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Women in Black weekly vigil uc berkeley

by mich.
Women in Black weekly vigil uc berkeley
by mich.
by mich.
Hilda Roberts, a veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigades.

by mich.
by mich.
by mich.
Zionists were also there with lame posters, taking things out of context. It was interesting that they would have Martin Luther King on one of their posters, who preached civil disobedience. Would MLK support the apartheid laws that exist in Israel?
But that is just another way for Zionists to deny the past, take it out of context, and build their own fantasy (Israel is democracy!) in which MLK is a supporter of the apartheid state.

The other poster is incredible. Israel has been shooting down newspaper, that it deemed to be “terrorist literature” (or in other words anything that supported the Palestinian right fro independence), all through the long occupation of Palestine. And Israeli studiers have been attacking any news organization that dares to report from Palestine, in some cases killing them as with the case of James Miller (and I’m sure that Zionist are going to claim that Miller death was somehow caused by the Palestinian, or that he was responsible for his own death).
§forgot to mention
by Mich.
I forgot to mention that while speaking with a representative from Women in Black she said that in the past the Zionists used intimidation and harassment towards them. Some were distressing Hilda (the old women in the photo), some intimidating people, others taking pictures up close (very close in front of people faces), later posting them on right wing websites with personal attacks.
But this is how they play.
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by SFV4I
Look, Micah, now we'll give you a chance to redeem yourself.
I gave you a flyer "Support Moderates, not extremists", and one on LGBT rights in Israel. You couldn't have even looked at them, if you characterized our organization as "right wing".

San Francisco Voice for Israel is a direct action Israel advocacy group. Our members come from varied backgrounds- from earth and animal liberation groups, from Critical Mass, from ACT up, from the Green party and from the rich and colorful traditions of anarcho-zionism.

We have a vigil at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland each Saturday from 12 to 1. Then we go for coffee. Come. Photograph us. Interview us. Actually listen to what we have to say. There is more to being a journalist than having a big camera.

San Francisco Voice for Israel is a direct action Israel advocacy group in precisely and exactly the same way that the German American Bund was a direct action Third Reich advocacy group. Like the GAB before it, it promotes the continued existence of a racist state. The only difference between a Jewish state and an Aryan state is the name of the tribe in charge. Everything else is the same.

Any state, any organization whatsoever, based on one tribe having more power than other tribes, is racist by definition. Anyone who supports the continued existence of any racist organization whatsoever, is a racist.

There is no fundamental difference between a Nazi, a Zionist, a Klansman, a Chetnik or the Interahamwe. They all want, work and kill for the same thing, the dominance of their own tribe over all others. That's racism. It's evil. Either we stand up and fight it, or we are as guilty as Chamberlain.
by Mich.
But I don’t need you, or any of your friends to redeem me.
I read your flayers, and other than mounting the usual Zionist party line, I did not find any value to it. It’s the usual “we are the victims-Palestinians are animals who don’t want peace”.

Your organization is a right-wing group, who supports a racist ideology. Whether the members of your group understand that, is not my problem. I know of women who believe that they should submit themselves to their husbands, since this is part of their tradition, and yet, still consider themselves to be “feminist”, they sometimes even have a very progressive viewpoint when it comes to taking care of the poor. There are some gay members in the Republican Party which does make the GOP a support group for LGBT.
Furthermore, as a contributor to Zombi-time, and as someone who always holds the American and Israeli flags, or signs with statements about the friendship between America and Israel, who are you to talk about not being a right wing? Why do you come to this website trying to council your true beliefs?

The rights that exist in Israel for gay people exist in an atmosphere of extreme oppression against the Palestinians. You like to talk about those rights, while forgetting to mention that an hour away from the gay parade in Tel-Aviv, more then a million people are starving, thanks to your government.
If you have any complaints about other countries in the region for how they relate to gay people, you should voice your criticism towards the American government (the one that you love to hold the flag of) who has always supported the must reactionary regimes in the area, through money and weapons.

Your 12-1 “vigil” is just another way to pressure people to stop their criticism of Israel.
Or as your organization say:
“Counter rallies to Women In Black and their demonizing
of Israel, their endorsement of the Palestinian Right
to Return and their endorsement of violence against
the Jewish State.”
Once again, anyone who dares to challenge the Zionist ideology is immediately deemed a “terrorist”.

The facts are these; Women in Black are a protest group that silently protests the brutal occupation of Palestine. Instead protesting quietly by them, you had to bring yourselves and others to harass them, to put loud music in their face, to intimidate them (to intimidate a very old woman), and to take up in their face photos that afterwards were published with personal attacks. That is wrong, period. And I don’t care if you are gay, an animal liberation person, or an Anarchist.

This is not an invitation for a debate.
by Zionists and Nazis
I have always found it funny that Zionists do not like to talk about, or try to downplay, the relation between famous Zionists thinkers and Nazis, such as Ze'ev Jabotinsky, a man whose ideas influenced many Israeli Prime Ministers and Israeli military commanders.
Earth and animal groups support the Zionist crusader state?

Don't Zionists say that draining swamps (destroying wetland habitats) gives Zionists a birthright of murderous theft of other Palestinian lands? How does that fit into earth and animal group agendas????????
by to "influence" the media
Here is how Zionists try to “influence” the Media:

No surprises that they try to intimidate activists, hide their political agenda, and pretend to be people that they are not, on Indyaby. They learned from the best, how ridicules.
by right!
GAZA CITY (IPS) - Mohammed Omer, the Gaza correspondent of IPS, and joint winner of the 2008 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism, was strip-searched at gunpoint, assaulted and abused by Israeli security officials at the Allenby border crossing between Jordan and the West Bank on Thursday as he tried to return home to Gaza.
by Dragon Lover
If we are going to cite history how about the historical fact that the Isrealis (Jews) and the Arabics have been kicking each other out of this particualr part of the world for thousands of years. What is going on now is nothing new, it just has better press coverage.
by mich.
Thanks for this coverage and for the lovely photo of our compañera, Hilda Roberts. She will always be present, guiding us.
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