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Indybay Feature

Trash Orchestra Wants You!

by Santa Cruz Trash Orchestra (trash [at]
Join Trash Orchestra and make a big noise.

Santa Cruz Trash Orchestra is looking for a beginning to experienced drummers willing to learn and grow with us. Plus points for tenacity, self-motivation, passion, courage, righteous anger about the state of the world, and experience with non-hierarchical projects.

Trash Orchestra is a performance and marching percussion band, whose instruments are composed exclusively of recycled and reclaimed materials, focused on anarchist and anti-authoritarian struggles and mutual support for groups making radical social change.

Influences: Infernal Noise Brigade, Stomp, Tom Waits, Samba, James Brown, drumlines, Rage Against the Machine, Indonesian Gamelan, taiko, the military drum bands of our youth, and dozens of other awesome radical marching bands.

We have weekly 2 to 3 hour practices and regular performances. Practices are Sunday afternoons 3pm top of the River St Parking Garage. Come join us and play with us. This is the best way for us to try each other out.

If you are a drummer with a variety of rhythmic influences and interests and are full of rebellious insolence, come play. Please tell us what you find interesting about Trash Orchestra, your musical and political influences, and the instruments you play (or wish you could),

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by Rico
Yeah? Well we'll tell ya.

Past Performances

Student Walkout Against the War
North Park Blocks
1pm Fri March 20th
Burnside, Portland, OR
As part of a nationwide day of action to mark the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, students in the Portland metropolitan area will walk out of class on March 20. More than just symbolic, the walkout is also direct action, halting for at least one day the damage that these institutions do to our planet and our minds. The universities that students attend are very much part of the war machine, often doing weapons research and testing, administering weapons labs, and selling students into years of perilous military service. Most universities are preparing, preening, and educating students for entry into the middle-class world. This work -- something we consider the unquestioned and unavoidable dues of our citizenship -- and the consumerism that comes with it, is very much the problem, destroying what's good and beautiful on this planet and tearing apart the fabric of our relationships with each other and the Earth. We'll be there supporting the walkout, resistance to business as usual, youth liberation, and people taking greater control of their lives. Website.

Honk Fest West March 21st-23rd
Seattle, Washington
Across the country and around the world, a new type of street band is emerging. Acoustic and mobile, borrowing repertoire and inspiration from a diverse set of folk music traditions, these “honkers” all share a commitment to several core principles. Metaphorically speaking, they honk their horns for the same reasons motorists honk theirs: to arouse fellow travelers, to warn of danger, to celebrate milestones, and to just plain have fun. Though we don't "honk" in the traditional marching band sense, we'll be there. Website.

Workshop Sat March 22nd
1706 NW Market Street
Odd Fellows Hall, Ballard, Seattle
We help host a workshop that we originally suggested be titled, Enlisting Total Amateurs to Make Big Noise in a Vaguely Rhythmic and Sloppy Manner While Remaining Collectively and Non-Hierarchically Organized. Website.

Chevron Refinery Blockade 1pm Sat March 15th
Richmond, CA
Direct action against the Chevron refinery in Richmond to shut it down for the day, and to support community efforts to stop Chevron from expanding its refinery, which will increase pollution and cause asthma, cancer and rising death rates in surrounding communities. Chevron is driving the war and occupation in Iraq, refining over a million barrels of stolen Iraqi oil in Richmond a month, and actively lobbying for the privatization of Iraq¹s oil fields so companies like Chevron can seize control of them.

Mount Diablo Peace and Justice Center Anti-War March 11am Sat March 15th
Walnut Creek BART
March and rally in Walnut Creek on the 5th Anniversary of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq. We will part of the youth contingent to spice up the only anti-war march in the east bay. Website.

