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Indybay Feature

Taxpayers for Improving Public Safety (TiPS)

by posted by Carol (prisonmovement [at]
We are a unique coalition of victims of crime, offenders,
and their advocates; representing California taxpayers,
with the shared interest of improving public safety.
Taxpayers for Improving Public Safety (TiPS)


We are a unique coalition of victims of crime, offenders,
and their advocates; representing California taxpayers,
with the shared interest of improving public safety.


TiPS is dedicated to improving public safety for all Californians by:

* advocating for rational and effective public safety solutions
* informing the public about the misuse of billions of tax dollars
on a failed prison system
* holding elected officials accountable for their failed public safety policies
* reducing the influence of self-serving special interest groups
* investing in our youth, especially those perceived to be at-risk

Volunteers Needed

If you do nothing, the Runner & Marsy's Law initiatives (Prop. 6 and 9)
will pass because voters just don't know what they really do.

These initiatives are extremely dishonest in that they attempt to trick voters
into supporting "victims rights" that are already existing law in the first part
in order to pass extreme punishments in the remaining parts.

Click here to download your TiPS initiatives packet now.

Email help [at] forpublicsafety.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it to find out how you can help,
and download your volunteer packet today. You can research from
your computer, help to find meeting places, enlist other volunteers,
and much more...
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We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$130.00 donated
in the past month

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