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Indybay Feature

The Clinton Coalition Crumbles

by Paul Hogarth via Beyond Chron
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 : Barack Obama’s 17-point victory last night in Wisconsin was not just his ninth consecutive (and overwhelming) win since Super Tuesday. The big news was how far he cut into Hillary Clinton’s base – beating her among working-class voters, winning middle-age voters decisively, and almost tying her among white women.
Clinton still holds an edge among seniors, but there’s evidence that she’s losing support from Latinos – which could prove fatal in the Texas primary on March 4th. Clinton’s decision to go negative backfired, raising serious questions about how she could stage a comeback at this point. And like last week before the Potomac Primary, the Democratic race had a last-minute “scandal” that was supposed to give Clinton a surge – only to not materialize. That’s because voters have already made up their minds.

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