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Indybay Feature

SALF (Stuffed Animal Liberation Front) Targets Midwest and West Coast Glass Cages

by fosa
For Immediate Post-Holiday Release
Friday, January 3, 2008
SALF (Stuffed Animal Liberation Front) Targets Midwest and West Coast Glass Cages
"The liberation of a whole new class of creatures has begun en masse," activist exclaims.

All across America today, as both children and adults look on and gawk, there are thousands of exploited stuffed animals trapped motionless in glass cages, in modern torture devices variously known as "Stuffed Animal Tanks" or "Claw Machines." These stuffed animals are forced to endure cramped conditions, piled one on top of another, several deep, sometimes upside down, barely able to breathe with the weight of dozens of other animals pressing down on them. They are unable to simply stretch their legs, wings, tails, or big fluffy ears. These glass machines run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with bright lights and ringing “fun” sounds bombarding these sleep-deprived stuffed animals at all hours of the night.

The stuffed animals are placed into these cages for the supposed amusement of the young at heart who, for the price of two quarters, gamble with joysticks or buttons to attempt to release a single stuffed animal via a mechanized steel claw. Such releases are historically far and few between. More often than not, children futilely place their their entire week’s allowances into these glass-cage machines and not a single animal is freed. As such, it becomes apparent that it is the profit motive of the glass-cage merchants that is driving this childrens’ "toy" phenomenon, not a public demand to waste money with no benefit whatsover for either the gambler or these unfortunate stuffed animals.

Take note stuffed animal exploiters: Those days are over! We here with the SALF have mastered your crane technology, can maneuver the controls with an entirely new level of efficiency, and have begun freeing stuffed animals at a rate far beyond anything you ever thought imaginable. Sometimes we are able to free two at a time. We have liberated literally dozens of these stuffed animals in several states in the last few days alone. We are finding compassionate homes for these all-too neglected creatures, bringing joy to both the stuffed animals and stuffed animal lovers. Stuffed animal profiteers, your days are numbered. Be warned: Free these poor stuffed animals today or expect to see them disappearing at ever faster rates in the very near future! We will not be deterred!

- SALF Communique 03 -

For more information visit,

Contact: Press Officer Jeffrey Claussen, DVM
Stuffed Animal Liberation Press Office
6520 Canoodle Avenue #1330
Woodhill Landing, CA 93567

(515) 227-3022
press [at]

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by Jasmine
I hope this is a joke...
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