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Indybay Feature

Rich Swig and Ramon Romero from the SFRA help Lennar re-arrange their fiscal woes.

by Francisco Da Costa
Some months ago the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) tried to help Lennar get a $25 million dollar grant from the State of California. Lennar was told to go take a hike. Lennar has been declaring bankruptcy left, right and center all over the United States. Lennar, technically has been given the opportunity to develop the entire Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. It has NO money - but is trying to use the little equity it has to garner money - creating fake Limited Liability Companies and painting a rosy picture. In fact it is swimming in a cesspool of its own making - and drowning. It has practically defaulted on Parcel A but the City and County of San Francisco - does not want to press the charge.
Yesterday, September 2, 2009 Kofi Bonner and his cronies all linked with Lennar tried to pull a fast one. at the SFRA meeting in Room 416 at City Hall.

Two San Francisco Redevelopment Agency Commissioners - Rick Swig and Ramon Romero quickly proposed and seconded nine dubious agenda items to re-organize and re-finance the Rogue Company - we call Lennar. Now Lennar thinks they have it good on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Time will tell.

Francee Covington the Chair of the SFRA Commissioners hardly knew what she was doing - smiling and trying to push the agenda itmes - and fumbling with the procedures at hand. Judas was at work for all the world to see.

Lennar is a Rogue Company that thrives on deceiving innocent home owners. Lennar is sinking all over the Nation - declaring bankruptcy. Closer to home at Mare Island and in Richmond - Lennar has declared Bankruptcy - in Southern California - with LandSource.

Yet, Mr. Rick Swig who lives in the Pacific Heights area and Ramon Romero his side-kick - think nothing of helping Lennar a Rogue Company that has harmed the community.

In these times of financial woes with the Housing Industry - some unknown bank is trying to finance Lennar and its newly acquired partners - to help Lennar recover - it is too late.

Lennar has formed a new Limited Liability Corporation Hunters Point Shipyard - Limited Liability Corporation. HPS LLC. Plans were read to fleece the tax payers to garner some tax increment and aid Lennar - financially. Time will tell.

Right now only Parcel A comes under the jurisdiction of the SFRA and the SFRA has in turn given Parcel A to Lennar. As things stand today - Parcel A is not going any where - Lennar is in default.

Lennar has failed on its goals and time-lines and according to the Disposition and Development Agreement - is in default. Period.

Any City would cut their ties with Lennar - dubious, corrupt, a cursed - deceiving corporation.

In San Francisco Rick Swig, Diane Feinstein, Richard Blum, Michael Cohen, and others all very corrupt want to grab the last frontier - to build homes and make some money.

Parcel B, C, D, and E on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is very toxic - contaminated with heavy metals and radiological elements.

It is the responsibility of the United States Navy to clean up the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - to residential standards.

The Pacific Heights Mafia - lead by Diane Feinstein wants the Shipyad capped and Lennar is famous for building homes on toxic sites. There could not be two strange yet satanic forces - joined at the hip - to carry out such a project in broad daylight.

Today, on Channel Two - Lennar was bragging about its new re-organization and plans for Treasure Island and Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Not a word from the Bayview Community and its so called leaders - most of whom are fast asleep and do not know what is happening under their noses. Of course the Press is stating what is has been paid to state. Channel Two should be ashamed of itself.

Lennar has with intent bombarded the community with heavy metals, radiological elements, asbestos structures.

Failed to abide by the Dust Mitigation Plan. Failed to abide by laws and rules laid down by the Regulatory Agencies.

Fat Boy one of the Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan - left Hunters Point - sixty years ago. There is Karma - and no good will ever come at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. The site where Depleted Uranium was tested - one of the ten most toxic sites in the United States of America.

Of course powerful and evil Representatives - including the Mother of Water Boarding - has personally called the Regulatory Agencies - to back off - and not cite Lennar. We know this and have taken appropriate measures to document the irregularities.

Why do these evil folks want to cap a Superfund Site?

Why do these evil folks want to build a stadium and expose millions to radiological elements?

Why do these folks NOT want to abide by Proposition P and clean up the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard to residential standards?

Why are we permitting such rogue companies to come into our communities and cause so much harm?

Why build homes and expose innocent people in the middle of Chernobyl?

The SFRA Commission does not have one single representative from the Bayview Hunters Point - to speak to the TRUTH and this is a shame.

Every agenda item was passed without one single pertinent question asked by the SFRA Commissioners.

One Commissioner, Rick Swig went to state that all was well at the Shipyard and that those listening at home - referring to a Radio Station KPOO - should be content.

I stated that the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is contaminated. It is one of the ten worst toxic sites in the Nation. It is a Superfund site. And reminded the listeners of KPOO that they should be cognizant of this glaring - fact.

No financial institution in their right mind will fiance building homes of land that is contaminated with radiological elements, heavy metals like mercury and lead, asbestos structures that are floating around and will be floating around for years - adversely impacting - thousands all over San Francisco.

Ninety percent of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in prone to serious liquefaction.

Methane Gas flares are let out every single day. One ton of Methane Gas in equal to twenty two tons of Carbon Dioxide - adversely impacting all of San Francisco.

Wind streams carry dangerous particulates from China and bring it to our area - what hinders the same toxic pollutants to harm folks a few miles way in San Francisco? Think about it!

The United States Geological Survey has stated clearly about the liquefaction on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

So has the Bay Conservation and Development Commission. What we have in San Francisco is the Pacific Heights Mafia - shoving false hoods down the throats of innocent people - trying to bluff them to make - blood money.

In the mean time our so called City leaders are fast asleep. Had it not been for a couple of us present - these important facts and the the proceedings would have gone - smoothly.

The dubious characters hoped that they would not be exposed - but they were. Fore most Kofi Bonner the weasel - who can talk the talk but fails each and every time to walk the walk. He makes his abode with Lennar - a Rogue Company that the community wants - out.

Now, Kofi Bonner has been joined by Rick Swig - who has deep links with the Pacific Heights corrupt folks and money makers. The same folks that want to control land. Land given to these corrupt folks - invokes a power trip that fails to stop their corruption and rudeness.

Then, these same corrupt folks will use methods much the same as have been used to keep the Palestinians down.

Some may say that is a far cry - but the reality of it has already hit the Bayview Hunters Point - gentrification.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy

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