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Indybay Feature

Witness Against Torture - Part 2

by Bill Carpenter (wcarpent [at]
A Campaign to Shut Down Guantánamo.
San Francisco - Part 2: Along 7th St. to Market
One-minute QT movie. 20MB.
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§Torture and the Twilight of Empire
by Bill Carpenter
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Marnia Lazreg argues in her new book,
Torture and the Twilight of Empire: From Algiers to Baghdad,

that an empire-in-decline and an increased use of torture go together.

Law & Disorder conducted a fascinating interview with her on December 17, 2007.

(Incidentally, Law & Disorder, broadcast on WBAI, the Pacifica station in NYC, is one of the best weekly discussion programs on the air now. I wonder why KPFA doesn't pick it up? Could KALW carry a Pacifica program that wasnt being aired by KPFA?

Until such time go here to listen to archived shows:
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