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Despite Celebrity Shills, Scientology Cult Fails to Win Friends and Influence People

by Brandon Walsh
On August 9, Scientology held a black-tie Gala to glorify 39 years of the Celebrity Centre in an attempt to improve their sagging image worldwide. While only about half of the anticipated 1,500 guests attended, Anonymous was lining the streets in colorful evening wear and their signature masks to inform the arriving guests about Scientology’s human rights abuses, suppression of free speech and criminal malfeasance.

HOLLYWOOD, CA–In an attempt to improve their sagging image worldwide Scientology held a black-tie gala on saturday August 9 to glorify 39 years of the Celebrity Centre. Though only about half of the anticipated 1,500 guests attended, Anonymous was lining the streets in colorful evening wear and their signature masks to inform the arriving guests about Scientology’s human rights abuses, suppression of free speech and criminal malfeasance.

At the event began at 6pm with Scientology celebrities like Tom Cruise, Beck and John Travolta on hand planning to rub elbows with government officials and members of the entertainment industry Scientology would like to influence. Unfortunately, despite the star power, attendance was surprisingly low. A number of Los Angeles City Council members declined the invitation, citing “prior commitments,” while the majority of guests seemed to be local Scientologists, some arriving on foot. Only three limousines were spotted, indicating the low turn out of dignitaries promised in the Scientology press release.

But Anonymous made a huge splash, with over seventy Anonymous carrying signs and fliers to inform the public and media about Scientology’s dark underbelly. A contingent from San Diego came up for the night, plus a London Anonymous member in town on business joined the group and Barney the friendly dinosaur also danced alongside the masked members of Anonymous. The media was also out in full force to cover the event, giving Anonymous the opportunity to inform journalists and paparazzi about the cult’s nefarious actions.

“Most of people have no idea that Scientology has an armed paramilitary,” says one Anonymous. Scientology’s private international navy, based in every country where Scientology has a presence, is known as the Sea Organization, and trains to be ready for attack. Members have signed a billion year contract. Armed members guard at least one of the cult’s outposts in Hemet, California.

Former celebrity Janeane Garofalo, walking by wearing bright green leotards and a bright pink T-shirt, was clearly not invited for the black tie event, but she offered her ill-informed opinion of Anonymous, calling them “fucking bigots,” which is odd given Anonymous’ open support of gay and lesbian rights.

Scientologists themselves hold incredibly biogoted views towards gays and lesbians. In the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Scientology founder, science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, calls homosexuals “perverts” who should be removed from society “without remorse,” a view the fundamentalist cult condones and perpetuates to this day.

However Garofalo’s view towards Anonymous was decidedly a minority opinion. Residents of the upscale Franklin Canyon area just north of Hollywood were thrilled to see Anonymous, greeting the protesters with applause and hand shakes, some posing for pictures, while drivers honked their horns and waved. Meanwhile, private investigators hired by the cult and members of Scientology’s private intelligence agency OSA photographed protesters from rooftops and drove up and down the streets snapping picture of license plates.

“Scientology are bad neighbors,” said a woman who owns a home close by. “They chase us on bicycles when we take walks and are rude.”

“Plus they are poor tippers,” added a waiter on his way to work in a restaurant on Franklin Avenue. “Though they do leave information about free stress tests and The Way to Happiness.”

The event, which was approved by Los Angeles City Council after being presented by councilman Tom LaBonge, presented a danger to the residents of the nearby hills, as Scientology’s valet parking staff closed the driveway in front of the nearby fire station, forcing the fire company engine and emergency response van to park on a public street.

“Look at this!” exclaimed a resident, pointing a rented white van blocking a red zone and fire hydrant. “This is typical of their behavior, they act like they own the streets!”

That van and other rented commercial vehicles were strategically placed in red zones to block traffic from seeing the Anonymous protesters. “They were parking vans this afternoon in the red zone in front of our building on Franklin,” said another resident pointing to a three-story building across from the Celebrity Centre, “And my landlady came out and gave them hell, so they moved them.”

The blockade of illegally parked vehicles did not stem Anonymous’ enthusiasm as they danced, waved and passed out fliers explaining Scientology’s deceptive practices including their “drug rehab program” Narconon which uses toxic doses of niacin and saunas in conjuction with Scientology workbooks to “release toxins.”

The Scientology Celebrity Centre event seemed to have caused severe plumbing problems along Franklin Avenue, with sewage backing up in restaurants across the street. As Scientology’s leader David Miscaviage stood on stage delivering a speech which was drowned out by Anonymous’ chants of “Davey, Davey, Davey, cult, cult cult!” city sewer repair began pumping refuse from clogged pipes in front of the Celebrity Centre, filling the evening air with the pungent stench of rotting fecal matter.

“It’s so appropriate,” laughed a resident. “It just shows what Scientology is full of!”
§members of Anonymous protest outside Celebrity Centre
by Brandon Walsh
Photo courtesy of Anonymisty, Anonymous protesters outside event at Celebrity Centre
§Anonymous celebrates free sppech at Celebrity Centre
by Brandon Walsh
Photo courtesy of Anonymisty, Anonymous protesters outside event at Celebrity Centre
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by Anonannunaki
I give them a year, at most. Toast!

