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Indybay Feature

Anniversary bombing of Nagasaki - the "Fat Man" atomic bomb that left from Hunters Point.

by Francisco Da Costa
"Fat Man" one of the Atomic bombs left Hunters Point where it was assembled and placed on a Carrier that took it to the Pacific Ocean. Then loaded on a plane to do it dirty deed. They say over 27,000 people died on that fateful day in Nagasaki. Over 70,000 people over an extended period- died. Did you all know that Karma is something we have to be aware of. No one can just kill so many innocent people and not suffer the consequences? There is war and there is war?
Most people do not know that Depleted Uranium was tested first at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco.

Hunters Point Naval Shipyard had the evil distinction of assembling the Atomic Bomb "Fat Man".
The Atomic Bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki.

This atomic bomb killed over 27,000 innocent people in Nagasaki during World War II. Over 70,000 people died from other consequences. Today, thousands are alive still suffering the scars of the evil "Atomic Bomb". The curse that has scared the conscience of all values - human.

The creators of the Atomic Bomb - those that worked at the National Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL) should be ashamed of themselves - and the creation of the "evil bomb" that has come to haunt the world. The NRDL was established at Hunters Point Shipyard.

The NRDL created a mess that Senator Diane Feinstein does not understand. So, does not Congressperson Nancy Pelosi. No good will ever come from Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

From this landfilled Shipyard - prone to liquefaction - an evil bomb was assembled and left the Bay - to do its dirty deed - this Nation must not forget - ever, "Fat Man". The atomic bomb that killed many innocent folks - over 27,000 by some estimates.;_ylt=Ag3mbkQwJa48YDd2dTLqshVn.3QA
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by Cathy Garger (savorsuccesslady3 [at]

Depleted Uranium has a half-life of 4.5 Billion years. The fact that it was used in testing there in SF means the entire place is still HOT! (radioactive)! I'm afraid that the people of SF are becoming sick due to the radiation that remains there. That is why I kept saying that they must properly clean up the area- yet an insufficient amount has been budgeted. The monies they have allocated for remediation will not do the job!

Sadly, the people of other lands have not been the only ones targeted... We're also affected here in the US (it's Uncle Sam's best kept secret)!

To read my speech at the WW2 Memorial in Washington DC: "No More DU- No More Nagasakis - No More Hiroshimas"

I promise to keep on talking about SF and radioactivity in future articles.

Keep up the great work!

Cathy Garger
by Francisco Da Costa
Thank you for your work and educating people on issues. At Hunters Point Naval Shipyard the home the National Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL) - Depleted Uranium was tested and the adverse impacts are taken - lightly by the City and County of San Francisco, Mayor Gavin Newsom, Senator Diane Feinstein, and Congressperson Nancy Pelosi. I am glad against odds that you speak up - because the TRUTH must be told. In the interim hundreds are suffering every day in and around Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. The United States Navy under pressure in now thinking of capping large areas - so that homes can be built. The plan is to build over 10,000 homes. A rogue company - named Lennar Corporation is looking forward to develop thousands of homes on dirty, toxic, radiological contaminated - land. Depleted Uranium can kill humans and other life - instantly but also slowly. Sadly, as I watch the happenings - innocent children, our Elders, and those frail and weak are the targets. We must speak up or forever hold our peace.
Francisco says the following:

"Most people do not know that Depleted Uranium was tested first at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco."

The reason most people do not know is because it never happened. What exactly was supposedly tested at Hunter's Point and when? Do you actually have a single fact or just peddle myths? If you are peddling myths, why do you do that? Are you just like Garger, fond of seeing your own words in print or do you have some fundamental wrong that you think occured that you are intent on righting? If so, what is that? Be specific?

You attracted Cathy Garger so your lies must be reaching a lot of people. You used to serve the United States, now you lie about it. What did the United States do to you?
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