Defense of Market Drummers Wed Jan 23rd 4pm
Santa Cruz Farmer's Market
In past weeks police disrupted and dispersed public assemblies of drummers. But this time the Community, with the help of the Trash Orchestra and Food Not Bombs, repeated their victory of January 9th and renewed community outrage against keystone kop kapers cracking down on an accepted weekly tradition--the Farmer's Market Drum Circle! Indymedia.

Support for Market Drummers Wed Jan 9th 4pm
Santa Cruz Farmer's Market
Last week the ever-present drum circle was evicted from their spot under the tree in the parking lot by police using the new 15-minute law (persons cannot be in any city parking lot longer than 15 minutes). Join us to protest that eviction and reclaim that public space! Indymedia.


Last Night DIY Parade and Street Party Sunset, Dec 31st
Lot behind Saturn Cafe
"The parade is not merely a celebration, but a celebration of the power that we all have when we gather together to make something happen. Not just a street party, but a party to reclaim our streets." Trash Orchestra returns to the event that gave it life in 2005! Website.

Rally and March Against the LRDP Wednesday Nov 7th 11am
Baytree Plaza, UCSC
"The future growth of UC Santa Cruz has been decided without the meaningful participation or consent of the student body, and in disregard of Santa Cruz residents' concerns. On November 7th, we will vocalize and make visible our opposition to UCSC's Long Range Development Plan." Website.

Reclaim the Streets and Street Party
Friday Oct 12th 4pm
Crown College Firehouse, UCSC
"This is a march and street party to raise awareness of and resistance to the UCSC Long-Range Development Plan, including campus plans to log up to 150 acres of upper campus forest, a new entrance and road through the upper campus, and meadows and woods plowed under to make room for parking lots and athletic fields." It will be a long march through several of the colleges. Wear good shoes and comfy clothes. If you can't make this Bataan Death March, you can meet us at Porter Quad with your instrument where we will end up in an ear-shattering performance. Website.

Free Skool Community Picnic
Saturday, Sep 22nd, 1pm
Ocean View Park
Come play with us in the park. Students, teachers, organizers, community members, friends new and old. Bring food to share and stuff to play with. They'll be music by the Santa Cruz Trash Orchestra, workshops/skill-sharing, some disorganized frolicking and games. Meet Free Skool folks and get involved for next quarter. Website.

Aromas Day Parade! Sun Aug 26th, 2pm
Downtown Aromas
What more could you want? A small town parade, country-style breakfast, art, artists, pony rides, and farm animal petting zoo, and a parade that locals call the Beer and Trash Festival, featuring appropriately enough, the Santa Cruz Trash Orchestra. The Parade is at 2:00 and not to be missed!

Modesto Anarchist Cafe Friday Aug 31st, 8pm
10th & J Streets, Downtown Modesto
Can't stand the thought of another day in the office? Need to fight the police state, kick back, and liberate your desires free of bosses and bureaucrats? Meet up with other thought criminals for a night of fun, learning, food, and networking! Right after Critical Mass. Trash Orchestra playing in the streets of Modesto! Audio.

San Francisco Theater Festival Sun July 22nd, 2pm & 4:30pm
Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco
An interactive performance in the children's area at the San Francisco Theater Festival, the 4th annual one-day theater extravaganza. Also, we may offer a dynamic, high-energy performance as part of the festival's finale. Photos.

Support Alette!
UCSC March & Rally
May 2007
UCSC, Kerr Hall
This is a fucked up incident whatever way you look at it. When the UC regents came to UCSC late last year, the students protested in an attempt to hold them accountable for nuclear weapons contracts, labor dealings, and tuition hikes. The university brought cops from UC Berkeley who overreacted to the student protest and turned violent. In a very typical cop move, they charged the protesters who were attacked with assault. They are still threatening to suspend and bring charges against the only black woman who was charged. Join Angela Davis in this march/rally to voice our outrage at the unfair treatment of Alette, and how it represents a traditional hostility towards communities of color on campus and growing repression of student & worker rights. Photos.