What they lack in influence they certainly seemed to make up for in effluence

By the way, I can't see the photos. What's the matter with that?
by Meatball
Great article. You people are the greatest. If there is a heaven, anonymous members have earned a place in it. On the other hand if there is a hell...
The secret most un-exposed about Scientology is that is it an “applied physiological philosophy” rather than an “applied religious philosophy”. All Scientology courses, all auditing processes, and all the management and professional courses are based on physiological phenomenas, psychophysiology, emotions, human behavior patterns etc., that are our birth right and used in scientology as their own discoveries. Even their PTS-SP data is based upon how a “Symptom” re-stimulation is brought out by physiological reactions of the mind affecting the body when under stress. They blame innocent human beings called by them “suppressive persons” for bringing out a symptom that was there to warn you of hidden real illnesses caused by non-suppressive sources such as parasites, chemicals, poisons, toxins, viruses and bacteria. The data on PTS-SP is twisted by them to blame innocent people in order to keep them in line.

The only way to fight them is to expose to the world--how Scientology has used physiological phenomenas as the basis for a false religion. How it has harmed families by claiming that innocent mothers and fathers are SPs -- when they lied about symptom re-stimulations to the world.

No where in scientology will you find courses on any bible, there is no study or belief in heaven, hell, saints, angels, the devil, or even God himself. They do not study religion or even believe in religions. They do not share common values with any other religion. Their goal is to eliminate all other religions.

The E-meter reads your physiological reactions, the Ronbots never calls it that—they call it the “CHARGE” or the “MASS” or “ENGRAMS” OR “MENTAL IMAGE PICTURES” that you have in your brain—all meant to distract you from the truth.

Know this fact --- There is a law of Nature or law of God called “Physiological Reactions” that is the true secret behind Scientology’s Dianectic study technology.

LRH discovered that when you passed a misunderstood word—you manifested many reactions of various types: Yawning, sleepiness, not there feeling, dizziness, blurry eyes, nervousness and dozens more.

Being the liar that he was, he claimed that physiological reactions which he now calls “Dianetics” was “‘his” invention and not a law of God; he hid the fact that it is our human inheritance since time began.

Granted that his power of obnosis was the best in the world, his crime against humanity was to make a “religion” based upon the falsehood, that it was his invention or creation and not a law of God belonging to all Humanity as their lawful right.

All living beings have physiological (The functions and activities of life or of living matter such as the organic processes of organs, tissues, or cells) phenomenas (observable reactions known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition), or physical manifestations (made evident by showing or displaying) or physical reactions, that we see or feel as symptoms, and they are external and/or internal or visible signs or warnings given to us, by our creator to help us survive, help us increase our potential, our knowledge and our health.
All life on Earth has these cause and effect reactions called physiological phenomenas. All living beings whether they are plant, insect, retile or animal or human could not live without these reactions. They influence the body’s and the mind’s reactions to any form of stimuli, and have an influence on every cell of the body and mind.
[Noun. Physiological reaction – Is an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus.]
[Examples of physiological reactions: inborn reflex, innate reflex, instinctive reflex, reflex response, unconditioned reflex, accommodation reflex, Babinski reflex, belching, headache, migraines, swelling, sweating, erections, blinking, blushing, burping, defecation reflex, disgorgement, involuntary eye blinking, farting, skin flush, gag reflex, goose bump, goose pimple, gooseflesh, involuntary gulping, involuntary hiccup, knee-jerk reflex, light reflex, puking, papillary reflex, rectal reflex, regurgitation, shaking, shiver, shock, sneezing, startle, stretch reflex, suckling reflex, trembling, upset stomach, vomiting, involuntary winking, yawn, yawning -- plus hundreds more.]
Ron studied Physiological reactions more than most scientists and applied it to invent a new Religion.
He did not invent but copied the laws of nature and scammed the whole world into thinking that he alone discovered these reactions and no one else did. What he did do - was noticed the reactions of students and from this scam invented Dianetics “study tech”.
Examples of Physiological reactions of the body and mind when reading:
Falling asleep while reading - yawning, confusion, feeling blank, feeling anxious, not there feeling, tearing eyes, eyes going out of focus, dizziness, reeling, rebelliousness, headaches, skipping words, feeling nauseous, fidgeting, jumpy while reading, can’t stay still, mispronouncing words, feeling as if you are squashed, feeling as if you are over-whelmed, twitching, can’t apply what you are reading, can’t understand what you are reading, etc. are all due to physiological reactions when you read misunderstood words or misunderstood definitions.
To understand the secrets of your enemy –is to know exactly where to hurt him.
Scientology’s copyrighted files on based upon the laws of Nature and laws of God; they are in violation of copyrights and patent rights. Therefore, the contents or subjects can be used by anyone and can be talked about without fear of any lawsuit.
Everything you do produces a reaction in your body and mind. Every time you read, eat, sleep, rest, run, etc. produces a reaction.
To tell your mother that you invented a new religion, because you discovered why you farted, is a good example of the scam that Ron pulled on you. He got away with it because the world did not see these reactions as they applied to reading. Or if some scientist saw and knew it—he did not protest it and allowed a Cult to claim it as their own new discovery.
If you want to destroy the cult, study your own reactions each time you do something—learn to read yourself and use your own power of obnosis to discover the real world within you.

