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Indybay Feature

Police Brutality On the Streets and in the Court: Deiss Pre-Trial 10 AM Wednesday Sept 3

by Robert Norse
Donna Deiss Yovino, represented by attorney Ben Rice, will be at a Preliminary Hearing 10 AM tomorrow either in Department 1 or Department 2 at the County Courthouse at 701 Ocean St. Sgt. Christian LeMoss broke her arm in what witnesses describe as an egregious and excessive use of force on May 9th at the Three Tree Lot out on Westcliffe Drive. Donna invites supporters to attend. There have been other serious incidents of police violence reported recently.

Donna, a disabled vehicularly housed woman over 60, may also be at the earlier 9:30 AM HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) meeting in the basement of the next door County Building at the American Cafe. She has regularly been reporting on continuing police harassment of homeless people and those whose housing is a vehicle.

Earlier today she reported that the same Sgt. LeMoss who assaulted her in May (and then charged her with "resisting arrest") also brutalized her support person Jason on Saturday night on Pacific Avenue. Also known as "P,B and J"J on the street, I hope to interview this man further as well as those who were witness to the incident, which happened somewhere around New Leaf Market around 10 PM August 30th. Please contact me at 423-4833 or e-mail me at rnorse3 [at] if you have any information. Or post here.

Another homeless man spoke out on the radio Sunday about being kicked in the face by a man he identified as Officer Winston while he slept on the levy under some cardboard. A second man corroborated his story but did not want to be identified. You can hear some of Billi's testimony archived on Free Radio Santa Cruz.( download and fast forward to the last hour of the show). I have video of Billi's badly bruised fully-closed right eye as well which he made in a videoed complaint to the SCPD, which I hope to present as a formal complaint when the tape is downloaded and duplicated.

Billi had spoken out a week before on Free Radio Santa Cruz, criticizing Officer Winston on Sunday August 24th ( download and fast forward to an hour into the file). He believes Winston retaliated for the strong criticism by kicking Billi repeatedly in the face and body as he lay on the ground on the Levy near Long's Saturday night.

Billi expressed fear for his safety and is using a psuedonym here.

Earlier stories on LeMoss's assault on Deiss and the SCPD overcharging coverup of the case (which has been completely blacked out of the Sentinel and other media, though they've been informed):

60 Year Old Homeless Wolman Says Police Broke Her Arm

Sgt. LeMoss #114 Santa Cruz PD breaks arm of 60 year old disabled woman without cause

Donna Deiss facing 'resisting arrest' charge; all other charges dropped

Donna Deiss Update

Sgt LeMoss broke 60 year old woman's arm May 9

Earlier background on Deiss's activism defending the rights of disabled folks living in RVs and homeless people generally:

Harassment of Homeless in RVs, a Letter from Donna Deiss
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Sat, Sep 6, 2008 11:28AM
Robert Norse
Sat, Sep 6, 2008 11:10AM
Fri, Sep 5, 2008 3:21PM
Robert Norse
Fri, Sep 5, 2008 10:53AM
Robert Norse
Fri, Sep 5, 2008 10:45AM
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