation and tree protection in people's minds.

thank you to all who struggled to protect that forest!
by tree top
UC Berkeley cops behavior is totally unneccesary and disgusting. They must have had some training from Prof. Yoo. They, the university seem to be out of control and obsessed. They went way overboard on their fences, their lights, their PR campaign - its was a big show.

The students have shown that they are mostly coopted. It is sad. They have no clue as to what is happening in America. they think they will live the american dream when the nightmare appears to be on the way.
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