Yours truly

All Rights Reserved.

Copyright Ronbothunter--- All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 & 1-103.6 including rights under the UCC and common law remedies. I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not personally sign and enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally and especially if I was not given full disclosure. I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement.

by wil thompson
Things are going from worse to catastrophic in the orgs. I know from a very close source that their cash flow is in serious trouble after a disasterous adventure into real estate just before the market collapsed last year. I give them a year, 2 at most.
by Fredric L. Rice (frice [at]
Be very careful -- Scientology's fake "drug treatment" fraud they commit calling themselves "NarCONon" is proven dangerous and, in any event, does not work. It is a financial scam perped against the most vulnerable among us.

Seek legitimate treatment, absolutely, but do not fall for Scientology's "NarCONon" frauds. For details about Scientology's fake "drug treatment" scam, check out and see what doctors, health officials, and law enforcement have to say about this Scientology crime.
by still looking
i went to the gala

dave m didn't speak at the gala

i heard the Head honcho from UTAH drug inforcement speak

and go to tears in favor of the scientology detox program

he stated that it had saved the quality of life of 40 of his men

exposed to toxins in the line of duty.

the food was great .

the show was top of the line.

the place was beautiful

the people all seemed happy and successful in their lives.

i am still trying to understand why all the negative hooplaa?

i will keep looking into this.

i didn't see anything dark about the place

but then again i grew up catholic so i guess i was expecting

something more like the christian beginnings, remember the

spainish and how they got us on the map or the salem witch hunts.

now there was something to be at odds with.

anyhow as my mom sez from time to time,"why make a mountain out

of a mole hill". it makes the protesters seem silly trying to bother the scientologists.

Even the local cops and fire dept officials were not pleased with the


anyway i am glad i went i learned alot and i believe at this point they have a point.

while the protest group seems to be saying something akin to,"down with up."

just an observation from the sidelines

all the best


by Sonja
@still looking, beware of wolves in sheep's clothing. The Cult of $cientology had come close to perfecting their disguise before their incriminating documentation was leaked. Try taking a look at the evidence some time.

And here you go on about how lavish the party was and it sounds like you have SOLD them your loyalty. You claim to be raised as a Catholic Christian and then allow yourself to be led astray by "successful looking" false idols! Does "looking successful" (like Armani suits and nice cars) equal spiritual enlightenment to you? Is that what it is? Does paying for your faith make it more valid to you?
If religions are a reflection of the mindset of society in the time that it was created, then people will look back upon our era as the society of material GREED for creating the CULT of $cientology! Is that what you want?
You should know that YOU CANNOT BUY FAITH!!! You do not obtain spiritual advancement with a credit card!

If you are going to observe from the sidelines, then you need to understand what it is that you are observing before coming on here revealing what a foolish, uninformed, and BAD CHRISTIAN you are!

I don't think you really are a Christian at all. I think you are a $cientologist trying to lead us all astray. You will always fail because we know the truth behind that evil, criminal, CULT you defend!
by lou
was clearly not there.
by A Watcher
^ I wouldn't talk about someone not being there, Lou, as you have proven, time and again, that you are not 'there' yourself.
by A Scientologist
The shit seeping out of the sewer into the CC wasn't the only thing that stunk. The food was shitty too and the CoB's lousy speech didn't really pull me in. I'm getting sick of being endlessly reg'd and hit up for the next big expansion. I'm gonna blow this bitch once and for all and take everything of value I can with me. I'll gonna get my money back one way or another, fuck the nondisclosure contract. I'm sure someone will pay big money for what I have and know.
by Ex-Scientologist (lharlow [at]
To the last commenter, How can I get all my money back to? I would love to retire at least by the time I'm 85!
by Ex-Scientologist (lharlow [at]
I hope these comments don't cost anything. Paranoia runs deep after enduring years of cult abuse. "Get on with my Life?" as so many of my Fair-weathered friends have told me. Sure! I'm still trying after all these years! Will I ever get my child support and alimony? Never, since my Ex moved out of the country, owing me enough money to buy a big house with after slowly but surely giving all the family fortune away to Scientology. Will I ever get back the house I lost? Never. Do I work night and day? YES! Am I exhausted as I push through my middle-aged years? YES! Are my grown children now living hand-to-mouth? YES! Do I have anything to offer them? Yes. my love and a tired back, pain in legs and a body that screams for rest and some time out! Does even one Scientologist call (not about money) to genuinely see how I'm doing? In my dreams! This is on-going as positive and optomistic as I try to be., but there is no support group around here for this, no forum. I'll just have to keep getting up early in the morning every day for work until life ceases to be. Not quite the expectations I had for retirement.
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