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From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

indynewswire: april 25th 2008

by danielsan
This news show airs weekly on Freak Radio, Friday mornings 10-12 noon, broadcasting news and opinion from independent media worldwide, focused on indymedia sites but also drawing from other websites.
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INW 4.25

breaking news: sean bell - we'll go outside the states and read from
the BBC in order to get news about police forces in this country &
radio.indymedia is back up and live

hear audio from the:
SPP conference in New Orleans and the People's Summit
OAX radio murders Vladimir FSRN
Womens E news
Scientology v. anonymous
dahr jamail UK radio.indy MediaWorkersAgainstWar
WSQT Radio: DC imc nazi march
SF 8 update from kboo

indybay newswire / calendar

may day port shutdown

forest defense camp

tree sit

career fair

DQ charges dropped

jesse -- killed by cop in fresno
stop UC berkeley vivisection
VZ analysis
tacoma smash ICE myspace
infoshop: thomas friedman pied on earth day
who's the elitist? middle class as $250,000
nation: KBR's rape problem by karen houppert

but first, get this news from kboo and portland's IMC
§SPP Summit New Orleans 2008
by Phil
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April 21st, 2008, was the first day of the Security and Prosperity Partnership Summit, in which the presidents of Mexico and the United States, and the prime minister of Canada met to discuss security and trade, as well as the neoliberal and militaristic integration of North America. In protest, the local community organizers of New Orleans held the People's Summit, in which visiting activists met with local organizers to discuss the history of racism, oppression and capitalism in North America and how to resist those things now and into the future.
§SPP Summit New Orleans 2008 Day Before
by Phil
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§SPP Summit New Orleans 2008 Day One
by Phil
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