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9/11 Film Makers Radio Show with Samira Goetschel and Paul Krik, Monday April 14, 8-10 pm

by Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet [at]
Weekly radio show, Questioning War- Organizing Resistance, features documentary film maker Samira Goetshel, director of "Our Own Private Bin Laden" and Paul Krik, writer, director, producer of a film noir, "Able Danger," a work of art based on the events of September 11th. Both films combine the personal with the political and startling revelations that have not been acknowledged or noticed by the corporate media.
Listen 8:00 pm (PST) to 10:00 pm (PST), Monday, April 14, 2008 to Questioning War- Organizing Resistance on the and to our guests- in the first hour Samira Goetschel and in the second hour Paul Krik.

Samira Goetschel is the director of Our Own Private Bin Laden,her first full length documentary, made over a three-year time span. It explores Osama bin Laden's rise to notoriety without using a single image of its subject. It won the award for Best Foreign Documentary & Best Film of the Festival (non-European category) at the 2006, The European Independent Film Festival Paris, France and The Audience Award at the 2006, International Documentary Festival Seoul, South Korea.

Samira Goetschel was born in Iran and fled the country with her family after her father was executed by the government of Ayatollah Khomeini. She spent her formative years in the United States. An alumnus of New York University film school, Goetschel's graduating film Clown De La Vie was the Best Short Film winner at the 1992 New York State Film Festival. She earned a Masters of Arts degree at Columbia University, and followed her passion for filmmaking with the short film ¿ about the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.

Samira interviews an extraordinary array of people in her film including:

Milton Bearden
Former CIA Chief of the Soviet/East European Division, the CIA Station Chief in Pakistan during the Reagan Administration

Benazir Bhutto
Former Prime Minster of Pakistan

Jack Blum
Former Special Counsel to the United States Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations

Zbigniew Brzezinski
President Carter's National Security Advisor

Noam Chomsky
American linguist & political activist

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould
American journalists and authors of "The Voice" and "Afghanistan, the End of Illusion"

Paul Krik wrote, produced, directed and edited ABLE DANGER, his first feature film. In describing his film, he wrote:

Able Danger is a very real but little known private intelligence program that destroyed 2.5 terrabytes of data detailing the financial support network of Al Qaeda six months before 9/11."

Paul Krik spent a year on his bicycle touring the United States coast to coast from San Francisco to New Orleans in the year between earning his BA in Philosophy at Oberlin College and his MA at the University of Illlinois. He moved to Hamburg, wrote screenplays and worked in television, and then back to the US, to Los Angeles to make movies. In LA he quickly gave up marketing himself as writer and learned filmmaking at the School of Hard Knocks -- TV Commercial Production. He produced national TV commercials for a few years while building his 'Commercial Director's Reel'. He changed the title of the spec reel from 'Director' to 'Editor' and immediately took a job at TBWA Chiat/Day in San Francisco running their editorial department. He's been cutting national TV spots for more than 10 years now. Currently he lives with his German wife and ABLE DANGER co-producer, Katharina Lang, in New York -- where ABLE DANGER was shot. He is on staff at Jump Editorial ( in NOHO, New York City, where he edited the film as well.

Paul Krik's film is a riveting, fast paced, dramatic, action packed, beautifully produced artistic masterpiece. It weaves fact with fiction, reality and the surreal, the truth with half truths. There are obvious lies, white lies, black lies, innocent lies, deliberate lies lacing the dialogue, obscuring the truth, blurring the truth, protecting people, endangering people, tricking people, a labyrinth of manipulation, as if each person were a pawn in a great game, not knowing who is calling the moves, or how many players are competing. Throw in the sex, seduction, passions, intelligence operatives, cops, investigators, victims, bribery, money, and a plot moving so fast that the main character probably can’t figure out his own emotions between the competing fear, grief, terror, pain, pleasure, relief, uncertainty of an ever changing landscape of challenges.

When I finished watching it, my immediate reaction was the urge to see it again- to catch the details I had missed and to ponder and grok it more completely. It works and hopefully will reach a wider audience than the "documentary in church basement crowds." (Link to my review of the film).

Questioning War- Organizing Resistance is a weekly radio show hosted by Carol Brouillet, a longtime activist who organized three conferences on Strategies to Transform the Global Economy and (the first) marches on her Senators and Congresswoman in January 2002 to Demand a Congressional Investigation of 9-11. She publishes the Deception Dollars, and Co-Founded the 9-11 Truth Alliance, and the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance . She organized premieres of films, educational events, marches, rallies for 9-11 Truth, the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11, and produced the film Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush. She is also a mother of three boys and held a weekly Listening Project in downtown Palo Alto from October 2001 to October 2007, now she holds it once a month on the 11th, in solidarity with other 9/11 Truth activists worldwide. She ran for Congress in 2006 on the Green Party ticket on a 9-11 Truth, Peace, Impeachment platform and will be on the ballot again in 2008.

Past shows are archived at 2008 Shows, and 2007 Shows.

§Samira Goetschel
by Carol Brouillet
§Able Danger - The Movie
by Carol Brouillet
§Paul Krik
by Carol Brouillet
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