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Now We Know - The Anthrax Attacks Were an Inside Job

by sd
Bush moves to clean up before leaving office.
The first of the anthrax letters were sent on September 18, 2001, just seven days after the events of 9/11 (the same day I wrote the essay: Is This the Dawn of an Orwellian Police State?). Immediately after the attacks of 9/11, yet before the anthrax attacks, many individuals within the government and the media were warned of impending anthrax attacks, told to procure Cipro and, in some cases, start taking it preemptively. These warnings came from "high government officials."

We know now that the anthrax used in the attacks came from the super secret and locked down facility in Maryland known as Fort Detrick. You can be certain that the weapons of mass destruction held at this facility are maintained with a high level of security. After all, there are few things more dangerous to human life than bioweapons. Nevertheless, anthrax was removed from the facility with the purpose of terrorizing Americans and targeting enemies of the Bush Regime within the press, media and the government itself. The Bush Regime knew, in advance, of the anthrax attacks and warned certain individuals in advance. Bruce E. Irvins, apparently one of the team of individuals asked by the Bush Regime to carry out the attacks, was rewarded for his efforts with the bestowal upon him of the Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service, the U.S. Army's highest honor for civilian workers.

The targets of the Bush Regime's terrorist attacks included the Senate Majority Leader of the opposing political party, Tom Daschle and liberal Senator Patrick Leahy, both opponents of George Bush. We can only speculate that these attacks were either an attempt to assassinate or intimidate these opposition leaders and to terrorize the American people into accepting the new dictatorship.

The anthrax used was of a strain directly traceable to Fort Detrick. It was weapons grade and could not have been manufactured at such a level of quality by someone outside of the bioweapons field. This fact was initially suppressed by a deliberate campaign of subterfuge by the terrorist cell at Fort Detrick. Who did the FBI send the samples of the anthrax to for evaluation? They sent them to the terrorist cell at Fort Detrick. The terrorist cell at Fort Detrick responded by providing an intentionally bogus analysis of the anthrax specifically designed to implicate Iraq, a nation uninvolved with the anthrax attacks and uninvolved with the events of 9/11. It is well known that the Bush Regime had been planning an attack on Iraq long before the events of 9/11. The anthrax attacks were used to manufacture a false belief that Iraq had attacked the United States.

The FBI needed a scape goat for the attacks and they chose Steven Jay Hatfill. Various members of the terrorist cell at Fort Detrick implicated Hatfill in the press and then the FBI declared publicly, with no evidence, that Steven Jay Hatfill was a "person of interest" in the case. After years of never finding any evidence that could be used against Hatfill, the case against him was dropped and Hatfill successfully sued the FBI, winning on June 27 of this year a settlement of $5.8 million dollars.

This successful counter move by the patsy chosen by the government to take the fall embarrassed the FBI. They needed another person on whom to pin the attacks. They had to chose someone within the terrorist cell at Fort Detrick to take the fall (after all, only they had access to the anthrax) and they had to be certain that the chosen fall man would not be able to speak in his defense, so they involuntarily committed him to psychiatric care, hooked him up with a consoling facility which specializes in giving patients opioids, ostensibly to help them fight addiction, and created the conditions under which someone in a position of power above him could accuse him of stalking her, have him declared homicidal, and basically "nuts." The man they chose was Bruce E. Ivins.

Two days before he was scheduled for a court hearing regarding the alleged stalking, Ivins killed himself with a bottle of pain killers someone had prescribed him (exactly the same kind of substance for which, the clinic that he was assigned to, aims to provide detoxification services).

In my personal opinion, it appears that Ivin's suicide was designed and managed by someone who wanted him to take the fall and his knowledge of what really happened to the grave.

Now we are being told that this case is over and that the families of the victims have closure. We are supposed to believe that Ivins was a lone nut acting on his own. I don't buy the official story. All of the evidence says that Ivin was part of a government directed terrorist cell and that his death is the cover up.

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