Free Skool Community Picnic
Saturday, May 4th
Noon to 4pm
Ocean View Park
Come play with us in the park. Students, teachers, organizers, community members, friends new and old. Bring food to share and stuff to play with. They'll be music by the Santa Cruz Trash Orchestra, workshops/skill-sharing, some disorganized frolicking and games. Meet Free Skool folks and get involved for next quarter. Website. Audio.

Guerilla Drive-In
5 Year Anniversary
Friday, April 20, 8pm
Check for location
This spring Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In celebrates its five-year anniversary with a showing of Dr. Strangelove in GDI's original Harvey West location on Friday April 20th at 8pm. The five-year anniversary showing will feature subversive short films, food, entertainment, and music. Trash Orchestra will be there. Website.

Free Skool Resisting the Police
State/Know Your Rights Class
Sunday April 8th
O'Neil Plaza/Cooper & Pacific
After the workshop Trash Orchestra took over Santa Cruz' de facto town plaza... only to be shutdown a little while later by the cops after a complaint from a woman who lives in the Palomar Hotel who regularly complains about the noise. Why she chooses to live downtown, we don't know. We moved to the little plaza at Front and Pacific near Lulu Carpenter's. Want to know more about your rights? Check out the Free Skool Know Your Rights & Resist the Police State info.

UCSC Anti-War Demonstration

Monday Feb 5th
UCSC Baytree Plaza
By invitation of Students Against War -- the demo postponed, but Trash Orchestra is not put off so easily. We show up anyway. The University of California Administration -- managers of the Livermore Weapons Labs, deep investors in the Military-Industrial economy -- needs a good bit of shaking up.

Free Skool Community Picnic
Saturday Jan 20th
Ocean View Park
Come play with us in the park. Students, teachers, organizers, community members, friends new and old. Bring food to share and stuff to play with. They'll be music by the Santa Cruz Trash Orchestra, workshops/skill-sharing, some disorganized frolicking and games. Meet Free Skool folks and get involved for next quarter. Website.

Santa Cruz Farmer's Market
Wednesday Jan 17th 5pm-6pm
Cedar and Lincoln
Playing guerilla-style at the Farmer's Market (since we didn't get the okay from the market manager). Either in the farmer's market proper, or across the street at the church. In any case, we are not the hippie drum jam, so don't get confused.


2006 Last Night DIY Parade
New Year's Eve, Dec 31st, 2006
Pacific Ave
, Downtown
Again, Trash Orchestra returns to it's roots as part of the Last Night DIY parade, this time culminating with a huge street party at Santa Cruz' de facto town square. Last Night DIY Website.

Last Rights Parade
New Year's Eve, July 5th
Cedar Street, Santa Cruz
Join us for a sorrowful funeral parade for our first amendment rights and right to privacy. A protest against the city's failure to resolve the Police Spying Scandal. A demand that city managers put truly adequate and power-full restrictions on police power to spy on us. A funeral, a parade, and civil disobedience.

South Central Farm Solidarity Action
July 9th, 2006
Front St / Pacific Ave
On July 9th, people paraded through downtown Santa Cruz as part of the international days of solidarity with the South Central Farm in Los Angeles. Marchers carried colorful anti-development signs and banners, handed out leaflets, taped posters up everywhere, and played improvised drums. Photos. Audio.


2005 Last Night DIY Parade
New Year's Eve, Dec 31st, 2005
Pacific Ave, Downtown
Trash Orchestra first began as a part of the Last Night Parade in Santa Cruz on New Year's Eve 2005, genially thrown together in a non-organized, non-structured manner. Though the collective has grown since its humble beginnings, the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-thrift-store-pants mentality has remained. Photos.

by devil
maybe Trash Orchestra can add a horn player, and then you could REALLY toot your own horn!
by DIY drummer
Trash practice moved for the summer from the scalding hot River Street Garage across the river to the cool and refreshing San Lorenzo park near the courthouse.

We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$40.00 donated
in the past month

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