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Justice Week at UC Davis 5/12-5/16/08

by Dan Bacher
The list of speakers for Justice Week at U.C. Davis includes Seth Sandronsky on "California's Health Care Crisis," Cynthia McKinney on the "Politics of Poverty," Marina Augusto on "Modern Day Slavery Through Human Trafficking," Dr. Amer Araim on "The Cost of Hegemony," and a panel of DQU students and indigenous activists on "DQU University 101 - "Davis' Other University."

This is the press release from Alba Harara, Communications Director of the UC Davis Muslim Student Association.
The flyer for the events:

Contact: Abla Harara
Communications Director 07/08
UC Davis Muslim Student Association
communications [at]

Davis CA, -- May, 8, 2008 -- The Muslim Student Association in collaboration with other student and regional organizations will host the second annual Justice Week at the University of California Davis starting May 12, 2008. The theme of this year's justice week is domestic inequalities taking place locally in the state of California. California's Health Care Crisis, the Politics of Poverty, Modern Day Slavery though Human Trafficking, the Cost of Hegemony and the D-Q University Crisis are the respective topics of each day of this week.

World renowned intellectuals and politicians will be addressing these topics including the 2008 Green Party Presidential Nominee Cynthia McKinney, Seth Sandronsky political journalist from the State Capitol, Marina Augusto from the California Attorney General's Office, Dr. Amer Araim, former Iraqi diplomat and United Nations Senior Political Affairs Officer, as well as indigenous students currently involved in the struggle to win back D-Q University's accreditation.

Members of the Muslim Student Association believe their faith stresses the obligation of the believer to the surrounding society, in particular its disadvantaged segment. To call oneself religious and just pray and worship, oblivious of the needs of the less fortunate, is to have only partially fulfilled one's responsibility. Therefore each year Justice Week is organized as a means to shed some light on local and global injustices, with the hopes of motivating change through education.

The co-sponsoring organizations are UC Davis's Students Organizing for Change, Davis College Green, Davis Roosevelt Instituite, Accion Zapatista Davis, Students For Justice in Palestine, Campus Center for the Environment, Davis People's Free School, The Center for Human Rights, Students for Peace and Justice, Moviemiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, the Attorney General's Crime and Prevention Center as well as The California Alliance To Combat Trafficking and Slavery Task Force.

Monday 5/12/08
California's Health Care Crisis
Seth Sandronsky (Sacramento Political Journalist)
7pm Wellman Building 234

Tuesday 5/13/2008
The Politics of Poverty
Cynthia McKinney (2008 Green Party Presidential Nominee and former member of the US House of Reprersentatives)
7pm Social Sciences 1100

Wednesday 5/14/2008
Modern Day Slavery Through Human Trafficking
Marina Augusto (Human Trafficking Program Manager, Office of the Attorney General Crime and Violence Prevention Center)
7pm Wellman Building 2

Thursday 5/15/2008 (the Anniversary of al-Nakba: Palestinian Catastrophe)
The Cost of Hegemony
Dr. Amer Araim, former Iraqi diplomat and United Nations Senior Political Affairs Officer
7pm Geidt 1001

Friday 5/16/ 2008
DQ University 101- Davis's Other University
A panel of D-Q students and indigenous Activists
7pm Wellman 234
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