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Indybay Feature

Four workers dead in Texas crane disaster

by wsws (reposted)
Monday, July 21, 2008 :Four workers were killed at a Houston, Texas oil refinery on the afternoon of July 18 when a huge construction crane collapsed, pulling a second crane down with it. Seven other workers were injured in the collapse, and one worker remains hospitalized for his injuries.
According to witnesses, an evacuation alarm sounded at the refinery at around 1:30 in the afternoon. Responding to the alarm, a number of workers ran into a lunch tent designated as an evacuation rally point. The crane, breaking off at the base, toppled directly onto the tent. Workers elsewhere at the facility described being lifted off the ground by the force of the impact. Arial photographs show the giant twisted lengths of the two cranes stretched out across the facility, as well as smashed buildings and vehicles, buckled concrete pavement, and flattened workers tents where the cranes fell.

It sounded like a buildingsounded like a building fell. I looked backI was on my way to evacuate the plant and I looked back and I see the arms coming down. After that, I just see a lot of black smoke, worker Stacy Davis told KPRC Local 2 News in Houston. I stopped in my tracks. We were in shock. I was in the middle of the street. I didnt know what to do. I wanted to cry. I believe some people got killed. It was so big and so loud and Id seen it come down.

The four men killed were employed as contract workers for Deep South Crane & Rigging, the company owning the crane. The workers have been identified as Marion Scooter Hubert Odom III, 41, of Highlands; John D. Henry, 33, of Dayton; Daniel DJ Lee Johnson, 30, of Dayton; and Rocky Dale Strength, 30, of Santa Fe, Texas.

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§Four Die in Latest Crane Disaster
by via Donna Jablonski, AFL-CIO
Saturday, July 19, 2008 : A 30-story mobile crane, one of the country's largest, collapsed yesterday in Houston, killing four workers and injuring seven others, according to an AP report. The deadly collapse is the latest in a recent series of fatal crane accidents that have claimed more than a dozen lives in New York City, Las Vegas and Miami.

Friday’s collapse took place at the LyondellBasell refinery in southeast Houston. Workers ran to a lunch tent designated as an evacuation site when a siren went off. Tragically, the falling crane landed on top of the tent, according to the AP.

For more than four years, the Bush administration has failed to implement an updated crane safety standard developed by a standards advisory committee.

A recent report by the Center for Construction Research and Training, citing government statistics, found an average of 22 contruction workers are killed each year in crane-related incidents. The report recommended stronger certification and training, inspection reporting and oversight measures to prevent crane-relate fatalities and injuries.

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