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Indybay Feature

Photos of Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Marchers in San Francisco

by Robert B. Livingston (gruaudemais [at]
Here are some photos of the Martin Luther King Day Freedom Marchers as they head from Townsend to Market Street a few minutes ago here in San Francisco.

I took the photos from my window.
San Francisco
January 21, 2001
12:15 PM
Martin Luther King Day

Waking up this morning with the whole day ahead of me and no plans, the first thing I thought of was: what can I do in rememberance of Martin Luther King, Jr. whose life is observed today as a holiday?

A few minutes ago, I no longer had to wonder because outside my window I heard Freedom Marchers going by. Of course I grabbed my camera.

So here is my little contribution. (Thanks to those who who actually braved the showers to march today.)
by Robert B. Livingston
by Robert B. Livingston
by Robert B. Livingston
by Robert B. Livingston
§Front of march - short video clip
by Robert B. Livingston
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
15 seconds - (poor quality)
§Rear of march - short video clip
by Robert B. Livingston
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
15 seconds - (poor quality)
§Flyer of Day's events - pdf file
by Robert B. Livingston
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