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Indybay Feature

Deal Struck at 55 Laguna; Campaign to Save Rent Control Heats Up

by Paul Hogarth via Beyond Chron
Friday, January 18, 2008 : The end of rent control – which will happen if a June state proposition passes – could not come at a worse time. San Francisco rents exploded in 2007, and are now expected to rise even further. While developers are almost exclusively building condos, the City will only add 800 rental units in 2008 – at a time when we’re expected to see 10,000 new jobs (mostly in the tech industry.) That’s why a deal brokered by Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi to develop the UC Extension site at 55 Laguna Street – with higher levels of affordability, and an emphasis on LGBT seniors – is such a critical, albeit modest, step.
The end of rent control – which will happen if a June state proposition passes – could not come at a worse time. San Francisco rents exploded in 2007, and are now expected to rise even further. While developers are almost exclusively building condos, the City will only add 800 rental units in 2008 – at a time when we’re expected to see 10,000 new jobs (mostly in the tech industry.) That’s why a deal brokered by Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi to develop the UC Extension site at 55 Laguna Street – with higher levels of affordability, and an emphasis on LGBT seniors – is such a critical, albeit modest, step. Meanwhile, San Franciscans must get involved in the Campaign to Save Rent Control by attending a Convention tomorrow. Our very survival is at stake.

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