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Dems Reject Resolution Against Recall of West Fresno City Councilmember

by John Crockford
Fresno Democrats make decision in support of community self-determination.
At yesterday's meeting of the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee, members soundly rejected a resolution opposing the recall of Fresno District 3 City Councilmember Cynthia Sterling.

The urgency of the matter before the local Democratic Party was apparent when a motion was passed to suspend the rules so that discussion and a vote on the resolution, proposed by District 3 resident Chuck Krugman, could take place immediately.

The resolution and its proponents claimed that the current efforts to recall Ms. Sterling did not meet the test of egregious violation of law or public trust and was not in the best interest of the residents of District 3 or the Democratic Party - Councilmember Sterling is a Democrat. Supporters of the resolution also cited her support for human rights issues in District 3 and the city of Fresno.

In contrast, Democratic Central Committee member Jose Luis Barraza opposed the resolution by saying that the Democratic Party should not take action against the recall. He said that only the residents of West Fresno know if there is a violation of law or public trust. "We should not tell people what's in their best interest," he explained.

Opposition to the resolution came from several District 3 residents who arrived well prepared to defend the recall and argue against the adoption of the resolution.

One by one, District 3 residents and community advocates described Cynthia Sterling - a woman with deep roots in West Fresno - as a representative who has not fulfilled her obligations to the people of the district. Phrases such as "lack of confidence," "lack of performance," "lack of representation," and "misrepresentation" were used in explaining the decision to recall Sterling.

In a passionate and profound explanation of the reasons for the recall, Rev. Floyd Harris, Jr. gave several examples of Ms. Sterling's lack of communication with the community regarding issues such as the Running Horse development, the Hacienda prison facility, the Hinton Center, and the Frank H. Ball Playground.

In describing a telephone call in which he personally invited Sterling to attend a meeting regarding the Frank H. Ball Playground, Rev. Harris said that she declined the invitation saying "I didn't create the problem so why should I fix the problem."

"It's about accountability," proclaimed Rev. Harris.
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by Dan
The local Democrats should be ashamed of themselves.

There's been quite a bit of complaining about things Ms. Sterling has little control over aired by Rev. Harris and his "flock." For example, Harris has complained that the City of Fresno doesn't provide social services that it once did. That's true. However, Rev. Harris neglected to mention that the City Council decided to disband the Human Relations Commission (an action Ms. Sterling voted against, by the way--but she's only one voice out of seven). That effectively ended City funding of social service agencies.

Another complaint is about Ms. Sterling's "inaction" about HIV/AIDS in the West Fresno community. First of all, the County of Fresno--NOT the City--is responsible for providing services to those affected/infected by HIV/AIDS.

And, the one community group (The Good Citizens Inc.) that contracted with the County to provide services to the West Fresno community failed to live up to the terms of the agreement and the County pulled the contract in July 2005 (source: County staff reports). The last two years of the contract were fulfilled by WestCare.

Some folks wanted her to pay for billboards several years ago. Unfortunately, she is barred from using her discretionary funds for such a purpose.

In closing, due to the "strong mayor" form of government in Fresno, council members have little power over what the department heads or the mayor do. Given the conservative makeup of Fresno's city council, it is very difficult to get anything done.
by John Crockford
Resolution Opposing the Recall of Fresno City Council Member Cynthia Sterling

Whereas, Cynthia Sterling was overwhelmingly elected to represent City Council District 3 in 2006, and

Whereas the reasons being put forth to recall Fresno City Council Member Cynthia Sterling do not meet the test of egregious violation of law or public trust, and

Whereas the recall is not in the best interest of the residents of District 3 and the Democratic Party in that it is divisive and reflects only a disagreement with a small group on relatively minor issues.

Be it resolved that Cynthia Sterling, who has been in the forefront of support for Human Rights issues in District 3 in particular and for the City of Fresno of Fresno (sic) as a whole, be supported by the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee in her efforts to stave off the current recall attempt.
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