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Rough Sailing for the Veterans Equity Bill in Congress?

by Justice For Filipino Ameircan Veterans
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), the alliance of veterans groups and advocates through its Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia expressed dismay over the failure of Democratic Party Speaker Nancy Pelosi to present to the floor of the house HR 760 or the Veterans Equity Bill before the memorial day weekend.

JFAV learned from different sources that the reason for the untimely delay was the strong opposition from the “ blue dog” democrats. The blue dogs are the fiscally conservative democrats in the congress. The fear is that they might vote with the conservative Republicans against the equity bill.. ‘

JFAV Update
May 30, 2008


Los Angeles-- The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), the alliance of veterans groups and advocates through its Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia expressed dismay over the failure of Democratic Party Speaker Nancy Pelosi to present to the floor of the house HR 760 or the Veterans Equity Bill before the memorial day weekend.

JFAV learned from different sources that the reason for the untimely delay was the strong opposition from the “ blue dog” democrats. The blue dogs are the fiscally conservative democrats in the congress. The fear is that they might vote with the conservative Republicans against the equity bill.. ‘

There were simply not enough votes and the Speaker was not confident that the equity bill would pass in the floor vote. That is the reason why the bill was not presented to the floor. Another reason is that some Filipino leaders wanted the “all or nothing” equity bill. There was talks of a letter they sent to Pelosi but his was not duly recorded.

The long delayed equity bill has been stalled in the US Congress for more than 20 years. After the US Senate approved SB 1315 last April, high hopes and optimism was revived that the equity bill will pass in the lower house. And justice and equity will be served to more than 18,999 living veterans.

JFAV was learned that Republican Congressman Steve Buyer, of the 4th district of Indiana, a ranking member of the House veterans committee, is leading the opposition to the equity bill.

JFAV also learned that the Republican opposition to the bill is anchored on the worn out reasons the appropriations of more than $ 900,000 dollars that will be given to Filipino World War II veterans in the Philippines.

Our Call to Action:

JFAV calls on the Filipino-American community to be more aggressive. With more vigor and gather more support and work for the passage of the equity bill before the US Congress adjourns this years. The weekend of May 30-June 3, 2008 is crucial. Our call to action is:

1.Please write, fax or email ALL the 53 Congresspersons in California to and ensure that they vote for the passage of HR 760 the Filipino Veterans Equity Bill on the floor.

2.Please write to ALL Republican congressman to pass HR 760. We need just 25 Republican Congressman to gain a majority.

3. Mobilize, Educate and raise funds for JFAV so we can continue our advocacy. Send the contribution to or write check( People’s CORE is a 501 ©3 so all contributions are tax deductible)

People’s CORE
1610 Beverly Blvd. Suite No.2
Los Angeles, CA 90026

For more information about JFAV please call or contact Al P. Garcia (213) 241-0995 or email at jfav_causa [at] and visit our vlogspot at alliancephilippines.

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